
 Investors jump back into silver & gold coins: WSJ

Retail buyers are acquiring gold and silver coins in what could be an early sign of a rally in precious-metal prices, the Wall Street Journal reports.

"After a steep decline in the value of gold and silver in the final month of last year, coin investors and collectors have been among the first to jump back into the markets and take advantage of what they see as bargain prices compared with the peaks of 2011", its report said.

In comments made for the article, Perth Mint sales and marketing director Ron Currie underscored the view that retail buyers were becoming more active, stating that the Mint's gold coin sales during December and January are up around 80% compared with the same months a year earlier, while silver-coin sales have doubled.

"Numismatics used to be the realm of the retired, but that just isn't the case anymore," Ron told the publication. "Just about anyone and everyone walks into the shop these days, from the guy who has just become a grandparent and wants to buy a present for his grandchild, to full-time investors looking for something that has legal tender status."
