
Central Scam Artists Downgraded

Central Scam Artists Downgraded - Greenspan - Bernanke - Federal Reserve


It seems Alan Greenspan, the Ex-Chairman of the US Federal Reserve and mentor of his protege in crime, current Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, should get their fables straight before they appear on television.  

Check out how brazenly dangerous Alan Greenspan conducted himself this past Sunday morning on NBC's Meet The Press:

The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money...Alan Greenspan

Wait a second, perhaps Alan should check with Ben on their story because according to Ben's interview late last year on CBS' 60 Minutes, the US is not printing money and the monetary base is not expanding all that much:

One myth that is out there is that what we are doing is printing money. We are not printing money... The money supply is not changing in any significant way.
- Ben Bernanke
December 5, 2010

t looks like Alan and Ben need to get on the same page when it comes to money printing and what is officially happening to the monetary base of the US dollar:

Finally there is the instant classic of Ben Bernanke's recent denial of historical facts, common sense, and basic economic laws.

Check out Ben's ridiculous retort when asked by Ron Paul on July 13, 2011 as to whether or not gold is money:

Central bankers and the lies they tell are the antithesis of gold.

When they blurt moronic statements in large public forums like the aforementioned examples, gold, the true money of mankind tends to explode to the upside.

The central scam artists can say whatever they want. The fact is that the dollar, euro, yen, franc, pound, peso etc. are and will continue to bow to true free market monies, gold and silver.

For this reason we continue to convert our paper debt based cash and fiat currencies into physical gold and silver bullion long-term. With central bankers like these, it is making the inevitable wealth exchange happen at breath taking speed with a real possibility of the move going parabolic - are you ready?

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