

Nicholas Hastings
而英國經濟去年第四季度出現的萎縮可能會促使英國央行(Bank of England)採取更多貨幣寬鬆措施,也會導致英鎊進一步下跌。
再看歐元區,除了德國以外,其他幾乎所有成員國都面臨日益上升的衰退壓力,這意味著,歐洲央行(European Central Bank)將不得不實施可能會進一步拖累歐元的政策。
美國的情況則是,該國經濟的可持續性可能略好一些,但幾乎沒有理由預計美國聯邦儲備委員會(Federal Reserve)會很快採取能夠提振美元的貨幣緊縮措施。
瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)的經濟學家們表示,由於到目前為止創造中國經濟增長的都是公共開支項目,一直沒有私人投資能夠替代這些公共項目,這意味著,未來數個季度,中國國內生產總值(GDP)的增速將將徘徊在7.5%-8.5%附近。
中國的出口可能也沒有看上去那麼強勁。根據《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)的一篇報導,分析師們認為,中國近期出口的大幅增長是受一些特殊因素的影響,香港航運業的管理人士預計,未來一年的情況並不景氣。
(編者按:Nicholas Hastings是道瓊斯通訊社駐倫敦的資深記者,有超過20年的外匯市場報導經驗。此前他報導過包括股市、固定收益市場、大宗商品市場和能源市場在內的各類市場消息。 )



有 外國分析者形容上周金市的表現是a remarkable display of schizophrenia volatility(一種神經質波動的異常表現)。聯邦儲備局在議息會議後,重申繼續其每月共購買850億元(美元.下同)國庫券和MBS的計劃。周末 公布的美國1月份失業率上升至7.9%,而非農業新職位僅增加15.7萬份,遜於預期,此消息強化了聯儲局繼續其寬鬆政策的背景。美元滙價因此進一步疲 軟,美滙指數一度跌破79點的重要水平。 
上 周令人注目的是,美10年期債券孳息率重上並企穩在2.04厘水平,為去年4月以來的高點。30年期債券孳息率也重上並企穩在3.21厘水平,該年期的債 券價格更跌破144.94的關鍵支持點,上周低收報142.04。換言之,不管聯儲局是否繼續其寬鬆舉措,美國債券價格從高位回落,而孳息率從低谷回升已 形成趨勢。
如 此一來,金價在大好消息下最終無法再次問鼎1700元關是可以理解的,估計稍後一段時間還將在1626元至1697元之間的範圍內上落,短期波動更可能在 1652元至1684元的範圍內。萬一近日金價低試到1640元水平,須提防再向低檔位下試,除非金價升越1703元才會結束近數月的調整期。
銀 價表現與商品指數的表現較近似,故與金市稍有別,前者的未平倉合約量現處於今年以來的偏高水平,惟業者又再加大淨空倉量。估計稍後一段時間銀價主要還在 30.5元至32.5元之間的範圍內上落,萬一低於30.15元便要提防再向下試,除非其後銀價攻克33.34元阻力,並進一步升越33.8元才會結束近 數月的調整期。


在玻利維亞的沙漠中,一望無際的藜麥翻飛,構成美麗的景色。成熟的藜麥可比人高,開著一球球的花,色調鮮豔,從紫、橘到黃都有。藜麥能在最艱困的環 境下成長,能承受夜晚的結霜與白天40度高溫折磨。它生長在海拔3600公尺以上的高山地區,那兒空氣稀薄、水源缺乏、土壤含高鹽分,除了藜麥,什麼也長 不了。

但在這樣貧瘠環境中生長的藜麥,卻是聯合國糧農組織所認定,唯一的完美營養食品。小小的藜麥種子富有人類所需的基本營養素,比例也恰好符 合人體需求,是營養學家心目中最棒的食物。在已開發國家,藜麥需求正日益高張。在被西班牙殖民前的安地斯文化中,藜麥是神聖的食物,如今它更是歐美及中 國、日本人們眼中的五星級健康食品。

英國《衛報》報導,藜麥的全球大流行,使其價格上翻 3 倍,這也意味原產地的祕魯和玻利維亞人們會選擇種植藜麥出口,而非將它當做食物。但他們的飲食原本已相當單薄,再這樣做,可能導致面臨營養不良的問題。同 時也因藜麥帶來豐厚利潤,造成當地土地濫伐,人們甚至為一片荒土出手打架。


玻利維亞的藜麥與有機農產品出口局主管 Paola Mejia 說,藜麥為該國最貧困偏遠地區的人們帶來希望。

只生長在玻利維亞南部乾旱地區的皇家藜麥 (Royal quinoa),它在榖類中的地位有如白鱘魚子醬一樣珍貴,比一般藜麥含有更多蛋白質、維他命及礦物質。

2011 年,藜麥平均價格為每噸 3115 美元,是 2006 年價格的 3 倍。其他有顏色的品種則更貴。紅色皇家藜麥每噸要價 4500 美元,黑色品種價格則高達 8000 美元。在玻利維亞 Oruro 與 Potosi 地區,藜麥是他們的維生之計。


玻利維亞總統 Evo Morales 也推廣食用藜麥,他指出,多年來藜麥都受人輕視,認為是過去土著才栽種的作物,但現在世界重新認識了它,也了解它是維繫生命最重要的食物。

然而,種植這完美食物已有 5000 年歷史的農人們,自己卻愈來愈少吃藜麥了。在玻利維亞人民收入條件改善下,他們的飲食習慣也已西化。亦身為農業學家的 Mejia 說,10 年前人們別無選擇只能吃藜麥,但是現在他們想吃米飯、麵條、糖果可樂……什麼都想吃。

藜麥農場經營者 Daysi Munoz 也同意,他指出,隨著藜麥的價格上揚,玻利維亞當地愈來愈少人吃藜麥,因為售出藜麥的所得能買更多米與麵,也自然就把它當做經濟作物,而非食物。

優質藜麥的種植地區則上演血腥爭奪戰。去年 2 月,許多農民爭奪一塊曾被廢棄的土地,他們以投石索和棍棒互相攻擊,造成十數人受傷。也有許多原本去到大城市找工作的人,現在又回到乾旱的老家來種藜麥。因為大部分土地都是公有,政府若不畫定土地分界 ,勢必爆發更多衝突。

在的的喀喀湖附近一個名為 Lacaya 的小村莊,當地農夫也開始種藜麥了。由於這裡的土地較為濕潤,他們所種的甜藜 (quinua dulce) 生長也較快;不過, 還是比不上皇家藜麥來得搶手。
農人 Petrona Uriche 說,自 3 年前,他的村莊也開始種植賺錢的藜麥,而且專門種來出口。現在一袋藜麥的價錢比幾年前上漲了 8 倍,平均 1 公斤可賣 2 美元。

不過基於國民健康因素,玻利維亞政府正在努力宣導,希望該國國民能重拾食用藜麥的習慣。據該國農業發展部數據,年度國民平均藜麥食用量成長 4 倍,從 0.35 公斤增加至 1.11 公斤,但國內總消耗量卻在 5 年內下降了 1/3。


在玻利維亞首都拉巴斯 (La Paz) 的超市貨架上,由藜麥為原料製成的比薩餅皮、漢堡、袋餅餅皮、早餐穀片等產品琳瑯滿目,看來,該國主要的藜麥食用者是中產階級。
但在祕魯首都利瑪 (Lima),消費者則抱怨藜麥是有錢人才吃得起的昂貴食物。每公斤要價 10 元祕魯新索爾 (約 3.92 美元),比 7.8 元新索爾的雞肉還貴。祕魯官方數據則顯示,該國國民食用藜麥消耗量下降了。

祕魯農業部副部長 Juan Rheineck 說,在較貧窮的地區,人們買不起日益昂貴的藜麥,但政府正努力消弭這種情形。祕魯政府也補助利瑪一間兒童之家的伙食,讓孩童們能吃到水煮蛋、藜麥、蘋果汁等營養食品,以推廣營養早餐。

祕魯政府努力提升孩童的營養狀況,2011 年 5 歲以下孩童的慢性營養不良率已經降至 16.5%,但在貧窮地區,兒童營養不良還是相當常見。而據世界銀行資料,玻利維亞有 27.2% 的 5 歲以下孩童苦於慢性營養不良問題。

祕魯第一夫人 Nadine Heredia 正努力推行增進嬰兒健康的安地斯飲食宣導計畫,其中藜麥正是主要食材。2012 年,祕魯由藜麥出口賺進約 3500 萬美元,是 3 年前的 3 倍。玻利維亞的藜麥出口量也成長至 2.3 萬噸,帶來 8500 萬美元的收益。

但專家指出,若想滿足國際上日益成長的需求與壓低當地的供應價格,玻利維亞與祕魯都需再增加藜麥產量。玻利維亞政府表示,已對 7 萬位以上的農人提供總共 500 萬美元貸款,也希望能將藜麥製品工業化生產,增加更多附加價值。

油氣與礦產是玻利維亞兩大重點出口商品,但 Meija 相信,若供應全球一半藜麥需求的玻利維亞全力推動藜麥農業,不出 10 年,藜麥出口量就可超越天然氣與礦產。(文:黃欣)

王冠一 美債暗湧 美日靠攏




日圓急插 美國寬容


日央行對畄 美債成新寵

有了日本這個強大後盾,美國暫時有條件跟中國繼續就亞太區的領導地位討價還價,不用過於擔心中國以拋售美債作威脅。偏偏安倍大打民族牌爭取民望,美 國看在美債份上,當然要為日本站台。中美日這種由美債利益連繫覑的三角關係,正好解釋了近期以釣魚台為核心的主權爭拗為何一直沒有解決舻象。

量寬與通脹 無必然關係

美日關係進一步靠攏,其實有舻可尋,並非單純因為中國的因素。要知道日本是實行量寬的鼻祖,美國推行量寬亦只不過是依樣畫葫蘆。一般人認為,量寬因 為涉及印銀紙行為,所以貨幣理應貶值,物價理應上漲。不過,事實證明,日本央行實行了20年量寬,結果日本的通縮亦長達20年;美國聯儲局實行了量寬近4 年,結果通脹一直未見惡化。關鍵在於量寬製造的貨幣供應效果,並未從金融界擴散至實體經濟,所以量寬其實跟通脹,沒有必然關係。

直至最近,美日兩國忽然大打通脹牌:日本表明以2%為通脹目標;聯儲局則暗示超低息環境要維持至失業率至少回落至6.5%,與及通脹率回升至2%至 2.5%左右。似乎反映兩國的貨幣政策步入一個新階段:冀透過通脹預期刺激國民消費需求,為日後強化美日兩國以至親美陣營的多邊貿易活動鋪路。如果朝這個 方向繼續發展下去,中國作為世界工廠的地位將會愈來愈失色,而中國在亞太區內的貿易角色,亦有可能逐漸被以美日為首的親美貿易陣營邊緣化。



先來看看過去10年的道指走勢。過去10年,美國股市有兩次泡沫,次按泡沫是濫發信貸,已經爆破。QE泡沫是濫發貨幣,還未爆破。我用point of no return定義資產泡沫。這個return是回報,即是無回報點。很多人以為泡沫爆破是因為缺乏資金推高價格,所以今次的QE泡沫不會爆破,因為無限量寬鬆之下,不會缺乏資金。其實,資產泡沫爆破是因為資產價格太高,沒有回報引發價格暴跌。

標普500的股息率只有兩厘,低過通脹率,10年前已經到了無回報點。次按泡沫形成和美股進入無回報點是差不多在10年前發生。美國政府要維持泡沫不爆破,就要增加開支,國債不斷膨脹。如果不削減開支,美國經濟會進入另一個point of no return,這個return是回頭,即是不歸點。


另外,奧巴馬和民主黨人不應該繼續自欺欺人。2009年,奧巴馬宣稱國會通過他的振興經濟法案之後,失業率回落至6%以下,每年經濟增長4.3%,過去4 年證明全部都是大話西遊。他宣稱創造的四百幾萬就業職位根本上係憑空想像。


By Pimco 格羅斯







經濟學家Hyman Minsky清醒地指出了問題。現在信貸不斷擴張,利用Minsky複雜的經濟模型分析,可以得到我們現在正處於所謂的龐氏融資階段。首先,Minsky表示, 如果系統的借款規模比較小,同時是相對可自我持續的,這個階段應該稱為“對沖”融資階段。接著,系統的膽子會越來越大,不斷增加槓桿進入“投機”融資模式,也就是需要更多的信貸用於歸還之前到期的貸款。最後,當需要新增信貸來覆蓋越來越沉重的利息支出,結果導致通脹水平開始失控,這個最後階段就是“龐氏”融資。

Minsky的理論是在1971年美元價格與金價脫鉤不久以後建立了,距今已經接近半個世紀了。 Minsky的理論主要是一個週期性模型——經濟出現衰退以後,一旦系統的槓桿率降低,經濟就會快速復蘇。這是上世紀的情況。 Minsky可能沒想到,美國信貸創造規模的長期增長是指數級的,而不是線性的,如下圖所示。 (其它發達經濟體的歷史信貸規模增長都是相似的。)金融系統過去一直存在周期性的去槓桿化,在沃爾克擔任美聯儲主席的時期(1979-1987),去槓桿化的事件都是比較溫和的。 Minsky 也在上世紀70年代構建了他的理論,那時候美國的總信貸規模只有3萬億美元。今天美國的總信貸規模為56萬億美元(不包括影子影子的負債數據,約為20-30萬億美元),而且還在不斷增加,美國的負債已經在變成了一隻體型失控的怪獸,一顆不斷膨脹的超新星其實也開始在蠶食自己。現在每增加一美元的信貸看起來能提供的熱量越來越少了。在上世紀80年代,每新增四美元的信貸就能製造一美元的真實GDP增長。在過去的十年裡,這個數字增加到十美元,從2006年起,需要新增20美元信貸才能獲得相同的效果。在2013年,Minsky的龐氏融資將越來越多地流向債權人和市場投機者,越來越少流向實體經濟。這個“信貸新常態”就像熵越來越高的宇宙,新信貸能產生的“熱量”和真實增長逐年減少:過去50年的平均真實增長為3.5%,而現在只有2%,未來的增長率很可能更低。





















Global Silver Mining Trends- A Comprehensive Analysis of World Silver Production Since 2001

Submitted by Adam Hamilton, Zeal

A MUST READ analysis of global silver mining production since 2001 over the world’s top silver producing nations.

Over the course of silver’s secular bull, the miners have steadily increased production in order to meet fast-growing demand.  And in 2012 while US production declined, global silver mine production exceeded 24k metric tons (770m+ ounces), an all-time production high and 28% increase over 2001.  As an investor interested in silver’s structural fundamentals, this rapid growth begs a question.  Where in the world is this silver coming from?

In our modern information age we can ask questions like this and easily find the answer.  And we need look no farther than the data provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.  The USGS is a global authority in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information on both domestic and international mineral supply and demand.  And for silver it dutifully provides annual detailed country-level mine production data.

My preferred way to distill data like this is visually, via crafting a custom chart to paint a clear picture.  And in the chart below I plot the bull-to-date global silver-mining trends for the world’s top dozen silver producers using the USGS’s initial 2012 estimates that were released just this week.


With production volume scattered across such a wide spectrum, I indexed each country’s output at 100 beginning in 2001 (the first year of silver’s secular bull).  If a country is at 125, its silver mine production is up 25%.  And inversely if it’s at 75, it is down 25%.  Indexing ultimately allows us to easily compare the production trends of the top producers on a single chart.

Also included in this chart is the raw production data of the world’s top silver miners.  And it is important to note that these 12 countries are responsible for the lion’s share of mined supply, their combined total accounting for 90% (21.4k mt).  Interestingly #12 Canada produces nearly twice as much as the next closest country.  In fact, only 5 countries outside the top dozen actually produce greater than 100 mt of silver annually.

Starting at the top, you’ll notice that silver mine production is dominated by three countries.  And Mexico, China, and Peru have long been the three-headed monster of the silver market.  Back when silver’s bull began in 2001 these three countries were the leaders, accounting for about one-third of the global mined supply.  And as a result of strong growth from each over the last decade, they remain the leaders while accounting for now nearly half of the mined supply.

Mexico comfortably sits atop the silver-mining world.  This country is host to massive silver belts, including the illustrious Sierra Madre belt that flanks the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range.  Silver has long been one of Mexico’s major exports, dating as far back as the 16th century when the Spanish colonials shipped it back to their homeland via large galleons.

It is believed that about one-third of all silver mined in the history of the world has come from Mexico.  But even with such rich history, this country’s silver mineralization is nowhere near depleted.  The miners continue to make big discoveries.  And these discoveries have great economics as seen by 50%+ production growth over the last decade.

Mexico’s prominence is also apparent in its continued attractiveness to the juniors.  In my latest round of research focused on junior silver explorers, I found Mexico to be the top destination for these companies.  With Mexico’s plush geology and friendly mining laws, about half of all silver juniors own a project in Mexico.

In the #2 spot we find China.  And per the USGS’s latest update to 2011’s numbers that increased Chinese production and lowered Peruvian production, it turns out that 2012 was China’s second year in a row as runner up to Mexico.  This is quite notable, as China had never before cracked the top two.  With Mexico and Peru holding the top-two spots from 1999 to 2010, this is certainly a big shuffle at the top.  China is no longer the third wheel!

China’s journey to #2 is the result of massive production growth, mainly via byproduct production from primary base-metals mines.  Over the last 11 years its silver production has doubled, with the addition of 1.9k mt (61m ounces) to its annual output.  By volume this growth is unmatched by any other country.  And China’s silver production is expected to continue to rise, eventually giving Mexico a run for its money.

Rounding out the big three is Peru, where most of its silver is found high in the Andes Mountains.  And Peru is certainly no slouch considering it had a recent stint as the world’s #1 silver producer, edging out Mexico from 2002 to 2009.  Silver has long been engrained in Peru’s culture.  In fact, the ancient Incans were so enthralled by this soft-white metal that they referred to it as the “tears of the moon”.

Peru’s production is up 34% since 2001.  And though its output has trended down a bit over the last few years, the mining companies have had great success renewing their reserves and making new discoveries.  With the world’s largest reserve base (120k mt), by far, Peru is highly likely to revisit its 2009 all-time production high in the near future.

Next up is Australia.  And as you can see by its production trend, this country has been quite consistent over the last decade or so.  Interestingly over half of Australia’s output comes from a single mine.  And this massive Cannington mine owned by BHP Billiton ranks as the largest silver and lead mine in the world.

Russia has been one of the top performers by percentage growth over the course of silver’s bull.  And considering this country’s huge geographical and geological potential, it sure ought to be among the top producers.  Attributing to Russia’s nearly 300% bump in production is the restart of the massive Dukat mine and an increase in byproduct output from its large gold mines.

The South American country of Bolivia has grown to become a silver powerhouse over the last decade or so.  And this is actually quite surprising considering its geopolitical issues over this same span.  Large operations like Sumitomo’s San Cristobal mine and Coeur d’Alene’s San Bartolome mine successfully navigated their ways around Bolivia’s challenges to account for a big chunk of this country’s 200%+ growth since 2001.

Poland is another country where the bulk of its silver comes to market as a byproduct of primary base-metals mines.  And nearly the entirety of its output comes from three massive copper mines that are owned by KGHM Polska.  Poland’s flat production from an isolated source is a sign of consistency, yet also a clear display of fruitless exploration and/or new development.

Chile’s silver output has also been fairly consistent over the years, with much of its 16% decline coming just last year.  A big chunk of Chile’s silver is a byproduct of its large copper and gold mines, however there are a handful of primary silver mines that do make material contributions.

Chile has struggled a bit with water, energy, and labor challenges, but these are typical Latin American growing pains that will work themselves out.  Looking forward Chile will see a big boost in production in the near future once Barrick Gold finally gets its massive Pascua-Lama gold/silver mine online.

In the #9 spot is the United States.  And as you see by its downward trend, the US has experienced quite a fall from silver prominence.  Since 2001 US silver output is down an appalling 40%.  And if you go back to its peak levels in the 1990s, things are even worse with a decline of well over 50%.

Provocatively prior to the turn of the 21st century silver’s big three were Mexico, Peru, and the US.  China was not in the picture yet.  In fact, as recently as 1997 the US was the world’s #2 silver producer, responsible for nearly 14% of the global mined supply that year.

It really is amazing that one of the world’s top silver producers could tumble in such epic fashion during one of the most powerful bull markets this metal has ever seen.  Factoring into this decline is large-mine depletion, pinched economics for harder-to-access ore, regulatory burdens, and a lack of new discovery.

Though the US has several historic primary silver districts (the most prolific being in Idaho, Montana, and Colorado), they were the first to shut down during the bear-market years of the 1980s and 1990s.  And as a result, the majority of the US’s silver these days is a byproduct of copper and gold mining.  Making matters worse, the US’s production of both of these metals is also way down in recent years.

In stark contrast from the US, Argentina has seen incredible production growth over the last decade or so.  Amazingly in 1998 it ranked as the world’s 27th largest silver producer, with output of only 36 mt.  It really has come out of nowhere to join the world’s elite.

Argentina has actually long been known to host robust mineralized systems.  Unfortunately as a result of antiquated mining laws it took awhile for the miners to realize the resources held within these systems.  Thankfully Argentina’s decades-long lag behind its Latin American cohorts finally started to burn away following some big reforms in the 1990s.  And when the miners finally got on the ground they found a wide range of mineral deposits, including several large ones that were primary silver.

Interestingly primary silver deposits are quite rare since this mineral is usually subservient to higher concentrations of accompanying base metals and/or gold.  Less than a third of global mined silver actually comes from primary silver mines!  Argentina is a geological exception though, with well over half its output coming from primary silver mines owned by such companies as Silver Standard, Pan American, and Hochschild.

Moving to Kazakhstan we see a material decline in production over the course of silver’s bull.  Like Poland, the vast majority of Kazakhstan’s silver output comes from byproduct base-metals production from a single large company (Kazakymys).  This massive country has great silver potential, but lacks attractiveness due to its precarious political environment.

Rounding out the top 12 is Canada.  And like the US, Canada’s silver story tells of a fall from greatness.  Mining historians will recall the great Cobalt Silver Rush early in the 20th century that made Canada a global silver powerhouse.  And even as recently as 2002, the Great White North still held its head high as the world’s #5 silver producer.

Unfortunately many of the same things that plagued the US also hit Canada hard.  And with primary silver mines now all but extinct (the exception being the recently revived Keno Hill camp) coupled with declines in byproduct output, Canada has seen a staggering 60% plunge in silver production.

Overall silver’s global mining trends are quite revealing in the grand scheme of this metal’s structural fundamentals.  There have been some great growth stories, and some pretty alarming declines.  And as investors the information we get by drilling down into country-level dynamics can certainly assist in our trading decisions.

Since geographical logistics don’t matter much when it comes to investing in the physical metal, the trading I’m referring to involves the mining stocks.  And believe me, mining companies are very sensitive to where in the world they seek to explore/develop/produce their silver.

One major takeaway we can gather from this information is that total output and/or growth rates don’t necessarily translate to opportunity for the miners.  Some of these countries are host to geopolitical situations that all but block foreign investment.  And some are producing silver solely as a byproduct, ultimately lacking geologically favorable primary silver deposits.  These situations are not conducive to mining companies looking to directly leverage silver.

Another takeaway is that Latin America is definitely a silver hot spot these days.  Some of the best growth trends are coming from this part of the world.  This observation is further supported by the fact that in 2012 half the production from the top dozen came from Latin American countries.  Back in 2001 they were only responsible for 43%.

One other observation I can add is somewhat counterintuitive to what the trends are showing.  But per my recent research looking at the universe of silver juniors, I found there to be a lot of exploration activity in the countries that are the two biggest losers over the course of this bull.  Nearly a third of all juniors have a project in the US, with nearly a third also having a project in Canada.

While the silver-mining industry in these upper North American countries is struggling, they both have a distinct advantage when it comes to exploration.  The miners know where the silver is.  The US and Canada both hold historic silver-mining districts that were shut down due to economics.  These districts have plenty of resources remaining.  And with higher prices and better technology, the juniors are finding great success in their exploration endeavors.  I suspect we’ll see a US and Canada silver revival in the coming years that will finally turn around their decade-long downward trends.

At Zeal we love poring over data like this to give us better insights into a given sector.  And we implement it into our exhaustive research that turns out high-probability-for-success stocks to trade in our newsletters.  In our last two research reports profiling these stocks, our focus was on silver.  And even amidst this downtrodden mining-stock environment, several silver stocks that we recommended in our newsletters are sporting excellent unrealized gains.

If you’d like the detailed fundamental profiles of our favorite silver stocks at your fingertips, buy your reports today!  And if you crave a unique and exciting market tilt, something you won’t find with the mainstream herd, consider a subscription to our weekly and/or monthly newsletters.  Investors all over the world have enjoyed our acclaimed contrarian market analysis and trade recommendations for over a decade!  Get your subscription today!

The bottom line is global silver mine production is on the rise.  And it is certainly interesting to see where in the world the silver is coming from.  Just this week the USGS released its 2012 country-level production estimates, and these latest numbers tack onto some fascinating trends over the course of silver’s bull.

We are seeing a big shuffle at the top with China making a move.  And the Latin American countries are continuing to show their force, now collectively responsible for over half of the world’s mined silver production.  Drilling down on these country-level dynamics really helps us to better understand a big component of silver’s structural fundamentals.  And with this knowledge we are better equipped to invest in this growing sector.

Scott Wright

February 1, 2013

So how can you profit from this information?  We publish an acclaimed monthly newsletter, Zeal Intelligence, that details exactly what we are doing in terms of actual stock and options trading based on all the lessons we have learned in our market research as well as provides in-depth market analysis and commentary.  Please consider joining us each month at … www.zealllc.com/subscribe.htm

Thoughts, comments, or flames?  Fire away at scottq@zealllc.com .  Depending on the volume of feedback I may not have time to respond personally, but I will read all messages.  Thanks!

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