
Silver – A Rigged Market Coming To An End

The Western central bankers have been leasing, hypothecating and re-hypothecating gold with impunity.  Then, in the 1990s, China wanted its gold back from the United States. “Sorry, Chinks!” was the arrogant response from the US.  It was gone, “leased” out to keep a controlled lid on the world’s price of gold.  Central bankers were running a scam, one of the largest Ponzi schemes, ever.
Huge mistake.
It is now payback time for the Chinese.  Now aligned with Russia, Brazil, India, and South Africa, the BRICS nations have formed a trading alliance outside of the US petro-dollar.  The world’s reserve currency has not only been challenged, it has fast become irrelevant, except in West and EU, and even in the EU, that is changing.
The golden genie was let out of the bottle over a decade ago, and all the central bankers cannot put it back.  Every attempt has been made to keep a lid on the price of silver and gold by central bankers desperate to hang onto their waning power.
The elites have kept pressure on PMs to keep their last gasp efforts of control alive.  The current price of silver has nothing to do with supply and demand, nothing.  It is all about central banks being used by the elites to prevent silver and gold from exposing the fraud.
Once the lid is taken off the precious metals markets, they will leave Bitcoin in the dust.
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