

糟老頭 寫:
tankinbj 寫:
中华元国际金融智库首席战略顾问,第一财经日报主笔 - 張庭賓先生,原來是一位純金甲蟲。最近有篇文章的論點頗為新穎,師兄們對此有何高見呢?
"白银暴涨的市场主力推手很可能是摩根大通、汇丰银行等国际储金银行 。它们的重要任务是借用英美等央行的黄金来打压金价,以维护美元的统治。然而,英美央行可以用来打压金价的黄金已弹尽粮绝,中、俄、印等央行纷纷增持黄金。传统战术已经失效。
此情此景下,一种新战术完全可能被推出来——推高白银,分流本来可以追捧黄金的资金 。当然,这本身也可以获得暴利。对于这种猜测,2010年10月底,华尔街日报等媒体报道称,曼哈顿联邦法院接到了至少两起针对摩根大通和汇丰控股的诉讼,两家银行被控合谋操纵白银期货价格。或许从中可窥一斑。

This idea has been mentioned by western silver conspiracy theorists in the past.

There are holes in this theory , however:

1. Total above ground silver amounts to ~ 50 Billion $ at current market price, whereas total investment Gold values at ~ 6 Trillion $. Thus the current value of total silver is less than 1 % of gold. Its possible effect on gold is minimal.

2. It has been known that 4 or fewer traders held 90% of all short silver futures, equivalent to ~ hundreds of millions oz. according to COT reports in recent years. Who are these guys ?
