
MUST SEE CHART: Major Bank Fraud Adds Up To A Lot Of Silver

The amount of fraud taking place in the major banks throughout the world is staggering to say the least.  Ironically, the only market that isn’t manipulated, is the silver market… so they say.  To make it seem as if the regulators are on the ball, many of the major banks have been found guilty of committing one fraud or another, paying large fines and settlements. 

The most recent settlement by the criminal bankers was a cool $5.6 billion for rigging the foreign currency markets for their own financial benefit.  The banks responsible for this sort of illicit behavior comes from the list of typical seedy characters; Citigroup, JP Morgan, Barclays, RBS and UBS.  You can read all about it in the Wall Street Journal article.

Even though $5.6 billion is a hefty figure, when we add up the total fines and settlements paid by the Banking Industry since 2009… it’s a serious amount of fiat currency.  How Much?  Well, if we look at the chart below, it should offer a pretty good picture:

Total Bank Fraud Settlements 2009-2014

According to a recent article by the Huffingtion Post, the major U.S. and European Banks have paid at least $128 billion in fines and settlements to regulators since 2009.  As we can see, Bank of America gets the first place prize for paying a staggering $61.2 billion in fines, while JP Morgan ranks second at $31.5 billion and Citigroup taking a comfortable third, forking over $10.1 billion.

Scanning across the rest of the chart, we can see the additional fine upstanding banks that participated in criminal activity and their subsequent fines.  Of course, Americans like to brag that the United States is best country in the world to live, so it’s comforting to know that four of the five top corrupt banks (in amount of fines and settlements) in the world are located in the good ole US of A.

The top five banks accounted for 92% ($117.6 billion) of the total $128 billion in fines.  However, the U.S. Banks representing wholesome American icons such as baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet coughed up $108.6 billion of that amount.  It’s certainly reassuring to see our financial institutions working hard to rank first in the world as it pertains to illegal and criminal financial activity.

Major Bank Fraud Adds Up To A Lot Of Silver

If we consider just how much the U.S. and European banks have paid in fines and settlements since 2009, turns out it could have purchased one hell of a lot of silver.  In order to get an idea of the total value of global silver mine supply since 2009, I put together the following chart:

Total Global Silver Value 2009-2014

Each year in the chart represents the value of world silver mine supply calculated by multiplying total global production by the average annual price.  These figures were based on price information taken from Kitco.com and global silver production figures from the Silver Institute-Thomson Reuters GFMS. 

For example, this is the total value of world silver mine supply in 2014:

2014 World Silver Mine Supply Value = 877 million oz X $19.08 = $16.7 billion

If we add up the figures for each year in the chart, the total value of global silver mine supply was $113.1 billion.  Well, that seems like a lot of money until you compare it to the fines and settlements paid by the major U.S. and European banking institutions:

Bank Fraud Settlement vs Global Silver Value

Amazingly, the major banks paid more in fines than the cumulative value of all silver mined since 2009.  Just think about that for a minute.  The amount of fraud and criminal activity at these major banks forced them to pay fines greater than the value of world silver mine supply.  Of course, the $128 billion in fines they paid is a great deal less than the profits they made.

According to the Huffingtion post article:

Since 2009, the American banking industry alone has racked up nearly $503 billion in profits, according to FDIC quarterly data through the first quarter of 2014.

These fines have made occasional dents in some quarterly earnings, but they’re effectively drops in the banks’ buckets compared to their greater profits.

If the bank fines are “drops in the bank’s buckets”, then it’s good for business for these institutions to continue rigging, raping, manipulating and controlling the economic and financial system.  Thus, anyone at this time who still believes the gold and silver markets aren’t manipulated, needs to check oneself into a local health clinic and receive a Cat-Scan of the brain.

So, how much silver could have been purchased with the fines and settlements paid by the major banks?  The chart below provides the answer:

Global Silver Production 2009-2014

The paltry $128 billion of fines paid out by the major U.S. and European banks could have purchased all the 4.7 billion ounces of silver produced by the world since 2009.  However, this silver production only amounted to $113.1 billion (estimated) and if we add the remaining $15 billion left over… that’s at least another 800 million oz. at the current price. Which means, bank fraud settlements could have purchased at least 5.5 billion oz of silver, including the majority of global production in 2015.

We must remember, gold and silver are supposed to act as barometers against the U.S. Dollar and other assorted fiat currencies.  If the major banks can pay $128 billion in fines (that we know about) over the past six years, how can this not impact the value of the precious metals? 

Currently, it pays the banks to conduct fraudulent, criminal and illicit behavior.   If the U.S. Banks forked out $110 billion in fines since 2009 while their total profits exceeded $503 billion, that’s a pretty good racket.  Fortunately for the precious metal investors, all Ponzi Schemes come to an end.  While this one has gone on longer than we thought, the end may arrive sooner than we expect.










在最近某日的開盤前,飛利凱睿證券公司的皮特·切爾在報告中寫道:“是時候該在近期減持美國股票了,美國股指可能會出現3%至5%的跌幅。美國財政部的弱點是'去風險化'的交易而不是'有風險'的交易。在去風險化的交易中,低收益率往往被視為有風險的資產,而不是一個安全的避風港。”並且,伊德富曼資本市場(ED & F Man Capital Markets)固定收益率和信貸部門負責人湯姆·狄·加羅瑪告訴彭博社說:“根據以往發生在歐洲的歷史經驗來看,這純粹是市場恐慌。華爾街的大多數人在採取新觀點之前都很謹慎。




是好是壞,現在顯而易見了。歐洲央行第一次奪回了市場話語權,並且是用十分暴力的方式。在美國,債券市場觀望著美聯儲在上調利率方面欲擒故縱的把戲(它永無止境)。美國國債市場正在收緊。 4月中旬以來,5年期國債收益率上漲了40個基點,10年期國債收益率上漲了55個基點,而30年期的更是上漲了65個基點。









歐元區不希望對當前的希臘政府做出任何妥協,原因有以下幾點:一、他們認為希臘威脅退出歐元區是空談,所以他們不相信自己需要做出妥協。他們這麼認為,不僅是因為內部調查表明希臘並不想退出歐元區,還因為就算他們真這樣做,也不會對歐元構成任何真正的威脅; 二、因為他們(尤其可能是德國總理默克爾)認為,只要施加足夠的壓力,希臘政府就可能會崩潰,並且被更願意合作的政府取代。這在之前的歐元區危機中就多次發生過,包括意大利和希臘本身;三、因為任何與希臘達成的協議都會被視為被捲入或代表著希臘政府的勝利。而這些勝利將會威脅到包括西班牙,葡萄牙,意大利,芬蘭甚至荷蘭和德國在內的歐元區成員國政府的政治立場。






這正是鳳凰資本研究公司(Phoenix Capital Research)所認為的即將發生的狀況








