
T. Ferguson: Washout Becoming Increasingly Likely in Gold & Silver

  Cartel今次企圖是把金銀價推到長期支持位,分別是 金1525,銀26.4..




TF from TFMetalsReport.com has released an update this afternoon warning gold & silver investors that a major wash-out decline in both metals is becoming increasingly likely, particularly as silver has breached support and dipped into the $26 level overnight and again Wednesday afternoon. TF warns that the cartel appears to be attempting to induce a brief yet violent washout by smashing gold under significant long-term support at $1525 and into the $1400′s, and silver down through major long-term support at $26, triggering massive sell-stops and driving the metal into the low $20′s, at which point the cartel will be able to cover and the next major metals rally will begin.

Turd warns that: Everybody and their brother are looking at $26 silver as a final line of defense. What concerns me is JPM et al working collusively with the other commercials to pull their bids. This creates an air pocket into which the Large Specs sell even more and blow silver through $26. A drop through $26 would frighten nearly everyone but it would be The Bottom and the ultimate and best buying opportunity.
Good luck sourcing physical if this scenario plays out, as wholesale suppliers are already at 8 week delays on 90%, and 3-4 week delays on Silver Maples and Eagles

From T. Ferguson:
We must admit that it is looking increasingly likely that a washout is coming. Previously, I had only put this at one chance in four. After these past three days, we must now consider this a 50/50 probability, at a minimum.

It is looking increasingly likely that the goal of all of this is to drop gold through $1525-1535. This would:

  1. Trigger all sorts of long-term sell stops for The Cartels to cover into.
  2. Allow Maria Headiromo to proclaim that “gold is officially in a bear market”, down over 20% from its all-time highs of August 2011.
Everybody and their brother is looking at $26 silver as a final line of defense. What concerns me is JPM et al working collusively with the other commercials to pull their bids. This creates an air pocket into which the Large Specs sell even more and blow silver through $26.

The resulting waterfall triggered by all of the long-term sell stops would take silver to $25 or even $24. Fast. At that point, everyone who is going to sell will have sold and the long climb back up begins.

This is why I’m pleading for strength and courage. A drop through $26 would frighten nearly everyone but it would be The Bottom and the ultimate and best buying opportunity…

No time for summer soldiers and sunshine patriots around here. Your faith is about to be severely tested. Do you have the courage of your convictions or are you easily swayed? Will you succumb to pressure and follow the crowd off the cliff or will you stand tall?
IF the Large Specs run price through $1525, what will you do? Do you have a plan? If silver falls through $26, will you be ready? Again, today’s action dramatically increases the likelihood of The Final Washout. You have been warned. Prepare accordingly.


Sinclair - Cyprus & Why MSM Is Being Used To Frighten People (2013-03-27)

Jim Sinclair 認為今次塞浦路斯的銀行風波有另一個啟示。今天美國的貨幣流轉速度 (velocity of money) 是過去半個世紀以來最低。眾所周知,若要刺激通脹,就必須使貨幣流轉速度急劇上升。貨幣流轉速停滯不前,則是導致經濟衰退的主要原因。

依 賴銀行來推動經濟證實不能收到效果。(即使這筆挽救銀行的資金流出市場,都只用作推高股市和資產的價格)。政府可能明白到只有刺激消費才能把經濟衰退扭轉 過來。政府希望今次直接打擊銀行的存戶,使所有儲蓄者搖身一轉變成消費者,可以達到預期的效果,終於令經濟復甦。當儲蓄者明白到他們龐大的積蓄隨時可以被 沒收,他們就寧可快快銷耗好了。


日本央行延長購債期 每月增購7萬億日元










2013-04-04 12:53 原文:
4月4日,日本央行兩日貨幣政策會議決定,維持基準隔夜利率在0-0.1%不變,提前實行開放式QE,力推既有量化又有質化的貨幣寬鬆(Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing ),每月增加購買7萬億日元,可購買所有期限日債。
此次會議以僅一票反對的壓倒多數通過繼續實行量化寬鬆,直至實現2%的通脹目標。如此前市場預期所料,日本央行將前任行長白川方明推出的資產購買計劃(APP)與常規債券項目Rinban合併,並暫停實行購債上限規則(Banknote Rule)。













1、將擴大資產購買的步伐和規模。目前每月購買4.2萬億日元政府債券。 BBG調研預期將擴大至5.2萬億日元。




請看下圖,黃金是2001年進入牛市的,我們對比美國道瓊斯指數 ,你看到了什麼?












日本央行延長購債期 每月增購7萬億日元 雙料QE推動日元跌破94

4月4日,日本央行兩日貨幣政策會議決定,維持基準隔夜利率在0-0.1%不變,提前實行開放式QE,力推既有量化又有質化的貨幣寬鬆(Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing ),每月增加購買7萬億日元,可購買所有期限日債。
此次會議以僅一票反對的壓倒多數通過繼續實行量化寬鬆,直至實現2%的通脹目標。如此前市場預期所料,日本央行將前任行長白川方明推出的資產購買計劃(APP)與常規債券項目Rinban合併,並暫停實行購債上限規則(Banknote Rule)。












Silver – Beware of 2640

A reader wrote:
Yes. I am a “silverbug”. I never attacked you since I am a very open minded silverbug not a fanatic. But now the charts and the prices are showing your theory that in the economy, all the big money goes to the dollar  first.

So what should be the primary advice for timing the shifts between asset classes? thats  the hardest part for all the ordinary people like me

So we hoard US dollars now then wait “deflation” ends and when Bernanke  promise more stimulus I should go all in precious metals again?

But the EU zone has a pending crash. I should wait to see them fall.
But the Federal Reserve is monetizing deficits, and so other developed countries.
What is the best asset class then. Can we park money in one place or just trade the markets. what is your best recommendation for 2013?

Here the crazy socialist government has placed a 20% credit card prepay income tax for online purchases to stop dollar nominated transactions via internet :

       Thanks for any insights you may provide to a faithful reader.

I do not deal in theory or I “think”. We are all human and nobody is perfect despite the hype. The unfolding of events is always a sequence never all at once. It takes patience but you can confirm it is developing because it is all connected. Princeton Economics was simply the largest international advisory firm that probably ever existed. When I testified before Congress it was because we at that time had more than 50% of the US National Debt under contract. Now you can spin that claiming I manipulated the world, or you can realize that we solved problems and crises and in so doing, we saw behind the curtain how capital REALLY moves. If there was some giant conspiracy, then why call us if they were always in charge? There are always conflicts globally and at times within the same company as branches fight with each other. Citibank was have a international gathering in Asia. I was signed up to speak. They paid all expenses. But it was the Asian and European branches that wanted me there. New York objected saying they did not want to air their dirty laundry in front of an outsider. I was paid not to go. So these wild theories that paint even banks as unified operations are just not true.


I have been educated by the clients. They taught me to look at everything through everyone’s eyes. My dear friend Milton Friedman, who thought out of the box and was not a academic who followed the crowd, came to see me speak I believe at a COMPUTRAC seminar in Chicago. He convinced me that I had a front row seat that no one else ever accomplished, and that was for a purpose. So there are people who still want to make it personal and try to reduce me to their level of just opinion. Sorry – I go by the numbers dispassionately.

The Fed’s monetization is nothing. That is one side of the coin. With the global crisis, the demand for dollars keeps rising and this is why there has been no inflation because we had a massive deflation by the deleveraging of assets. The nonsense spread on this issue alone shows the hype. It is like adding income of $1 million but not expenses $1.2 million and then claiming you are rich.

The numbers are the numbers. Trying to forecast markets based upon hype is like trying to practice medicine by bleeding the patient. The global economy has moved far beyond that nonsense. It is like the people who constantly call for the Dow to Crash in 1929 style. They fail to comprehend what really took place back then. They also make the same mistake and only look at stocks domestically, not government debt, and are clueless about international capital flows.

In silver, we have TWO Weekly Bearish Reversals at 2641 and 2654. If they give way, silver will drop first to $23 zone and if that gives way, look for $17. Keep in mind that everything is HIGHLY volatile. Shaking the tree and getting the diehards out, will create a fresh base from which to rally. The longer they hold in there, the longer the decline like Japan.

The metals are still pointing higher but that is 2017. The Goldbugs blame me because they cannot admit error. This is not a religion. It is a market. The object is to survive, not donate you money to the banks who trade this stuff based upon the technicals.

We will try to have a metals update out ASAP. For now, the dollar is king. Europe is committing suicide and the politicians will not reverse their course because it is all about them, not actually saving the country. Until there are one term only politicians rather than lifetime careers, there is no hope for the future.
