

法國興業銀行[0.68% 資金研報](Societe Generale)週二(2月18日)在報告中指出,去年印度為了控制經常帳赤字持續膨脹而出台了嚴苛的黃金進口管制措施,最終促使更多印度消費者轉而購買白銀。不過,2014年印度的白銀需求可能不及去年。


因為黃金進口受到限制,印度國內市場黃金溢價高升,黃金的昂貴使得很多印度人轉投白銀。 2013年白銀均價為23.85美元/盎司,比2012年的31.17美元/盎司有很大下跌。因為經濟行動放緩,白銀的工業應用需求減少。 2014年至今,白銀均價為20.53美元/盎司。




此外,銀飾也有相對比較好的利潤。印度古吉拉特邦的Amrapali集團的專管Monal Thakkar說:“銀飾有更好的轉售價值,並且製造價格也更低。”銀飾的平均製造價格大約只是金飾的三分之一甚至四分之一。

在一項針對2700名首飾商的調查中,73%稱他們的銀飾銷量在2013年上升,15%稱銷量持平。 92%的參與者對銀價看漲。

陶冬:中國經濟下滑 央行貨幣政策的3種應對之道




2月份中的經濟數據,幾乎全方位地疲弱過預期。即使將1、2月數據疊加,以避免農曆新年所帶來的基數扭曲,零售和基建投資增長也弱過 2009 年金融危機爆發後的情況,工業生產、出口和信貸還沒有差到危機時的水平,不過經濟活動全面下滑應該是不爭的事實了。由於經濟滑坡已經十分明顯,筆者相信政府不需要等3月份的數字來判斷形勢,市場在等待經濟刺激措施。


必須看到,本屆政府傾向於在市場機制下制定政策,對 GDP 增長目標也沒有以前那麼執著,對地方政府主導的財政擴張又相當審慎。筆者相信李克強內閣推出刺激政策的門檻較前任更高,態度更小心,力度也可能更小。今年是地方政府還款的高峰年,全年約有 3.5 萬地方債到期,地方財政已經捉襟見肘,非標產品向地方輸送資金的能力下降,所以過往幾年屢試不爽的影子銀行 — 地方債務 — 基建投資的模式,在帶動 GDP 增長上有些力有不逮。(接下頁)



但是如果經濟下滑過大,貨幣政策是有放鬆空間的。筆者估計目前央行有3個選項: 1) 調降存款準備金率; 2) 放慢流動性回收的步伐,甚至轉為釋出流動性; 3) 適度放寬對影子銀行集資和貸款的限制。這3項在第2季度可能同時做,意圖均為增大流動性,其中調降準備金率的象徵意義最大。



美股走勢啟人疑竇 Forbes:紙上富貴的漲勢不可靠 投資人當心



SPDR Gold Shares下滑1.94%、iShares Sliver Trust下跌1.10%、iShares 20+美債跌0.78%。




1980 年代的牛市即是如此,靠的是法規鬆綁、全球化、電腦、生技產業的增長。1990 年代中期的牛市在成為泡沫前靠的也是實質增長,仰賴的是網路及電信業的發展。

再來就是由央行創出的紙上富貴,靠的是超低利率創造出來的熱錢,使得房屋價格、國庫券、股票都跟著上揚,如同 2001-2006 年時那般。


現在的情況,與 2001-2006 年時的紙上富貴實在太過相似,而華爾街今日的走勢,無疑敲起了警鐘。

印度放寬進口管制 允許部分銀行進口黃金

2014年03月20日07:38 來源:FX168  


  該官員還透露,印度央行(RBI)此次允許進口黃金的五家私營部門銀行分別為HDFC銀行,Axis銀行,Kotak Mahindra銀行,IndusInd銀行以及Yes銀行。隨後兩位業內人士也確定了這五家銀行的名字。


  Kotak Mahindra銀行執行副總裁Shekhar Bhandari表示,“此次央行允許私營銀行進口黃金的確是很關鍵的一步,但進口總量還是要基於出口客戶的數量。”

  全印度珠寶首飾貿易聯盟(All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation)主席Haresh Soni稱,“未來供應緊俏的現狀將逐步緩和,同時溢價也會下降一些,這會是一個良好的開端。”

  印度曾是全球頭號黃金消費國,但由於政府將黃金進口關稅上調至10%的歷史高位,同時還出臺多項黃金進口限制條例,導致去年下半年的黃金進口驟 降。然而,這也刺激印度國內的黃金溢價在去年12月觸及160美元/盎司的歷史高位,黃金走私數量猛增,該國行業官員呼籲政府盡快放寬黃金進口管制。



  印度人民黨首相候選人Narendra Modi表示,“政府在黃金行業做出的任何舉動都應該考慮公眾和交易商的利益,而不僅僅是站在經濟和政治的角度。”


Currency Wars the Great Destabilizer

Currency Wars the Great Destabilizer
By: Professor Steve Hanke

Dr. Karl Schiller, West Germany’s Economics Minister between 1966 and 1972, pithily pronounced that: “Stability is not everything, but without stability, everything is nothing.” I agree. In the economic sphere, instability is usually a “bad”, not a “good”.

The world’s great destabilizer is the United States. How could this be? In the post-World War II era, the world has been on a U.S. dollar standard. Accordingly, the U.S. Federal Reserve is the de facto central banker for the world.

But you would never know it by looking at the statements and actions of the Fed. Indeed, the world’s central bank functions, for the most part, as if it is operating in a closed economy – one in which the rest of the world doesn’t exist. The Fed’s disregard for the rest of the world results in policies that send huge hot money flows to and fro. These flows create an enormous amount of instability – a “bad”, not a “good”.

Prof. Ronald McKinnon captured this picture in his most recent edifying book: The Unloved Dollar Standard: From Bretton Woods to the Rise of China (Oxford University Press, 2012). In addition to identifying the U.S. as the great destabilizer in the international monetary system, Prof. McKinnon shows why China has been a major stabilizing force. China has injected stability into the international sphere by smartly, and ironically, linking the Chinese yuan (more or less tightly) to the U.S. dollar since 1995. China has coupled this yuan-dollar currency link with a successful counter-cyclical financial policy. Whenever there has been a potential bump in the road (read: slowdown), China has expanded bank money and the economy has sailed over the bumps. In consequence, since 1995, the annual rate of real GDP growth in China has ranged from a low of 7.6% (1999) to a high of 14.2% (2007) – the greatest boom in world history.

We have recently witnessed a changing of the guard at the Fed. Prof. Janet Yellen has just taken over the reins from Prof. Ben Bernanke. Will policies change? In her initial testimony before the U.S. Congress, Prof. Yellen went out of her way to indicate that she was going to follow in the footsteps of her predecessor. Like Prof. Bernanke, the unspoken Fed mantra will be a closed economy. No doubt, Prof. Yellen will not change Bernanke’s dashboard to include what is arguably the most important price in the world: the USD/EUR exchange rate (or any other exchange rate for that matter).

Yes, the Fed will stay lashed to a totally unrealistic (read: wrong) closed economy model. And, yes, the Fed will continue to ignore the obvious: that by manipulating interest rates, it fuels great hot money flows which create boom-bust cycles throughout the world.

If that wasn’t bad enough, it appears that Prof. Yellen will tighten the regulatory vise on the banking system even more tightly than Prof. Bernanke did. Prof. Yellen has indicated that she favors higher risk-based capital ratios, higher leveraged-based capital ratios and higher liquidity ratios for banks. In short, she embraces regulatory changes that will force banks to continue to deleverage.

Since about 80% of the nation’s money supply (M4) is produced by banks, this means that the money supply will remain tight. Recall that the Divisia M4 measure of money, which is computed by the Center for Financial Stability, is only growing at a paltry year over year rate of 2.0% (December 2013). Such a tight monetary stance in the face of economic weakness amounts to a wrong headed pro-cyclical approach.

Prof. Yellen’s monetary stance is not only wrongheaded but schizophrenic. When it comes to the big elephant in the room – bank money – she is very tight. But, when it comes to state money produced by the Fed, she is loose.

One thing Prof. Yellen was clear about in her maiden voyage to Capitol Hill as leader of the Fed was that the Fed bore no responsibility for the boom-bust cycles in emerging markets. Indeed, she didn’t venture into the debate about the so-called currency wars. These are ably handled in a chapter, “Currency Wars”, in Prof. Eswar Prasad’s new book The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened It’s Grip on Global Finance (Princeton University Press, 2014). The so-called currency wars erupt when the Fed artificially pushes interest rates to levels below what would be their market or natural levels. In search for yield, the hot money flows to higher risk, higher interest-rate environs. This tends to strengthen the local currencies relative to the greenback. It also adds to the recipient countries’ foreign exchange reserves and boosts their domestic money supplies. Asset booms and inflationary pressures follow. It was exactly this sequence that prompted Brazil’s Finance Minister Guido Mantega to pronounce on 27 September 2010 that “We are in the midst of an international currency war …”. The same sentiments were echoed in November 2010 by China’s Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao, when he stated that the U.S. “has not fully taken into consideration the shock of excessive capital flows to the financial stability of emerging markets.”

The Fed-facilitated hot money flows and associated troubles they create are, of course, thrown into reverse when the Fed starts to tighten up. Countries that embrace sound economic policies mitigate the damage that can be thrown up by destabilizing hot money flows. This conclusion has been most recently reached in studies by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. In short, the best mitigation protection is a combination of balanced budgets, low debt levels and free-market institutions.

Since last summer, Argentina and Venezuela have been in economic intensive care wards. My Johns Hopkins – Cato Institute Troubled Currencies Project estimates that the annual implied inflation rate in Venezuela is 306% – over five times the official inflation rate. And Argentina’s is 64%. That’s more than double estimates made by private observers in Buenos Aires. But that’s only one indicator of an economic malfunction.

The World Bank produces an annual report that paints a pretty good picture of a country’s vulnerability to shocks – like hot money flows. The World Bank’s Doing Business 2014 report calculates the ease of doing business and ranks 189 countries by making careful measurements of the following items: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency (see the accompanying table).

World Bank Doing Business Rankings

Source: The World Bank, Doing Business 2014, Economy Rankings. Prepared by: Steve H. Hanke, The Johns Hopkins University

Not surprisingly, Venezuela is a bottom feeder. Indeed, even Zimbabwe has a higher score. Argentina is also weak and becoming weaker. As for Brazil, the first country to complain about hot money flows; it’s weak and vulnerable, according to the World Bank’s ease of doing business metric. Indonesia, another country that has been under pressure since last summer, is also vulnerable. Turkey, too, has been under the gun, with the Turkish lira putting in one of the world’s worst performances in 2013. What characterizes all five of these countries is the fact that they failed to make hay (read: reform) when the sun shined (read: the hot money flowed in). In consequence, they are all vulnerable, in varying degrees, to the current hot money outflows.

Some people think this state of international monetary affairs will be solved by digital currencies – like Bitcoins. These are private currencies passed directly between two people without the need for a trusted third party.  So, even though electronic, they resemble banknotes. While private digital currencies may yet have their day in the sun (read: in the international financial system), it won’t be tomorrow. As the accompanying chart shows, Bitcoin is a highly volatile speculative asset. It’s missing a necessary ingredient required to push the U.S. Dollar aside: stability.

What to do? The world’s two most important currencies, the dollar and the euro – should, via formal agreement, trade in a zone ($1.20-$1.40 to the euro, for example). The European Central Bank would be obliged to maintain this zone of stability by defending a weak dollar and the Fed would be obliged to defend a weak euro.

The East Asian dollar bloc, which was torpedoed during the 2003 Dubai Summit, should then return – with the yuan and other Asian currencies tightly linked to the greenback. As for other countries (Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela, for example), they should adopt currency boards linked to either the dollar or euro, or, they should simply adopt the greenback or the euro.

Let’s put an end to the “currency wars”. When it comes to exchange rates, stability might not be everything, but everything is nothing without stability.
By Steve H. Hanke
Twitter: @Steve_Hanke
Steve H. Hanke is a Professor of Applied Economics and Co-Director of the Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Prof. Hanke is also a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.; a Distinguished Professor at the Universitas Pelita Harapan in Jakarta, Indonesia; a Senior Advisor at the Renmin University of China’s International Monetary Research Institute in Beijing; a Special Counselor to the Center for Financial Stability in New York; a member of the National Bank of Kuwait’s International Advisory Board (chaired by Sir John Major); a member of the Financial Advisory Council of the United Arab Emirates; and a contributing editor at Globe Asia Magazine.

黃金無用? 美元購買力貶值95%

2014-03-20 06:42 FX168財經網


(圖片來源Merk Investment)


(圖片來源Merk Investment)




儘管美聯儲是獨立於美國議會外的,但以耶倫(Janet Yellen)更關注就業情況而非通脹來看,金價或許不會很快收到提高的真實利率的威脅。


中國在不久前成為全球最大的黃金消費國。 無獨有偶,中國還是全球最大的黃金生產國和進口國。 然而圍繞中國黃金需求的真實情況存在一個大問題,而且這個問題的答案將決定全球金價未來將何去何從。 近來國際金價的強勁上漲,就與市場憧憬中國投資者將保持旺盛黃金需求大有關係。 ( 中國央行“否認”掃貨黃金去年官方儲備維持1054噸 )
全球黃金市場上似乎有一大批黃金不見踪影,對於這個謎團,目前可謂眾說紛紜。 據分析師計算,中國去年的國內黃金產量為428噸,據估計還至少進口了1,158噸,而全年的需求量約為1,066噸,因此有多達500噸或以上的黃金不知去向。 而中國政府又不對外公佈黃金進口數據,因此這個數字也存在爭議。
大多數分析師認為是中國央行秘密買進了這些黃金,而且這也是使去年中國黃金需求創下新高的背後推手。 不過中國央行一直堅稱,黃金儲備自2009年4月以來一直維持1,054噸不變。 雖然這只相當於國家外匯儲備的1%,但已然足以讓中國的官方黃金儲備位列全球第六。
那些想要尋找消失黃金去向的分析師提出,中國以前就有搞幕後金融交易的先例。 2009年初,中國央行在半夜突然高調宣布,國家黃金儲備已從600噸幾乎倍增到1,054噸。 當時一位央行副行長出面解釋說,央行是通過舊金回收和國內黃金交易所等渠道增持的黃金。
首先,據廣東黃金協會副會長朱志剛稱,自2012年以來,總共有12家商業銀行獲得了中國的黃金進口牌照,這些銀行囤積著數目不詳的黃金。 這其中包括兩家國際銀行,一家是澳新銀行(ANZ),另一家是匯豐銀行(HSBC)。 兩家銀行都是在今年1月獲得牌照。 這些銀行並不對外公開黃金存儲量。 而在2012年之前,只有四大國有商業銀行可以進口和存放黃金。
其次,國內生產的黃金可能通過“借用”方式流向珠寶首飾生產商,這類廠商大量集中在深圳附近。 這種借用模式由中國金礦開採公司發明。 當金價低迷時,比如在金價大跌28%的2003年,礦產商不願意賤價出售自己的黃金,於是想出了這種操作模式。
中國的大部分實物黃金買家和賣家最後都是通過官方設立的上海黃金交易所進行交易,如要在交易所之外出售黃金,則需要繳納17%的增值稅。 但不願在交易所低價出售黃金的礦產商想出了將黃金“借給”珠寶商的辦法,等到金價上漲時,便可以收回出借的黃金以高價出售。
世界黃金協會(World Gold Council)的數據顯示,中國消費者在去年購買了創紀錄的1,066噸黃金,同比激增32%。 該組織斷言,他們的數據不存在“中國”與“香港”之間的重複計算。 中國進口黃金的門戶只有香港和上海兩地,去年通過香港進口的黃金達到1,158噸,而且外界認為香港相比上海是更大的門戶。
去年,由於珠寶商對形勢的誤判使得未能及時補充庫存,導致中國許多城市發生大範圍的黃金供應短缺。 空空如也的黃金櫃檯讓消費者心生恐慌,等到到貨後,他們紛紛出手搶購,一時間各地金店門前排起長隊,一如2008年毒奶粉事件導致消費者搶購進口嬰幼兒配方奶粉時的那場“盛況”。
黃金在中國仍是一種擁有很高價值和地位的商品,它能給人帶來財務上的安全感。 一定程度上,這與中國政府以前對黃金買賣實施嚴格管制不無關係。
在1949年之前,中國祇有央行掌握著黃金進出口權。 1979年,中國開始允許銷售金幣。 後來黃金的交易限制逐步取消,黃金珠寶首飾早在1982年便放開;2000年,投資金條也獲准買賣;接著在2002年,上海黃金交易所開業。
中國放開黃金交易的這段時期,與國際黃金市場的一輪長期上漲不謀而合。 自2002年以來,金價上漲了六倍有餘,目前處在每盎司1,300 美元上方。 但隨著中國老百姓意識到這個世界並不缺少黃金,去年那麼突出的需求量可能今後不會重演。
朱志剛自己也經營著一家黃金投資諮詢公司。 他表示,黃金在中國消費者心中已不再具有神聖地位。 朱志剛正在推廣一種流行的投資策略,即每個中國家庭都應該投資1公斤黃金,這大約價值25萬元人民幣 ,相當於買輛家用轎車的價錢。 截至2013年底,中國約有4.015億個家庭。 而按照朱志剛的這種投資理念,如果每個中國家庭都富裕到能夠進行這種投資的話,意味著全中國將囤積4.015億公斤黃金,也就是401,500噸。
據匯豐銀行3月份發布的一份報告估計,相比印度2.5萬噸的存金量,中國祇能算是小巫見大巫。 如此說來,未來中國吸納黃金的胃口還大著呢。
