
Fed Lawyer Alvarez: “The Federal Reserve Does NOT Own Any Gold at All”


Thats right. The Fed owns NO gold. Zero, zip, ziltch.
For those of you who did not watch yesterday’s monetary policy hearing in the house of representatives, you most likely missed this bombshell exchange between Federal Reserve lawyer Scott Alvarez and committee chairman Dr. Ron Paul. My jaw literally dropped when I heard the Fed’s general counsel declare that the Federal Reserve owns no gold. After 1934, Alvarez explains that the Fed handed its gold over to the Treasury in exchange for gold certificates. When pressed further, Alvarez noted that the gold certificates do not represent any interest whatsoever in the gold itself. He explained the gold certificate listings on the Fed balance sheet, not as a claim to gold, but at most a claim to dollars from the Treasury. See the quotes here (and watch the videos at the bottom of the post):
Scott Alvarez: “The Federal Reserve does not own any gold at all… we have not owned gold since 1934, um, so we have not engaged in any gold swap. Before 1934 the Federal Reserve did, we did own gold. We turned that over by law to the Treasury and received in return for that gold certificates.”
Ron Paul: “…You have the securities for essentially all the gold?”

Scott Alvarez: “No. No we have no interest in the gold that is owned by the Treasury. We have simply an accounting document that is called gold certificates that represents the value at a statutory rate that we gave to the Treasury in 1934″
This issue is even more complicated than may appear and after doing some research we seem to have settled some of the quirks in this odd Treasury-Fed scheme. Bare with us when reading through this.
What appears to have happened under the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 is the Treasury seized the Fed’s gold, taking full ownership and claim to its proceeds. The Treasury as an aside transferred a sum of special 1934 series gold certificates to the Fed amounting to the statutory value of gold ($20.67 per ounce) times the quantity of gold transfered from the Fed to the Treasury. The official gold price was later revalued to $35 an ounce, an effective devaluation of the currency, but the quantity of gold certificates issued to the Fed was not amended to reflect revaluation until the passing of the Par Value Modification Act of 1972. Under this act, gold was revalued again, this time to $38 an oz, and the Fed’s gold certificate account was credited upwards by $822 million worth of certificates to reflect the change in the gold price from $35 to $38. The gold was revalued one last time in 1973 to $42.22 and again the Federal Reserve was credited with more gold certificates, $1.157 billion to be exact, to account for this. After everything, the Federal Reserve was left with $11.16 billion dollars worth of gold certificates.
So what exactly are the gold certificates the Fed holds? For one, the Fed’s gold certificates are unlike previous gold certificate issues, and are not publicly trade-able. They are also not direct claims to gold, but rather reflect claims only to US issued currency or coin held by the Treasury. The Fed can take claim to this currency on demand, and their certificates are an accounted for liability of the Treasury as listed in Note 19. Treasury’s “Other Liabilities”. In addition, if the Treasury is unable to satisfy a demand by the Fed for the funds, the Fed is able to gain access to the gold, since the gold stands as collateral for the gold certificates issued by the Treasury. This fact is taken from this statement in Note 2, from the Treasury’s balance sheet:
“Gold totaling $11.1 billion as of September 30, 2010, and 2009, was pledged as collateral for gold certificates issued and authorized to the FRBs by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Given that the Fed has an indirect claim to the Treasury’s gold, it is questionable what line of reasoning the Fed’s general counsel was using when stating so broadly that the Fed has “no interest in the gold that is owned by the treasury”.
In any case, we can analyze the implications of the basic facts and come to a couple of conclusions:
1) The widespread notion that the Fed owns gold is false. The corollary to this is the mistaken belief that the Fed understates its gold holdings on its balance sheet by only reporting certificates based on the $42.22 statutory gold value. The Fed does not in fact own the US gold stock multiplied by the market price of gold, unless the Treasury defaults and even then its not clear. The Fed does, however, own a claim to currency totaling $11.1 billion and this value has a remote chance of going up significantly if the Treasury revalues its gold and maintains the practice initiated in the Par Value Modification Act.
2) The fact that the Fed owns no gold, nor claims to any gold, means the fundamental value of the dollar lacks any backing besides dollars themselves, not including Fed building and equipment. Dollars are in essence worth a lot less than many people thought, and the Fed is much more impotent in using the prowess of their assets, and conducting monetary policy in general, than many believed. In all, Alvarez’s clarification strengthens the case for gold’s high dollar value immensely.
see the specific exchange between Alvarez and Ron Paul about the Fed’s gold here:

watch the whole hearing here:

復甦弱 QE3事在必行

史理生:復甦弱 QE3事在必行

【on.cc 專訊】東方產經「國際金融視野」專欄作者史理生:全球金融危機迄今已逾三年,美國經濟復甦仍步履蹣跚。與以往歷次衰退後的復甦相比,美國這次反彈力度屬最 低。房地產調整是次按危機的直接成因,而目前美國房價仍未止跌,自2007年以來斷供個案不斷上升,現時仍沒有改善跡象。
在經濟、就業難有改善 下,房地產調整有進一步加深趨勢。房地產對美國經濟到底有多大影響?首先房地產是美國經濟支柱,其總市值是GDP的兩倍;其次房地產及其相關活動佔GDP 的27%;房屋貸款達14萬億美元,佔銀行總貸款比重三分之一。可以說,如沒有房地產配合,經濟復甦只屬癡人說夢。
美國從政府到個人負債累積至危險程度。布殊時代,國債從5.7萬億美元累積至逾10萬億美元。金融海嘯後,財赤已逾14萬億美元。正如波士頓大學授Laurence Kotlikoff所言,美國實際上正邁向破產。
美 國目前的貨幣環境為聯儲局有史以來最寬鬆,為拯救風雨飄搖的市場和嚴重衰退的經濟,聯儲局於2008年底開始維持超低利率,而且還罕有地推出兩輪量化寬鬆 措施。但實行這些史無前例的政策並非沒有風險,其代價有可能就是日後報復性的資產價格泡沫,和被視為洪水猛獸的惡性通脹。
正因在上述結構因素的制 約下,美國經濟積弱趨勢短期難變,如此情況下退市,無疑是雪上加霜,再加上美國通脹一直以來似有若無,直到最近才略有溫和增長跡象,而美國政府金融海嘯以 來所推行的經濟政策,始終未脫美國歷來處理經濟失衡的一貫做法,僅靠反覆使用量化寬鬆措施,所以QE3看來已無可避免了。

金榮財富管理首席基金經理 史理生(作者為註冊持牌人士)

“軟掛鉤金本位”或正邁出重要一步 _張庭賓

唔通老美做咁多野, 心目中就係要迫到歐洲爆...然後等歐洲央行,用到最後一招“軟掛鉤金本位”,好等佢地個幾千噸黃金(唔知重有無係到,無人知))變返做貨幣..咁佢地的法幣就有返的渣拿?


    世界黃金協會5月25日稱:歐洲議會經濟和貨幣事務委員會一致同意允許結算所按照《歐洲市場基礎作業監理改革提案》的規定接受黃金作為抵押品。 這一決定再次證明了黃金作為替代貨幣的吸引力。 上述提議被提交至歐洲議會和歐盟理事會,並於7月份舉行新一輪的投票。
   這一提案如果被批准,則意味著黃金貨幣屬性回歸邁出了關鍵性一步。 如果黃金被允許作為交易所和商業銀行的抵押品進行貸款,即歐元區承認了黃金作為交易所和商業銀行的核心資本,這意味著黃金在交易所和商業銀行的貨幣屬性回歸。 當然,目前尚不清楚,這一提案中是否允許居民用黃金獲得抵押貸款,如果是,則黃金對於居民來說,就變成了活錢。
   早在4年之前,筆者就指出,未來與紙幣“軟掛鉤的金本位”(世界銀行行長佐利克用詞是“改良版金本位”)回歸的具體標誌是——居民如果擁有黃金,可以直 接到商業銀行存入黃金信用卡,這種卡是黃金和信用紙幣的雙重標價,購買商品的時候,持有人可選擇交易時的黃金或信用紙幣價格結算。
  這個最後目標的達成,要有兩個前提:一、商業銀行要允許黃金作為資本金,這樣,商戶和商業銀行之間,商業銀行相互之間用黃金結算才能實現。 二、允許居民對黃金進行抵押貸款,這將為黃金變成現金,具備現金的交易結算功能創造了條件。
  不過,即使上述提案得以批准,這與信用紙幣與黃金“軟掛鉤的金本位”仍然有一定距離。 要實現黃金按照市場價格實時可以交易結算,尚需要中央銀行和商業銀行允許信用卡里的黃金可以隨著市價上漲下跌隨時估值,即持有人可以對黃金按照每一刻的現價實時抵押貸款。 商業銀行之間也可以實時以黃金結算交易。 但這只是一些技術問題,不難解決。
  過去兩年來,黃金已經走上了貨幣屬性回歸的道路。 2009 年10月,芝加哥商品交易所允許黃金享受美元的待遇,可以作為保證金;2010年8月,中國六部委出台發展黃金市場意見,在大國中首次承認黃金的“金融屬 性”;2011年11月,世界銀行行長佐利克呼籲實施“改良版金本位”;2011年2月,摩根大通成為首家接受黃金作為抵押品的商業銀行;2011年3 月,美國猶他州出台地方法案,允許黃金重新作為法定貨幣。 這可謂步步進逼。


歐元區走到這一步是在情理之中。 2010年5月,本人曾撰文預警:“如果美元真的想徹底擊潰歐元,歐元將被迫採取最後一招,即宣佈歐元與黃金軟掛鉤,鑑於歐洲各國央行的黃金儲備高達1.1萬噸,本來就比美聯儲的8100噸多(這8100噸是否真的存在還是一個大大的問號),美元會怎樣?”
  那麼,歐盟為何會選擇這個時機呢? 因為歐元區現在已經面臨了重大危機,這一危機在卡恩因“性侵門”黯然離職IMF總裁寶座後,在既有的框架中已經沒有解決方案了。
  引發新一輪歐元危機的是“希臘債務重組”。 2010年4月,希臘主權債務危機爆發。 其後,歐盟和IMF對希臘進行了救助,並要求希臘採取措施平衡財政赤字。 然而一年來,效果並不理想,2010年政府財政赤字佔GDP的比例仍高達10.5%。 2010年底,希臘政府債務總量高達3286億美元,與GDP之比已經達到150%。 預計到2013年,這一比例將達到160%。 其債務負擔已經超過了承受力。
   今年4月,希臘債務危機捲土重來,未來存在三種解決方案:A、希臘退出歐元區,發行本國貨幣,然後惡性貶值,任其自生自滅;B、對希臘現有債務進行一次 性重組,比如各債權人的債務消減25%,以贏得其他75%債務存續獲息;C、進行軟重組,即現有各債權人對希臘債務進行延期,並且允許降低或給予較低利 率,維持希臘承債還債。
   上述三個方案中,希臘退出歐元區,意味著歐元的戰略潰敗,德國和法國已經一再拒絕;“硬重組”方案將對歐洲央行和商業銀行造成重大衝擊,歐洲央行持有希 臘國債470億歐元,德國和法國的商業銀行持有375億歐元,硬重組方案將至少造成200億歐元的損失,這將嚴重殺傷歐元區金融體系;至於“軟重組”,則 IMF的支持必不可少。
  正當歐盟試圖尋求IMF對希臘債務危機進行“軟重組”救助的關鍵時刻,關鍵的人物卡恩中招“性侵門”,不得不黯然辭職。 IMF臨時總裁隨後對希臘重組的表態是,任何對希臘的新援助必須得到歐盟的擔保。 這實際關上了IMF對希臘繼續援助的大門。 顯然,歐洲人想繼續擔任IMF總裁不會是一件容易的事。
  如今“希臘軟重組”成為泡影,而歐盟不會允許希臘退出歐元區。 那麼,歐元區必須要為“硬重組”做準備了。
  在這種情況下,歐盟重新賦予黃金核心資本地位勢在難免,也是最後一招。 歐元區各國央行2010年底的黃金儲備接近1.1萬噸,以現價(每盎司1536美元)計為5837億美元。 倘若金價每上漲100美元,其價值就上漲344億美元,即只要黃金價格上漲200美元,則僅歐洲各國央行就可以消化希臘債務硬重組的成本。
  與此相反,美元將就此陷入難堪境地,因為美聯儲的黃金儲備名義上為8100噸,這已經比歐元區央行少了近3000噸。 更重要的是,歐元區央行的黃金是實實在在的。 而美聯儲的黃金儲備大部分可能已經不存在了,據美國地質勘探局(USGS)的報告指出,美國2007~2008兩年合計出口了近5000噸“黃金化合物”,人們猜測這可能是美聯儲存在諾克斯軍營金庫裡的黃金。 美國一些議員在2010年要求審計美聯儲的黃金儲備,但沒有成功。 從1913年美聯儲成立以來,它就擁有無上特權,美國總統和國會都無權審核美聯儲的黃金儲備。

  在商業銀行層面,筆者手上沒有歐洲商業銀行持有黃金的具體數據,但鑑於歐洲人對於黃金貨幣金融屬性根深蒂固的偏愛,歐洲商業銀行的黃金儲備也應當多於美國銀行。 而以摩根大通為代表的美國銀行,在過去多年中扮演的是從中央銀行拆解黃金打壓黃金市場的角色,黃金儲備應當很少。 這可能也是摩根大通在商業銀行中率先允許黃金抵押貸款的主要原因。

  簡言之,如果歐元不得已與黃金率先軟掛鉤,則歐元將成為世界上最堅挺的貨幣。 而美元不具備軟掛鉤的條件,更何況美元有著約600萬億美元的金融衍生品。 這將刺破美元的虛擬金融大泡沫。 當然,也不能排除美國和歐盟最後妥協,推歐洲人繼任IMF總裁,歐盟延後軟掛鉤黃金政策的可能性。 但這一矛盾始終無法根本解決。
  如果上述提案得以批准。 那麼,未來一段時間,國際金價將進入一個新的上漲通道,筆者即取消年初所做每盎司1700美元的國際金價預測上線,並不再設上線;而美元指數或將開啟新一輪的貶值,相當有可能再創歷史新低。
  ( 本文參考了中華元國際金融智庫的研究成果——5月22日戰略報告《希臘債務重組:歐元有驚無險》