大家繼續印...........唔 好比佢停........go!go!go!
zerohedge: 最新的國際資本流動報告包含了兩項重要的數據。
富豪為妻訂百萬美金胸罩 500克拉鑽石18K黃金
這個奢侈的bra是由伯明翰的一位房地產和珠寶買家Anthony Aubry雇傭了40個工人,花費了一年的時間製作完成的,並以他妻子Rita的名字命名。
這件作品真的是貨真價實,全部採用純天然的鑽石加上黃金製作, 重量達一公斤。
這個奢侈的bra是由伯明翰的一位房地產和珠寶買家Anthony Aubry雇傭了40個工人,花費了一年的時間製作完成的,並以他妻子Rita的名字命名。
這件作品真的是貨真價實,全部採用純天然的鑽石加上黃金製作, 重量達一公斤。
文 / liya據彭博社報導,14日,一顆無色,重量為76.02克拉的鑽石在瑞士以2040萬瑞士法郎(相當於2150萬美元)的價格被拍賣。創下了每克拉鑽石拍賣價格的新高。這是耐人尋味的,最頂級的鑽石價格依舊堅挺,而剩下的“低端”鑽石,價格卻一路下降。
3克拉的鑽石(D,IF)目前的平均售價僅比09年的低點(大約76500美元)高出一些。 1克拉的鑽石(DH,IF-VS2)的交易價格還要低於09年(約為8300美元)。
注:D表示鑽石顏色,無色鑽石以D為最高級。 IF表示鑽石淨度,IF為無瑕。
Central Banks’ Gold Likely Gone-Eric Sprott
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Dear CIGAs,
Money manager Eric Sprott says, “The central banks’ gold is likely gone with no realistic chance of getting it back.” Don’t expect this revelation to get any coverage by the mainstream media. In an interview last week, Sprott’s analysis was met with words such as “gold bug” and “conspiracy theory.” Sprott answers that sort of disrespect by saying, “We’ve had so many conspiracies, I don’t know why anyone would think this was unusual.” To back up his point, he named “LIBOR, electricity markets in California and the Madoff” scandals. Sprott’s analysis shows a “flat supply” and at least a “2,500 ton net increase in gold demand” since 2000. “Where’s all the gold coming from?” asks Sprott. He says Western central banks “. . . keep supplying this market with product in order to keep the price down so nobody knows how vulnerable the situation is.” Sprott, who manages nearly $10 billion in assets, boldly proclaims, “We have a shortage of gold.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management.
Dear CIGAs,
Money manager Eric Sprott says, “The central banks’ gold is likely gone with no realistic chance of getting it back.” Don’t expect this revelation to get any coverage by the mainstream media. In an interview last week, Sprott’s analysis was met with words such as “gold bug” and “conspiracy theory.” Sprott answers that sort of disrespect by saying, “We’ve had so many conspiracies, I don’t know why anyone would think this was unusual.” To back up his point, he named “LIBOR, electricity markets in California and the Madoff” scandals. Sprott’s analysis shows a “flat supply” and at least a “2,500 ton net increase in gold demand” since 2000. “Where’s all the gold coming from?” asks Sprott. He says Western central banks “. . . keep supplying this market with product in order to keep the price down so nobody knows how vulnerable the situation is.” Sprott, who manages nearly $10 billion in assets, boldly proclaims, “We have a shortage of gold.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management.
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