
Freedom Girl and Slave Queen Silver Round

今次這些銀章,想入好耐, 今次得


 IVAN 幫手,終於入到貨,





 這章是喜愛它的設計,Slave Queen 頭上皇冠有一 三角形內有眼睛.NWO的印記,




第一個符號是象徵鴉片戰爭。中國出產的茶葉、絲綢等奢侈品在歐洲很受歡迎,英國人希望中國可以開放貿易。但英國出口的羊毛、呢絨等工業製品在中國沒 有市場,兩國貿易為英國帶來龐大嘅貿易逆差(入超)。而英國響18世紀開始實行金本位貨幣政策,而清廷用銀作為貨幣,由於同中國的所有貿易要用銀兩折算, 令英國要在歐洲大陸買入白銀作貿易用途,金銀一買一賣,令英國人入超。結果,英國西印度公司非法進口鴉片來解決巨大的銀貿易赤字。

第二個符號是羅斯柴爾德家族 (Rothschild)。羅斯柴爾德家族是歐洲乃至世界久負盛名的金融家族。它發跡於19世紀初,其創始人是梅耶·羅斯柴爾德(Mayer Amschel Rothschild)。他和他的5個兒子即“羅氏五虎”先後在法蘭克福、倫敦、巴黎、維也納、那不勒斯等歐洲著名城市開設銀行,建立了當時世界上最大的 金融王國。鼎盛時期,他們翻雲覆雨的力量使歐洲的王公貴族也甘拜下風。


幾個符號組成了銀章設計師想帶出的一個訊息: Keep Calm and Slave On.


Freedom Girl 

is the fourth release of the Silver Bullet Silver Shield series (and the second positive medallion).

This coin is created on the basis of the Peace Dollar, which is regarded as one of the most beautiful coins in the world. The Peace Dollar was struck by the US mint after World War One, commemorating the "War to End All Wars" - 34 year old sculptor Anthony de Francisci used his wife Mary Teresa as a model for the coin.

Men have been know to fight to the death for women, treasure and freedom, and Freedom Girl is a stunning combination of all three. Every aspect of the design brings out a gorgeous update of the classic Peace Dollar. The original Peace Dollar had her hair tied in a bun with an uncomfortable tiara perched on her head, while Freedom Girl's hair is wild and free. Freedom Girl's parted lips and ecstatic gaze looking forward to the future are so seductive, as Freedom should be. Even her shoulder arching forward brings out more emotion from this modern beauty. She is finished off with modern cues of a hoop earring and a tattoo of the Trivium.

The reverse shows Classic Silver Bullet Silver Shield Crest with the sayings "A Conscious Solution To Collectivist Problems" and "Listen To All. Follow None". The Silver Shield is flanked by 47 Silver Bullets representing the atomic number of silver.

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3 則留言:

Lisa 說...

等得閒出去取貨 :)
freedom girl 好 hit ! 鑄幣廠出唔漆 XD !

honson 說...


猛虎勇士 說...
