

【明報專訊】美國聯儲局副主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)昨出席研討會後表示,美國未來可能需要推出第三輪量化寬鬆的貨幣措施,她指目前美國經濟復蘇的步代,是緩慢得令人失望,歐債危機對美國金融機構將帶來額外壓力,兼且料美國未來數月的職位增長仍然「呆滯」,經濟前景令人憂慮。




日元對美元急升,升至二戰之後新高/ 痛苦指數創新高



係入返幾支375ML Ripassa..


Ron Paul: "Blame The Fed For The Financial Crisis"

To know what is wrong with the Federal Reserve, one must first understand the nature of money. Money is like any other good in our economy that emerges from the market to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Its particular usefulness is that it helps facilitate indirect exchange, making it easier for us to buy and sell goods because there is a common way of measuring their value. Money is not a government phenomenon, and it need not and should not be managed by government. When central banks like the Fed manage money they are engaging in price fixing, which leads not to prosperity but to disaster.

- Read the full article here:

Jim Rogers_Teach Your Children Mandarin

Teach Your Children Mandarin

I am preparing my children for the 21st century, the most important gift that I ca give them, or skill that I can give them is to speak fluent mandarin.

Sovereign Silver Buying, Middle-East Shortages



On the heels of KWN reporting the Chinese buying massive amounts of gold yesterday, King World News has now interviewed the “London Trader” to get his take on the situation in silver. The source stated, “The price of silver has no reality to the paper market at all, absolutely zero reality there anymore. There is extraordinarily tight supply right now in Asia. When you order silver there is so little available at these prices, that’s the trouble. You can order it all day long, but you are going to have to wait for it.”

The London Trader continues:

“Chances are you are not going to get quantity at this price. If people have physical silver they are not selling it at these levels. Supply/demand is tight and you know there is a big wait involved in getting your silver. If I put in an order for tonnage, I have to find a wholesaler that actually can source it at this price and then there is the significant wait time.

On a side note, there is a man in the United States stating publicly that there is no shortage in silver and to go to his silver group where he can get buyers all the silver they need. That is patently false. This same individual said silver was overvalued at $14. I deal in the physical market every day and I can tell you what he is saying is false.

Much of this misinformation is out there because they do not want to have panicked buying from end users because it would send the price of silver skyrocketing. The end users only use a fraction of silver in their products so it is not an issue of cost, but rather if there is a delay in delivery....

“As soon as we see a delay in shipments to end users they will race each other to stock up. This will send the price of silver through the roof and break the backs of the silver shorts. It has already been made public that a firm in Canada had to wait three months for a 15 million ounce order. It was also made public that much of the silver they received was refined after the initial order was placed. So that is the actual fact, that is how tight the silver market is today and has been for some time.

All of the sudden the game has changed because you have actual investment demand increasing exponentially vs industrial demand, competing against industrial demand to buy. All of these sovereign entities buying silver know it's manipulated. There are shortages in the Middle-East in silver, generally it's an incredibly tight market on the physical side. In Shanghai we are seeing $1.50 premiums on silver and that's every single day consistently.

The tightness in the market is the reason why when the Chinese buy massive tonnage of silver they have a long wait to receive physical delivery. The end users are in line in front of them. So now the silver market is on a razor’s edge because they are trying to make sure the industrial users get their silver, otherwise all hell breaks loose.”
