

另壹角度 16/2/2012 李兆富

凱恩斯:「透過不斷的通脹,政府可以在人民毫不知情下侵吞重要的私產……破壞貨幣,將會潛移默化地顛覆社會根基。這個過程牽動了經濟法則裡 面所有隱匿的毀滅性力量,不過百萬人裡面,卻沒有一個人察覺得到。」《和平的經濟後果》(The Economic Consequences of the Peace)

通脹,就是錢的購買力不斷被削弱;換個角度看,就是物品的價錢不斷上升。常識告訴我們,百物 騰貴是不好的,因為民眾手上的鈔票不斷貶值。不過,一般人很容易跌入思想的陷阱,分不清價錢和價值。見到自己已經擁有的物品價錢上升,感覺就好似它們的價 值也上升。但是當所有的物品價格都一起上升,每個人擁有的資產價格膨脹,其實沒有增加到任何價值,這個現象,叫做貨幣幻覺(Money Illusion)。 

所以,通脹之下的第一個社會群眾行為,就是越來越多人為了保值,會將儲蓄變成持有實物資產,而現代社會,最多人選擇作為保值資產的,就是地產。另一方面,通脹懲罰儲蓄,也鼓勵借錢。通脹越厲害,社會上就越少人儲蓄 ,越多人借錢;借來的錢,就是樓價不斷上升的推動力。

通 脹下百物騰貴,樓價只是其中一部分。人有一種傾向,以為價錢就是各種生產成本的總和。但是別忘記,價錢取決於供和求兩股力量。說物價貴乃因租金貴,是本末 倒置。在現實世界,業主加租,是因為市場上有租客願意付出更高的租金;有租客願意付出更高的租金,是因為他們預期可以透過市場賺到更多的錢。所以,租金 升,是因為零售價錢上升;鋪位價錢升,是因為租金升。這個關係,不要搞錯。 正如凱恩斯所講,通脹的過程,政府在人民毫不知情下侵吞私產。香港雖然沒有獨立的貨幣政策,香港政府無法自行調整信貸來催生通脹。不過,自從有聯匯以來, 除了九九至○四年,絕大多數的情況都是通脹。在同一套經濟法則之下,香港政府的庫房有連年的盈餘;尤其是○七年之後,港元跟隨美元轉弱,衍生出近十年來最 嚴重的通脹,無獨有偶,政府也由這一年開始,一年接一年地錄得超高盈餘。 說到底,都是貨幣政策下的幻覺。地產霸權要是有能力人為地將樓價推高,九九年後的香港就不用經歷五年多的樓市寒冬。當然,最重要是,整個地產的利益鏈,最 終還是回到庫房裡去。過去幾年由美元的超寬鬆為特區帶來的橫財,已經開始令政府變得越來越大花筒,市民當中也越來越多人希望依賴政府派錢。通脹潛移默化地 破壞社會根基,實在形容得太過貼切了!
時事財經評論員,自由市場智庫獅子山學會創會成員。 作者網誌 - http://hkliberty.wordpress.com ####



Original Source

David Morgan on 2012 Gold & Silver Fundamentals

David Morgan chats with "Trading Talk" on 2012 Precious Metals Fundamentals . Bob Chambers from "Trading Talk" speaks candidly with David Morgan "The Silver Fox" at the 2012 Cambridge House Economic Seminar to discuss the current "seasonality" in the market and why he believes we should expect a broad trading range throughout the first 6-months of this year.























States seek currencies made of silver and gold

February 16, 2012
Commodities Futures Trading Commission
3 Lafayette Center
1155 21st St. NW Washington, DC 50581
Re: Flawed Investigations and Breaking The Law
Dear Commissioners:
For over 2 decades a large group of silver investors have been yelling and screaming at the CFTC to stop the rampant downward manipulation of the COMEX silver market. On May 14, 2004 the CFTC released the results of their 1st investigation by Michael Gorham, Director of Market Oversight, saying they have not found any evidence of silver market manipulation.
Dr. Gorham, who once worked at the Federal Reserve Bank, resigned only 3 weeks after releasing this report:
As a truly REMARKABLE twist of fate, or not, Mr. Gorham now serves on the Probable Cause and Business Conduct Committees of the CME who were supposed to be overseeing MF Global before it imploded:
Then in May 2008 the CFTC released another report on the same topic stating again that the silver market was not being manipulated. This time the CFTC decided NOT to put anyone's name on the report:
This report piggy backed off the 2004 report in reinforcing the main argument why there was no manipulation in the silver market...
"Staff in 2004 also examined the relationship between NYMEX silver futures prices and cash market silver prices to determine whether NYMEX prices appeared to be unusually or significantly out of line with cash prices."
"NYMEX silver futures prices tend to track closely the price of physical silver...This analysis shows that there is not a downward bias in the NYMEX futures price vis-a-vis the LBMA price, which, as noted, is widely regarded as the benchmark value in the marketplace."
In BOTH reports the CFTC cites the "cash prices" as the prices for silver on the London Bullion Market(LBMA). It is absolutely important that the NYMEX (COMEX) prices stay in line with the "cash prices" of silver otherwise it would prove that the futures and options trading was SETTING the price for physical silver which is illegal. The PROBLEM with the CFTC's analysis is that they are comparing the NYMEX prices to a massively flawed proxy for the price of physical silver.
I'd like to direct your attention to the CFTC hearing on the silver market manipulation issue. Jeffery Christian of the CPM Group points out clearly that the LBMA really has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE "PHYSICAL MARKET" IN SILVER.
As a matter of fact Mr. Christian points out that the physical silver related to LBMA contracts amounts to only 1/100th of the silver market. This is supported (and even vastly understated) by the MASSIVE volumes traded daily and annually on the London Bullion Market in excess of 50B ounces per year (NET!) when annual global mine production is only 550M oz. The TOTAL VOLUME of yearly trades on a gross level is likely 5x this number or 250B oz.
The argument used twice by the CFTC that silver cannot be manipulated because this price matches the "physical price" as determined at the LBMA is patently absurd.
Now we come to the 3rd investigation into the manipulation of silver that began over 3 years ago that still has no resolution. We have supplied a whistle blower (Andrew McGuire), new regulatory authorities (Dodd-Frank Law), an admission by a CFTC Commissioner that manipulation has transpired (Bart Chilton) and a silver price that relentlessly continues to rise without any significant decrease in the concentrated short position held by a small handful of banks or even one single bank.
On January 17, 2010 the CFTC was required BY LAW to implement position limits in the COMEX silver market. This date was not a suggestion by Congress but a hard fact of law. On January 18, 2010 the CFTC was in full violation of this law. I submit that the current CFTC Commissioners, Summers and O'Malia, who have blocked the implementation of position limits at every turn should be removed from their post immediately. The actions of the CFTC have baffled the "free market" and leaves market participants standing dumbfounded with a very simple question...
Under what legal authority does the CFTC have the ability to disobey the laws of the US Congress?
Our patience with the CFTC has long gone. We have endured 2 botched silver investigations, one NEVER ENDING silver investigation that should have been a slam dunk and now the blatant violation of Federal Law all the while silver market participants are being ROBBED DAILY BY CRIMINALS ON THE COMEX after making the very sound decision to invest in silver.

Original Source

States seek currencies made of silver and gold

Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of collapse, more than a dozen states have proposed using their own alternative currencies of silver and gold.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A growing number of states are seeking shiny new currencies made of silver and gold.
Worried that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. dollar are on the brink of collapse, lawmakers from 13 states, including Minnesota, Tennessee, Iowa, South Carolina and Georgia, are seeking approval from their state governments to either issue their own alternative currency or explore it as an option. Just three years ago, only three states had similar proposals in place.
"In the event of hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System ... the State's governmental finances and private economy will be thrown into chaos," said North Carolina Republican Representative Glen Bradley in a currency bill he introduced last year.
Unlike individual communities, which are allowed to create their own currency -- as long as it is easily distinguishable from U.S. dollars -- the Constitution bans states from printing their own paper money or issuing their own currency. But it allows the states to make "gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."
To the state legislators who are proposing state-issued currencies, that means gold and silver are fair game, said Edwin Vieira, an alternative currency proponent and attorney specializing in Constitutional law. And since gold has grown exponentially more valuable, while the U.S. dollar continues to lose ground, the notion has become increasingly appealing to state lawmakers, he said.
The state gold rush: Utah became the first state to introduce its own alternative currency when Governor Gary Herbert signed a bill into law last March that recognized gold and silver coins issued by the U.S. Mint as an acceptable form of payment. Under the law, the coins -- which include American Gold and Silver Eagles -- are treated the same as U.S. dollars for tax purposes, eliminating capital gains taxes.
Since the face value of some U.S.-minted gold and silver coins -- like the one-ounce, $50 American Gold Eagle coin -- is so much less than the metal value (one ounce of gold is now worth more than $1,700), the new law allows the coins to be exchanged at their market value, based on weight and fineness.

Local currencies: In the U.S., we don't trust

"A Utah citizen, for example, could contract with another to sell his car for 10 one-ounce gold coins (approximately $17,000), or an independent contractor could arrange to be compensated in gold coins," said Rich Danker, a project director at the American Principles Project, a conservative public policy group in Washington, D.C.
South Carolina Republican Representative Mike Pitts proposed a currency system that would allow people to use any kind of silver or gold coin -- whether it's a Philippine Peso or a South African Krugerrand -- based on weight and fineness. Pitts said in the bill, which currently has 12 co-sponsors, that the state is facing "an economic crisis of severe magnitude."
Republican representatives from Washington State followed suit in January, introducing a bill that would also allow any gold and silver coins to be considered legal tender based on metal values. Minnesota, Iowa, Georgia, Idaho and Indiana are also considering similar proposals.
Many of the bills would make it possible for residents to exchange the physical coins for goods and services, so you could use coins to buy anything from groceries to a car as long as the store chooses to accept them.
However, most people aren't going to walk around with such valuable coins in their pockets, said Vieira. Plus, calculating the value of the coins -- especially if they come from different parts of the globe and are of different sizes and shapes -- will get tricky.
It's more likely that the states will create electronic depositories and accounts for the coins to make transactions easier, when and if the initial bills are passed, he said.
Utah Gold & Silver Depository is already developing a system where customers could use debit cards linked to their gold holdings. When customers swipe their debit cards to make transactions, physical gold and silver coins would be transferred between accounts in privately-owned depositories (or vaults) based on the market value of the metals.
Before deciding on a specific form of currency, some states -- including Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina -- are considering proposals that would first require a committee to review their alternative currency plan.
The future of U.S. currency: The states' proposals have been gaining steam among Tea Partyers and Republicans, many of whom also endorse a nationwide return to the gold standard, which would require the U.S. dollar to be backed by gold reserves.
Tea Party "father" Ron Paul is sponsoring the "Free Competition in Currency Act," which would allow states to introduce their own currencies, and rival Newt Gingrich is calling for a commission to look at how the country can get back to the gold standard.
But it will be the individual states that could really get the ball rolling, said Vieira. Even if several of the current proposals get killed, the introduction of so many bills at the state level is drawing national attention to the issue, he said.

Funny money: 11 local currencies

Of all the state proposals circulating right now, Republican-controlled states including South Carolina, Georgia, Idaho and Indiana have the best chance of passing their proposed bills this year, said American Principles Project's Danker. If just one or two states implement an alternative currency, it could have a Domino effect, he said.
"I think we could get a couple passed in this legislative session, and that would show this is mainstream, popular and it would be a justification for more of the risk-averse states for doing this," he said.
There are, of course, many people who think the recent push for alternative state currencies should be stopped in its tracks. David Parsley, a professor of economics and finance at Vanderbilt University, said he thinks state-issued currencies are a "terrible" idea.
"Having 50 Feds" could debase the U.S. dollar and even potentially lead the country into default, he said. "The single currency in the United States is working just fine," said Parsley. "I have no idea why anyone would want to destroy something so successful -- unless they actually wanted to destroy the country." To top of page

Original Source

PIMCO,Texas Teacher Reitrement Fund &Soros buys into GLD/Greek bailout no further ahead as potential delay in implementation/ Portugal

February 15, 2012
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:
Gold closed up today by $10.70 to $1726.60 by comex closing time.  Silver was ambushed by our bankers after being up considerably during the early part of the comex session.  Silver’s final comex resting price was $33.39 up only 7 cents. It was close to $34.00 at the second London fix.  As I pointed out to you on previous commentaries the bankers do not like what they are witnessing in silver.  They are viewing the players as different from before and they are probably scared witless that many are taking delivery.  The last two non delivery months of January and February is all the evidence that they need that some newer and stronger entity is here trying to get as much of physical silver as possible.  You will see below that for the 6th straight session the net OI for the front February month increased again (we remove yesterday’s delivery notices from the Feb OI to get net OI)
Let us head over to the gold comex and assess trading today.
The total gold comex surprisingly rose by 4380 contracts yesterday from 426,784 to 431,164. I guess the raid had no damage done to the open interest as gold leaves refused to fall from the gold tree.  The front delivery month of February again saw its OI fall from 493 to 452 for a loss of 40 contracts despite only 1 delivery notice yesterday.  Blythe was handing out the candies in full force today as 40 contracts succumbed to cash settlements.  The next big delivery month is April and here the OI rose from 231,263 to 232,679 as long players certainly took note that the Euro meeting scheduled today was cancelled.  The estimated volume today was very weak at 128,217. The confirmed volume yesterday, with the raid orchestrated by our bankers registered 167,886 as they supplied huge amounts of non backed gold paper.
Silver is the object of the bankers interest.  Today the OI registered a slight retreat of 1320 contracts to 104,872 from 106,192 as it still trades in this very narrow channel.  The front options delivery month of February saw its OI fall 81 contracts from 212 to 131.  However we had 127 delivery notices filed yesterday.  Thus for the 6th straight day, the number of silver oz standing for delivery rose.  Today an additional 50 contracts ( 250,000 oz) are standing.

Obama wants cheaper pennies and nickels

Treasury is looking at changing the mix of metals used to make pennies and nickels in a cost-savings effort.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The U.S. Mint is facing a problem -- especially during these penny-pinching times. It turns out it costs more to make pennies and nickels than the coins are worth.
And because of that, the Obama administration this week asked Congress for permission to change the mix of metal that goes to make pennies and nickels, an expensive recipe that has remained unchanged for more than 30 years.
To be precise, it cost 2.4 cents to make one penny in 2011 and about 11.2 cents for each nickel.
Given the number of coins that the mint produces -- 4.3 billion pennies and 914 million nickels last year alone, those costs add up pretty quickly: a little more than $100 million for each coin.
But even though Treasury has been studying new metals since 2010, it has yet to come up with a workable mix that would definitely be cheaper, and it has no details yet as to what metals should be used or how much it would save to do so.
Even if a cheaper metal can be used, it might not take the cost of a penny down to less than a penny.
Just the administrative cost of minting 4.3 billion pennies costs almost a half-cent per coin by itself, leaving precious little room to make a penny for less than a cent, no matter the raw material used.

Funny money? 11 local currencies

The raw material cost of the metals used in a current penny is only about 0.6 cents per coin, according to prices quoted on the London Metal Exchange, and a breakdown of a penny's composition from the mint. The mint paid 1.1 cents on average for the metal used in a penny in 2011, but that is the cost of ready-to-stamp blanks from the supplier, not raw material traded on commodity markets.
There have been times in recent years when a run-up in zinc and copper prices has taken the raw material value of a penny above one cent.
That's the case for a nickel today. Its more expensive metal mix means the raw materials in each are worth almost 6 cents per coin, based on current market prices. (States eye silver and gold currencies)

Despite popular belief, since 1982 pennies have only been copper plated, not copper through and through. Much less expensive zinc makes up 97.5% of the mass of a penny, the rest is a copper coating.
Nickels actually have much more copper in them -- 75% copper and 25% nickel, the same mix it has always had.
The mint did make steel pennies for one year -- in 1943 -- when copper was needed for the war effort. And steel might be a cheaper alternative this time. Steel is roughly one-quarter the price of zinc on the London Metal Exchange.
Treasury had already made a cost-saving move in December when it stopped making dollar coins.

Check commodity prices

With 1.4 billion surplus presidential dollar coins sitting in bank vaults waiting to be circulated, and American consumers showing little appetite to start using the coins, Treasury estimates the halt in production of the coins will save about $50 million a year.
Treasury spokesman Matt Anderson said Treasury has the authority to stop making the dollar coins on its own, but it can't change the mix of metals in pennies without permission.
As for the suggestion of some that the penny be abandoned altogether, Anderson said only "that is not a proposal we have put forward." To top of page