

英國《金融時報》 席佳琳 北京報道
這個新計價單位實際上暗指中國最知名的地產大亨之一——SOHO中國(Soho China)董事長潘石屹。這種營銷手法利用了民眾對高房價的不滿。
本月早些時候,在蘋果(Apple)董事長史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)去世後,潘石屹在一條微博中調侃說,蘋果應該開始大量生產售價在1000元人民幣(合157美元)的iPhone,讓更多人用上蘋果,這是對喬布斯最好的紀念。

瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)香港分析師杜勁松表示:“目前就全國而言,一套房子的平均價格是家庭平均年收入的7倍,但在北京和上海,這個比率超過了17倍。相比之下,美國的這個比率是3倍左右。”


2011-10-21 08:38:56   来源:新浪财经


Silver Bear Market Ends

Silver Bear Market Ends

Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Thursday, October 20th, 2011
Silver has outperformed all other precious metals this year, all while experiencing some wild volatility throughout: between losses of 2.8 percent and gains greater than 104 percent.
And, apparently, it's still got a lot of climbing to do...
Based on predictions regarding the future of developing economies and the seemingly never-ending European debt crisis, silver has a strong potential to rebound from a bear market. 
By the final quarter of 2012, silver will likely average around a record-breaking $42 per ounce – at least according Bloomberg's median value produced from a group of 11 surveyed analysts. 
When this happens, silver producers Fresnill Plc (FRES) and Pan American Silver Corp. (PAA) will achieve record-high profits.
This year alone, Pan American Silver will see $347.8 million in profits– more than double the $112.6 million the received in profit last year. Imagine what that exponential rate of profit-increase will look like when silver soars to record-highs...
From Bloomberg:
China, the biggest emerging-market user, is expanding at more than five times the speed of the U.S., driving consumption of the precious metal most used in industry. Demand is also coming from investors looking for an alternative to cash and gold, which costs about 50 times more than silver. The 30-week correlation coefficient between the two metals is now at 0.82, from as low as 0.47 in 2005, data compiled by Bloomberg show, with a figure of 1 meaning the two move in lockstep.
Prices now look relatively cheap to where they have been recently,” said David Wilson, an analyst at Societe Generale SA in London and the most accurate silver forecaster tracked by Bloomberg in the two years through June. “The backdrop is still very supportive for gold and we think that silver will leverage off the back of that. Emerging markets are going to be important for demand for sure.”
Silver demand is here to stay.
Simple: it's extremely multi-functional and used for a variety of purposes; coveted for its aesthetic beauty as well as its practical endeavors. These two qualities alone make it a top-seller in jewelry stores as well as an important commodity in construction and energy sectors. As the use of solar panels is transforming and dominating the energy market – with silver as a primary component in panels and film – silver demand has no where to go but up.
On account of these combined factors, overall silver gains this year are hovering right around 34 percent. Gold isn't trailing far behind with gains right settling right at 24 percent. Platinum and palladium (amongst other metals) are the same fast-track to highest-ever annual averages.
Without any lasting solutions for the debt crisis, silver will continue to be of interest, especially to “newly industrialized countries.”


EJ Insight.com


在國際市場以至中國內地,黃金租賃都不是新鮮事物,內地幾乎所有銀行,都有從事相關融資業務,可見競爭激烈。一年期倫敦銀行同業拆放利率(Libor),過去半年抽高超過100點子,至0.9厘以上,據倫敦黃金協會在官方網站公布的黃金出借利率(Gold Forward Offered Rates),一年期利息亦不超過0.5厘,可見黃金租賃未必可能為紫金帶來有意義的「短期資金需求」,反而更似是一個追求短線投機回報的舉動。 

內地銀行的黃金租賃業務,主要目標為一般用金公司,例如黃金產品加工企業。黃金格價近數月大幅波動,一個重要因素正是黃金租賃活動,令一種本應放在銀行保險箱的貴金屬,有條件變成套息交易(Carry Trade)的工具之一。

黃金租賃 不務正業



