

吉姆·查諾斯: 雖然官方統計的通脹率在4%~5%左右,但不能完全相信。實際上,我認為通脹率已經達到2倍的8%~10%。如果把沒有公佈的物價上漲所造成的通脹部分考慮進去,比如中國政府所說的9%增長,實際上也只有4%~5%。所以說即使中國經濟增長是5%~6%,也會理解為經濟硬著陸的理由。這就是為什麼很多相關人士明白通脹要比官方數據嚴重得多的證據。


熊貓 $12526

又再去 Booksilver,
發覺原來在booksilver買楓葉銀幣,佢地用lighthouse capsule入住比客人,真係要比10個讚佢地......


習廣思 信筆攻略

商品大好友羅傑斯江湖混得久, 未有停止過唱好金價,記憶中才兩星期前,還在呼籲買入黃金呢。但是,昨天乍見外電標題,指其預測「金價大跌40%至50%」。當然大家以為商品大王轉軚看 淡,再看內文,實際上他聲言繼續看好,但要等金價再跌四至五成後,才會再買入。紐約期金每盎斯1538美元,如果金價由此水平下跌40%,即跌穿1000 美元。如此悲觀預測,若不是轉軚看淡,其實又是什麼?

姑勿論羅傑斯看淡之說是對是錯,其分析點出導致金價(暫時)不再避險的兩大原因,其 一是印度政府自上月起大幅調高金條入口稅率,由2%上調至4%,變相加了一倍。印度政府上調黃金入口稅,理由是黃金入口大增,本財政年度首三季上升 50%,令到政府經常赤字壓力大增;然而,印度赤字未有迹象改善,這個情況短期難以扭轉。財政轉弱加上央行減息,印度盧比持續貶值,近期央行甚至需要入市 干預,但盧比貶值意味買金成本上升,也是印度需求下降的原因。其次,羅傑斯提到,歐洲正在傳出央行可能推出黃金可轉換債券。這個當然只屬傳聞,但當市場意 識到全球前五位的持金央行包括德國、法國及意大利時,她們要賣金套現的揣測又增添幾分說服力。

商品價全面下跌,皆因美元carry trade拆倉逆流,但金價會不會跌40%,至於會跌到幾時?一切視乎QE3而已,只要QE3一出,美元回落,金價再升。昨天提及金價短期支持是1500 美元水平,較長期是1400美元。不過,早已唱淡的索羅斯,其基金近期卻在增持黃金。如果只可二擇其一來信,你會信誰?

WGC:金價底線1300美元 未來5年需達3000美元

路透社消息,世界黃金協會 (WGC) 首席執行官 Aram Shishmanian 稱,由於採礦成本大幅攀升,未來 5 年金價需達 3000 美元,整個行業才能保持有利可圖。他又樂觀估計,長期而言市場對黃金的需求將會持續推升價格。
Aram Shishmanian 指出,金價應至少維持於 1300 美元,該水平是黃金礦產商目前的「生存底線」,因行業同時還將面臨礦業成本、龐大的股息分紅成本和東道國稅收急劇攀升等不利因素。
香港《文匯報》報導, Aram Shishmanian 相信,黃金未來的需求將來自新興市場、各國央行及投資者,尤其是新興市場,「持有數以十億計的美元對這些國家沒有助益,潛在替代是黃金」,又稱當前中國和印度的需求已佔全球金市的55%。
至於由黃金支持的上市交易基金 (ETF) , Aram Shishmanian 透露,全球當前持倉量約 1200 億美元,但只是「冰山一角」,因為美國養老基金尚未持有大量黃金,他認為這一狀況未來 20 年將會改變。
金價去年 9 月曾創下 1923 美元的有史以來新高紀錄,之後反覆下滑,去年 12 月 31 日現貨金收盤報 1566 美元。進入 2012 年後,金價再次攀升,於 2 月 29 日升至 1790 美元的高位,累計漲幅超過 14% 。不過,隨著歐債危機的惡化和中國經濟的放緩,大量資金爭相湧向美元避險,金價於 5 月初跌破 1600 美元關口。
截至昨晚 7 點,現貨金報 1560 美元,較前一個交易日微跌 0.03% ,今年以來的漲幅已全部回吐。

Silver Production to Decline if Prices Remain Below $30, Exacerbating Shortage


Just like I mentioned in my 2011 COMPLETE COST post, if the price of silver keeps falling, these silver miners are going to start to lose money.  US Silver Corp produced more silver in the first 3 months of 2012 then they did in same period in 2011.  Just look at their COST OF SALES.  They actually made almost $4 million more in total revenue, but the NET INCOME has now fallen 32% over the first 3 months of 2011.

Look at this GEM from their Q1 2012 REPORT:
  • Realized silver price decreased to $33.29 in Q1 2012 compared to $37.60 in Q1-2011
  • Cash Costs increased to $21.06 in Q1-2012 from $17.97 in Q1-2011 due to increased operating costs including rehabilitation work and lower than targeted production in the quarter.
Can you imagine going forward??  They will START GIVING SILVER AWAY FOR FREE if the prices of silver keep declining.  If their CASH COSTS are now $21.06, their COMPLETE COSTS are almost $30 bucks.

Gold and silver still the best protection against the derivatives blow up that started with JP Morgan’s loss


The immediate reaction to the $2 billion and counting loss at JP Morgan has been a flight from risk trades and a sell-off of all financial assets, gold and silver included. However, investors ought to pause for thought about what this really means for the future.
If JP Morgan cannot get the derivatives market right what hope is there for any mere mortal. These are the guys that write the derivatives and ought to know best how to trade them.
Derivatives mountain
The global derivatives market is worth a multiple of many times global GDP. Gold guru Jim Sinclair has often pointed out that the perilous situation in the global derivatives market guarantees that money printing will have to move to a much higher level. This is where the global debt mountains are submerged and the only way to keep them underwater is to pile paper money on top.
Those selling gold and silver for paper money are making the wrong trade. They should be buying more at these low prices. All the risk is to the upside and trying to time a short-term market bottom and missing the uplift is likely to be far more costly than simply sitting this out or buying now.
For how long will it be now before the derivatives volcano errupts? It cannot be very long. The Greek exit from the euro which will almost certainly follow another election is not yet priced into financial markets. How can it be? Nobody knows how this will play out.
This is very reminiscent of the Lehman downfall that markets were supposed to have priced in before it happened. We know from the 2008-9 financial crash that markets had done no such thing. Is Greece another Lehman? Well the warning has been there for so long nobody is taking any notice anymore.
The 2008-9 precedent would be for enormous money printing in the wake of a eurozone financial blow-up. Really the authorities would have no other policy option and even the Germans would understand it by then.
Debt upon debt
Trading derivatives in a volatile financial market situation becomes inherently perilous because this mainly entails using leverage upon leverage. One slip and your equity is gone and the debt remains. Derivatives are the very epicentre of everything that has gone wrong with the global financial system in recent decades.
Only when this house of cards has fallen can things be put back together again. It will be done. Mankind has survived world wars, revolutions, plagues and depressions before. But don’t imagine it will be easy, except for the owners of precious metals whose assets will have enormous buying power in the final stages of this crisis.
Gold and silver are still the best protection against the derivatives blow up that has started with JP Morgan’s loss. You want to hold real assets, not paper money and its derivatives.