
Russia & China Loot Western Gold While JP Morgan Sells Silver

 Jim Sinclair講出,要打黃金市場,先要打白銀,原因白銀市場佔有層面廣,有心人要銀價下跌的負面情緒帶到黃金身上

Today Jim Sinclair told King World News that Russia and China are looting Western gold while JP Morgan sells silver.  He also said that all of this chaos is taking place as central planners conceal serious financial problems from the general public.  Below is what Sinclair, who was once called on by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker to assist during a Wall Street crisis, had to say.
Sinclair: “If you watch the market throughout the night and into the morning, as we have to, there is only one conclusion you can come to, and that conclusion is that this takedown has been totally orchestrated.  It has been executed using tremendous strategy, and it was perfectly timed.

This has involved entities acting in unison for the purpose of affecting price and psychology, while at the same not necessarily selling volume.  This has been a pure operation...

“As an example, gold was at $1,603 on Monday night and very near $1,600 in early US trading on Tuesday.  Gold was then taken down nearly $25 in the normal manner that we have seen in previous operations.

There was nothing happening in any related market which would justify such a move.  This type of operation was very reminiscent of the ‘Hail Mary’ play such as the one just seen in Cyprus.  But the truly disturbing thing we are witnessing at this time is the sheer amount of effort being put into making everything appear just fine. 

A contrarian would have to come to the conclusion that there are some very frightening and serious problems being hidden from the general public.  Regardless, what we have seen in the recent takedown in gold is without any doubt a coordinated operation, and all of this in an effort to make the US dollar look better.”

Eric King:  “Jim, with regards to gold sentiment we now have 45% less bulls than what was seen at the peak in 2011.  Silver has a staggering 53% less bulls than its peak in 2011.  When you see this type of active government intervention in these key markets, with that sentiment as the backdrop, what do you make of it?”

Sinclair:  “From an investment standpoint, fortunes have been made when items have been purchased that are out of public favor.  Meaning items which had the same type of bull/bear comparisons.

But I think what we have to consider here is there are major sovereigns in the gold market.  You have both Russia and China with a very significant interest in terms of accumulating physical gold, or what true wealth still remains in Western central bank vaults.  At the same time you have the West which has a significant interest in depreciating the price of gold.  So you literally have a war going on in the gold market.

The real turn in the gold market, which I think is not far away, will occur when either Russia, China, or both, feel that the West is depreciating gold to a point where they would simply take everything in the market that was for sale.  I no longer believe the gold market is a group of wealthy players, but, instead, it is now very much a political game, and the various players have as much money as they want to create for this game.

So it’s going to be very interesting to see if the Russians, having seen what has taken place in Cyprus, will take abuse in the gold market and back away quietly.  I think it’s going to be determined this week whether China and Russia are in accord with the depreciation of the price of gold, which has clearly been an operation from $1,900 down.  This has been a strategized operation, and something that if we were to engage in with a common stock, we would be arrested.”

Eric King:  “Jim, I wanted to ask you about silver and what is happening in that market?”

Sinclair:  “You can clearly see that from the day the JP Morgan suit on silver manipulation was basically thrown out for the second time, the silver market has seen an explosion of selling and it has been trading very heavy. 

So the volume of selling has risen constantly since that plaintiffs against JP Morgan attempted to have the suit reinstated, but it was thrown out for a second time.  People have to remember it is easier to push the gold market around if you can make silver look weak.  But I still believe we have seen the lows already in the silver market.

People that watch the gold and silver markets have to understand that silver is more widely owned than gold.  So you can create a significant amount of negative public sentiment more so in the silver market by making it look weak, rather than in the gold market.

The gold market is like a joust.  It’s like the knights of old, fighting.  Yesterday, three banks downgraded gold.  This went along with the push to the downside.  So, again, the takedown was totally coordinated.  Yes, these operations are completely illegal and totally unethical, but that doesn’t matter in what has now become our brave new world.”






CMC Markets高級市場分析師Colin Cieszynski認為,本週白銀的下跌反映是“技術破位”,以及“新一輪下跌的開始”。

















昨晚白銀期貨市場出現..自09年以來 ..天量的合約成交,

今天銀價 約US$27

當時比較利昌500g 每條為$3683 x 2 =$7366

Apmex 售賣的90%  Junk Silver Bag ,是spot價加3美元,

 $21557 / 715oz = US$30

市場價和實物價出現分離 現像

SD 剛好有這文章 提到 :

I have since been working on updating the BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS using spreadsheets and getting some help from an ex-CFO of a gold mining company plus another person who studies financial reports.

Let me tell you… BREAK EVEN is now above $27-8 for the GROUP of Primary Silver miners if we include ALL COSTS.

By the way… do you all remember this chart??


王冠一 外匯儲備 豈能不多

紐約聯儲銀行近日發表一份題為”Do Industrialized Countries Hold the Right Foreign Exchange Reserves?”


報 告的研究對象包括美國、歐元區、英國、加拿大、日本、瑞士六大工業經濟體,總結出自從《布列頓森林協定》之後,不少國家開始主動擴張外匯儲備規模,以保障 本身貨幣在國際金融市場上的地位。這種觀念漸漸成為國際大潮流,甚至有國家央行認為,持有愈多外匯儲備,就愈覺得有能力捍衛貨幣匯率,不再擔憂本國貨幣被 有心人狙擊。

研究報告指出:「雖然國際金融與貨幣交易的規模不斷擴大,但工業國的儲備並非一定要同步擴 大」,只單純認為外匯儲備如果太多,持有外匯儲備的「成本」就會大過「效益」,因而提出另類建議;似乎不太明白各國央行爭相持有巨額外匯儲備,主要是因為 環球金融市況益見兇險,惟有外匯儲備可保平安。




針 對以上情況,紐約聯儲銀行的研究報告建議,除了各地央行不應該持有過多外匯儲備之外,不妨考慮加強央行之間的協調,例如昔日聯儲局透過美元掉期 (SWAP)的方式為各國央行提供美元流動性般,這樣各地央行便毋須輕易動用外匯儲備。除此以外,報告甚至建議各地央行可考慮透過調整利率,以配合強貨幣 或弱貨幣政策。

全球各地如此重視外匯儲備的價值,只因為此刻各國仍然(需要)接受美元的儲備貨幣地位;故此,紐約聯儲銀行 專家以為貨幣掉期較外匯儲備效益更大,應該得到各方的體諒。試想想,如果各國央行或商業銀行放棄透過儲備自保,而改為單靠掉期合約支持本國的金融體系,日 後一旦發生對家風險(Counter-Party Risk)事故,誰又會保證願意施以援手?



普京周二簽署的總統法令稱,數以千計的俄羅斯公務員7月1日前必須申報他們的收入和財產,並面臨嚴格的審查。普京的幕僚長Sergei Ivanov表示,任何人都不得凌駕法律之上,任何人只要被發現還持有被禁止的資產將立即被解僱。
普京的新聞發言人Dmitry Peskov強調,“沒有什麼是不可觸碰的”。



“這是對精英階層的國有化,”前克里姆林宮國內政策主管Konstantin Kostin說,“在很長一段時間內,許多精英人物將俄羅斯視為獵場,他們將自己的財富和生活安置在其他地方, ”他補充道,“一部法律當然不能全部解決這些問題,徹底解決只能依靠政治人物的決心和全社會的共識和團結。”
在去年12月的一年一度國情咨文演講中,普京將這項政策置於演講的核心位置。 “對國家的責任不是靠口號和演講來實現的,而是要讓人們看到政府是透明的。”他隨後表示。