
Gold Backwardation has arrived

Well, the time has come.

From ZH: "The near term August ’11 contract was trading at $1871.40/oz while June ’12 contract is trading at $1,870/oz (1216 GMT). The spread between spot and longer term contracts has fallen suggesting that gold may soon join silver in backwardation. The possibility of backwardation in gold suggests that major investors are concerned about the supply of physical gold. Buyers are concerned about securing supply in the future and are willing to pay a premium for spot or immediate delivery."

And there you have it. Nothing else to say. Must be a bubble.

8 則留言:

gogoldjoe 說...


honson 說...

Joe thx support !

Larry Milano's Den 說...


honson 說...

馬蘭奴 兄...

匿名 說...

我也是喜歡E度多D,無咁多雜聲. Support honson.


匿名 說...

我都有同感. 我比較喜歡LISA 姐同呢個BLOG. :-)


honson 說...

回 小C9 , nlpsonia
能夠在這空間跟各位討論...都叫做一種緣... :)

Bill Hong 說...

Honson bro,

support you all the way. joe's blog is good.. just sick of the rubbish from "number ching"... what is the point of arguing now when the metals are already flying to the moon.

keep up the good work. continue to wake up others.