
荷蘭最大銀行ABN AMRO 發生了黃金實物交割違約事件

荷蘭最大銀行ABN AMRO發生了黃金實物交割違約事件! 






Last week, a rubicon was crossed in the precious metals market as one of the largest banks in Europe defaulted on their gold contracts, and informed their customers there was no physical gold available for delivery.

ABN AMRO, the largest Dutch bank in the Eurozone, issued a letter to their gold contract customers of failure of delivery, and instead will pay account holders in a paper currency equivalent to the current spot value of the metal.

ABN AMRO, the biggest Dutch bank, has sent a letter to its clients stating that they will no longer be able to take physical deliveries of the gold they have bought through ABN. Instead they are offered money at the current market rate for gold. Basically, instead of owning a risk free, physical asset (a gold bar or a gold coin), the bank’s clients now own a monetary claim on ABN AMRO, being exposed to the bank's credit risk. - Voice of Russia
Over the past two months, there has been a concerted effort by the major Western banks to bring down the price of gold and silver, even as countries like Russia, Iran, and China continue to accumulate the physical metal in large quantities. Like the folly of betting against the stock markets when the Fed is pumping up equities with $85 billion per month, going against the J.P. Morgan silver short machine in the futures market has been a losing proposition for silver bulls.

Interestingly for Europe however, since the Eurozone crisis spread from Greece to Spain, Italy, and Cyprus, the fastest growing currency being purchased by retail investors is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency that is out of the control of sovereign central banks, and to this point, has not been manipulated by inflationary monetary policy.

In investing circles there is an adage which says, if you don't hold it, you don't own it. Whether it is land, metals, or other hard assets, if it is held in a bank, in a paper instrument, or in a paper currency, the documented owner has management control, but not physical control. And as the world saw last month in Cyprus, the government, or even a major bank like ABN AMRO, can change the terms of a contract at any time, and return to investors asset values set by the bank, and not the customer's intention.

Original Source

Gold-Run: “There is Not One Single Ounce of Gold Available for Sale in Bangkok!”





SD reader Anders has submitted a boots-on-the ground report from Bangkok Thailand, which is normally flooded with physical gold. 
  In the wake of this week’s massive gold take-down by the cartel, Anders reports that:
  EVERY Gold-shop in Bangkok is out of Bullion…there is not 1 single ounce of gold bullion available for purchase in the entire city of Bangkok!  The Gold is going down in price like everyone is selling.. while there is no Phyzz to buy at all in all Thailand!

ull first-hand report from SD reader Anders:  

Hi Doc,

I live in Thailand and am 100% invested in PM.
Today when I walked by a Gold-shop here in Bangkok, there was a long queue outside.

Since I’m curious and also have seen how the cartel has smashed down the Gold the last 2 days I walked in and asked whats happening…

and not 1 ounce is possible to buy. (they only have some jewellery for sell)

To buy Bullion you must order and wait (at least) 5 days.. and you can only order 2.5 ounce per person.
And they stopped taking orders at 3pm today as well.

I saw later long long queue outside many Gold-shops.. and the info I got was that there is not 1 ounce of Gold-bullion to buy in the whole Bangkok.
(possibly the whole Thailand)

The Gold is going down in price like everyone is selling.. while there is no Phyzz to buy at all in the whole Thailand.
The cartels naked -shorting is hilariously obvious now.

(Btw. Thaigold is 96.5%, not 99.9 like the Eagle/Maple leafs Etc)
But anyway.. all Thailand is out of Gold and there is a limitation on how much you can order.. and it will take at least 5 days to get it.

Frankly.. I’m shocked… Thailand is a huge Gold community.. so no one has ever heard of gold being sold out here before.
I just thought this would be of some interest for you.


最近金價不振的一個原因:唔少人信 bitcoin 夠安全, 保密 (方便洗黑錢 , 易蹺過外匯及資金管制) 及其官網公佈之流通量, 尤其是有錢存響菜譜老師銀行既.

How does Bitcoin work? http://bitcoin.org/en/how-it-works

http://www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... safe-haven

How is this different from PayPal (EBAY)?

In theory anyone could run his own version of PayPal on a server and use that to transfer funds between parties. But he’d also need to handle world currencies, deal with security, and handle regulations. Similarly, physical banks promise protections above and beyond stuffing cash in a mattress or dropping it off in paper bags. Financial institutions commodify trust—it’s not their money, after all. It’s yours. Yet you trust them more than you trust yourself.

Bitcoin shrugs all this off. It’s not pegged to anything, and there are no regulations. It’s a supercomputer-size chore to counterfeit. The key thing to understand is that there’s no bank, no Federal Reserve, in the middle. It’s not unlike an exchange-traded fund (for example, FORX, from Pimco)—a mix of non-U.S. currencies—designed as a hedge against the dollar. Bitcoin is a hedge against the entire global currency system. And no exchange is needed, unless you want to convert your Bitcoin into an actual hard currency.

Bitcoin is no more arbitrary than derivatives or credit default swaps. Given that regular folks, if they’re nerdy and interested in Bitcoins, can use the currency for all manner of things, including illegal things, it’s arguably a far less arbitrary instrument.


傳說中,每逢股災爆發前,都有「妖股」作祟,如1973 年的香港天線,1987 年上市夭折的大富豪, 2000 年的科網股。今時今日,補習社、茶餐廳和當舖,其實都是正行實業,並不夠妖。不過,中外投資者大炒特炒的電子貨幣BitCoins(BTC),卻似乎滲出妖味,令人擔心。

別以為這是打機宅男的玩意,參與交易的,多是高盛和大摩等大行操盤手,流通市值逾120億元。本港也有外滙炒家部分移師24 小時炒BTC,勝在毋須手續費和佣金,價位升一格就賺一格。

BTC 於2009 年創辦,原作為網上交易的貨幣,但之後愈來愈受歡迎,逐漸涵蓋了現實交易和儲備功能,除了沒有實體幣鈔,跟普通的貨幣無異。發行量受嚴格控制,按算式慢速增長,且在網站上公開,由最初的1000 萬單位,至今增至1099 萬。近年各國大量印鈔,BTC 的發行量相對上非常穩定。另外,交易全在網上進行,不受政府監管,吸引非法行為。例如,在內地用人民幣買進BTC,再在港用港元賣出,就逃過外滙管制,還可洗黑錢和隱瞞財產。FBI發現有毒品交易以BTC 進行,卡內基大學估計去年黑市交易額達2200萬美元。

儘管有這麼多「好處」,但滙價在近一個星期突然飆升逾倍,引人注目。瑞銀分析員Art Cashin 給客戶的電郵指出:「這可能是我們這時代的鬱金香狂熱,正目睹泡沫形成。」鬱金香對港人可能太過遙遠,香港天線則一定印象深刻。

該股甫上市即大升逾30 倍,但三個月後跌停牌,最後破產,成為73 股災的標誌。BTC、鬱金香和香港天線的共通點,是大多數人不了解其實質價值,追捧只為狂熱。

有別於傳統貨幣,BTC 背後並無央行和政府支撐。喬治城大學商學院教授Jim Angel 認為:「現在買BTC 的人全憑信念,可能有一個壞消息就崩潰。」隨着流通總值愈來愈大,一旦爆煲,將蒸發幾百億元財富,有條件成為黑天鵝或「妖股」。
