Mexican billionaire and silver proponent Hugo Salinas Price stated today that nearly all of the Mexican Congressmen are in favor of REMONETIZING silver.
Price called for the remonetization of silver by the people of China, Germany, and the US as well, and stated that once the world comes to the realization of the full printing needed to rescue Europe and the US, they will literally pile into gold and silver.
Price also suggests that Gaddafi was invaded and disposed of for his gold- something we proposed here back on March 22nd with the reports that Gaddafi held over 143 tonnes of gold.
By and large all of the Congressman are in favor of monetizing silver in Mexico. The dirty work is how to get around the blocking that is presented by three or four important party leaders who are bought off by the central bank or intimated by the central bank. They are afraid to go against the central bank’s desires. The central bank is definitely afraid of doing anything that is not being done by all of the other central banks. They feel they are part of a brotherhood and they can’t betray the rest. They don’t want to present a currency that would be viewed as out of line, that’s the way they think. It’s a sad thing but this is the mentality.Read more:
按今年8 月兩黨“協議”的規定,由美國國會12 名議員組成的“超級赤字減低委員會(Super Deficit Reduction Commission) ”必須在11 月23 日之前找到降低財政赤字至少1.2 萬億元的辦法,並且在11 月底之前提出未來十年美國預算收支平衡的方案並起草預算平衡憲法修正案。但是,從8 月標普下降美國國債評級後直到現在,我們還看不到超級委員會的秘密談判有任何進展的跡象。議員們並沒有改變他們的政治伎倆,知情人士透露,超級委員會在基本政策問題上仍舊陷於死鎖處境。 “僵局模式管理” (Management by gridlock) 和意識形態的純潔代替常識性妥協已經成為美國的政治現實,這說明雙方將無法在11月23日前達成協議。如果委員會不能達致協議,國防和非國防開支的自動削減將在2013 年開始。看起來有最大可能性的結果又是一個最後一刻、不解決基本債務問題的臨時性的妥協,國會甚至可能試圖刪除8月的協議裡自動削減開支的“扳機”(trigger) 。
在美國,政治和意識形態的強硬態度正在把美國推下懸崖。美林證券公司其實已經警告他們的客戶,美債的再次降級將無可避免。美林的分析師 Ethan S. Harris說:
國會的“不太超級赤字委員會”(The “not-so-super” Deficit Commission) 不大可能找到一個可信的削減赤字的計劃。左右兩派的委員在思想上比國會議員有更大的分歧。實際上說,既然他們已經明白,達不到協議的“備份計劃”是自動性“可自由支配開支”(automatic discretionary spending cuts) 的削減,委員們應該把增稅和entitlements 開支一併討論,但是所有的共和黨委員已簽署了Americans for Tax Reform 的創立者Grover Norquist 的“絕不增稅”的承諾書,我無法想像超級委員會裡的民主黨委員會同意只對entitlements開刀。因此,我們預計這個僵局在11 月底或12 月初將導致超級委員會的崩潰和至少一個機構下降美國國債評級。
當(而不是如果) 國債降級成為現實,金融世界將有什麼反應呢?這將是一個“14 萬億美元的問題”,但我們可以很肯定地說,這至少是對已經脆弱的消費者心理的又一個打擊,因此世界經濟的衰退延續到2013年將不可避免。
根據摩根大通的CIO (chief investment officer) Michael Cembalest 的看法,委員會談判的失敗,甚至可能預示著美元作為儲備貨幣的結束。這對美國將是一個嚴重的打擊,也是美國人吃不下去的苦藥。這意味著美國從此不能靠印鈔來還債。美國人-- 和代表他們的那些政客-- 的自私、貪婪和揮霍終於把美國帶進了無可救藥的處境。
本拉登和卡扎菲已死,今天,還能夠隨意印鈔的美國財政和經濟上卻是一團糟;後者與前者不無關聯。這個債務危機將如何影響2012 年的美國選舉呢?在這個時刻做預測也許為時尚早,但不要認為這危機只對美國人有影響,它將會影響世界每個角落,包括中國人和加拿大人,世界所有國家(包括中國)的經濟命脈是息息相連的。
美元的貶值和世界經濟的動盪已經把黃金價格推上天,2009 年奧巴馬總統就職典禮後的一天黃金的價格是845 元。昨天黃金收盤價格是 1700 元。有誰要預測2013年美總統就職典禮以後的一天黃金價格將是每盎司2500 美元嗎?
不管歷史是否這樣稱呼,今天的美國正處於21世紀版的內戰-- 一種經濟和政治意識形態戰爭,雖然這個內戰不是以槍支來解決,但它對美國和對世界的影響可能比上次的內戰還要嚴重。
按今年8 月兩黨“協議”的規定,由美國國會12 名議員組成的“超級赤字減低委員會(Super Deficit Reduction Commission) ”必須在11 月23 日之前找到降低財政赤字至少1.2 萬億元的辦法,並且在11 月底之前提出未來十年美國預算收支平衡的方案並起草預算平衡憲法修正案。但是,從8 月標普下降美國國債評級後直到現在,我們還看不到超級委員會的秘密談判有任何進展的跡象。議員們並沒有改變他們的政治伎倆,知情人士透露,超級委員會在基本政策問題上仍舊陷於死鎖處境。 “僵局模式管理” (Management by gridlock) 和意識形態的純潔代替常識性妥協已經成為美國的政治現實,這說明雙方將無法在11月23日前達成協議。如果委員會不能達致協議,國防和非國防開支的自動削減將在2013 年開始。看起來有最大可能性的結果又是一個最後一刻、不解決基本債務問題的臨時性的妥協,國會甚至可能試圖刪除8月的協議裡自動削減開支的“扳機”(trigger) 。
在美國,政治和意識形態的強硬態度正在把美國推下懸崖。美林證券公司其實已經警告他們的客戶,美債的再次降級將無可避免。美林的分析師 Ethan S. Harris說:
國會的“不太超級赤字委員會”(The “not-so-super” Deficit Commission) 不大可能找到一個可信的削減赤字的計劃。左右兩派的委員在思想上比國會議員有更大的分歧。實際上說,既然他們已經明白,達不到協議的“備份計劃”是自動性“可自由支配開支”(automatic discretionary spending cuts) 的削減,委員們應該把增稅和entitlements 開支一併討論,但是所有的共和黨委員已簽署了Americans for Tax Reform 的創立者Grover Norquist 的“絕不增稅”的承諾書,我無法想像超級委員會裡的民主黨委員會同意只對entitlements開刀。因此,我們預計這個僵局在11 月底或12 月初將導致超級委員會的崩潰和至少一個機構下降美國國債評級。
當(而不是如果) 國債降級成為現實,金融世界將有什麼反應呢?這將是一個“14 萬億美元的問題”,但我們可以很肯定地說,這至少是對已經脆弱的消費者心理的又一個打擊,因此世界經濟的衰退延續到2013年將不可避免。
根據摩根大通的CIO (chief investment officer) Michael Cembalest 的看法,委員會談判的失敗,甚至可能預示著美元作為儲備貨幣的結束。這對美國將是一個嚴重的打擊,也是美國人吃不下去的苦藥。這意味著美國從此不能靠印鈔來還債。美國人-- 和代表他們的那些政客-- 的自私、貪婪和揮霍終於把美國帶進了無可救藥的處境。
本拉登和卡扎菲已死,今天,還能夠隨意印鈔的美國財政和經濟上卻是一團糟;後者與前者不無關聯。這個債務危機將如何影響2012 年的美國選舉呢?在這個時刻做預測也許為時尚早,但不要認為這危機只對美國人有影響,它將會影響世界每個角落,包括中國人和加拿大人,世界所有國家(包括中國)的經濟命脈是息息相連的。
美元的貶值和世界經濟的動盪已經把黃金價格推上天,2009 年奧巴馬總統就職典禮後的一天黃金的價格是845 元。昨天黃金收盤價格是 1700 元。有誰要預測2013年美總統就職典禮以後的一天黃金價格將是每盎司2500 美元嗎?
不管歷史是否這樣稱呼,今天的美國正處於21世紀版的內戰-- 一種經濟和政治意識形態戰爭,雖然這個內戰不是以槍支來解決,但它對美國和對世界的影響可能比上次的內戰還要嚴重。
Meet the World's Largest Gold Coin
Australia reveals the world’s largest gold coin at Pert Mint to kick off the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
The coin weighs in at about 2,231 pounds, is 31 inches wide and over 4.7 inches thick. The coin is 99.99 percent pure gold, and is valued at $53.5 million.
On one side the Queen is pictured, and the other side shows a kangaroo.
The Queen is on a ten-day tour of Australia and will be at the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week.
"To cast and handicraft a coin of this size and weight was an incredible challenge – one which few other mints would even consider,” said Perth Mint chief executive Ed Harbuz, according to The Telegraph. Here's Harbuz posing with the coin.
And take an inside look at the 18 month process the mint undertook to create the massive coin:
This is not the first oversized coin to break a few records; several countries have produced similar coins over the years.
Top five most colossal coins ever made:
The coin weighs in at about 2,231 pounds, is 31 inches wide and over 4.7 inches thick. The coin is 99.99 percent pure gold, and is valued at $53.5 million.
On one side the Queen is pictured, and the other side shows a kangaroo.
The Queen is on a ten-day tour of Australia and will be at the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting this week.
"To cast and handicraft a coin of this size and weight was an incredible challenge – one which few other mints would even consider,” said Perth Mint chief executive Ed Harbuz, according to The Telegraph. Here's Harbuz posing with the coin.
And take an inside look at the 18 month process the mint undertook to create the massive coin:
This is not the first oversized coin to break a few records; several countries have produced similar coins over the years.
Top five most colossal coins ever made:
- In 2000 China minted the country’s largest coin ever. The coin weighed in at just over 22 pounds. The coin was 99.99 percent gold. Since its creation, the coin has been auctioned off for around $1.18 million.
- In 2004 Austria created a 1000-ounce gold Philharmonic coin to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the bullion coin. The coin’s face value was 100,000 euros at the time. Fifteen coins were made and sold, each taking 130 hours to mint.
- In 2006 Perth Mint produced the world’s largest silver coin. This coin weighed in just over 22 pounds, and had a diameter of 8 inches. The coin was created to commemorate “The Year of the Dog,” according to Collectors Society.
- In 2007 Canada took record for the world’s largest pure gold coin, weighing 220 pounds, with a 20-inch diameter. The coin was listed as 99.999 percent pure gold bullion and picture Queen Elizabeth II on one side and the Canadian maple leaf on the other. The coin has a face value of about $903,628.
- In 2008, Guinness World Records flew to Dubai to award a leading jewelry retailer for having the world’s largest coin-like medallion. The coin was created in honor of the Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Awards for Medical Sciences. The coin measured 3 feet 2 inches in diameter, weighed over 409 pounds, and was made of solid silver plated with gold.
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