Euro Alert!!!
Today's news (out of Europe): Banks and bondholders may be forced to write down 50-60% of Greece debt which should send shock waves across the banking sector and global markets. European banks are leveraged 25 to 1, that's double of even U.S. banks! To give you an idea of just how bad this is, Lehman was leveraged 30 to 1. However, the most important thing to remember is the 25 to 1 leverage number is based off of what the banks say their asset values are, now does anyone honestly believe that the banks are being honest with these numbers? Total official debt for financial companies (excluding derivatives) in Europe is 23 TRILLION!!! That is 43% more than the entire European annual GDP!
Since a bailout from Greece's neighbors is politically impossible, would have to assume that these type of write downs being talked about would make European banks insolvent as the numbers just don't add up. Which is probably why gold this morning is up $57 per ounce and silver is up $1.55.
Questions Investors Should be Asking Themselves
How long after Greece officially defaults with bondholders taking a 50-60% loss will we hear other nations requesting the same type of rescue package?
How long until investors loose complete faith in the EU and jump ship?
IF, and it's a very big IF, governments try to recapitalize banks, this will lead to a domino of downgrades and even more chaos in Europe. Will Europe collapse or print print print?
Charles Hugh Smith put it best yesterday when he said, "The dominoes of debt are toppling in Europe, and there is no way to stop the forces of financial gravity."
For the past 2 years, we have seen crisis and postponement in Europe, fake fixes, proposals, and speeches from European leaders.
The trend of March 2010 to August 2011 was that when the Greece crisis was on the front pages of the news, global markets went down and gold and silver went up. This trend was broken in September, but as of today, it appears to be back in tact, perhaps the trend was only broken due to the huge run up in silver and gold during the summer. Or perhaps it was that certain powers that be didn't want $2,000 gold and $60 silver in the face of a Euro collapse. Either way, it appears the trend is back and the demand for physical metal is overwhelming the fractional reserve gold paper trading and leasing supported by the biggest banks on earth.
As far as the timing, the powers that be have showed an incredible ability to postpone the inevitable, however, with economies slowing and stimulus increasingly unpopular with voters, puts the sovereign debt crisis reality check sometime between now and the end of next year. This is why we are sending an urgent alert to all of our members and their families to keep their wealth away from Europe, anything held in Euros, in our opinion, is extremely risky.
Overall Europe is in very bad shape when you take a look at the books.
Nations like France and Italy spend more than 14% of their GDP just on pensions to retired government workers.
In order for EU nations to pay for their unfunded promises of national health care, pensions, and other social programs, each EU nation would need at least 400% more than their current GDP!
Germany, the so called economically strong nation in the EU, has unfunded liabilities of more than 7 trillion Euros, with their official debt to GDP ratio at 78%. However, when you actually include what they really owe, debt to GDP is 284%.
Even German ex-central banker, Axel Weber, has warned that Germany is much worse than people believe.
They live beyond their means, especially the southern nations. Greece for example has increased salaries for state officials by 76% since the introduction of the Euro, wages overall have increased by 42%. The easy credit and low interest rates have given fiscally irresponsible nations a false sense of how much debt they can afford.
Spain and Portugal will not meet their deficit reduction targets this year or ever, in our opinion.
Italian Government is on the brink of collapse.
We are getting reports that bank runs in Greece have already begun, one report stated that this morning over 5,000 customers lined up in order to make withdraws. Up to half are transferring their wealth out of the country.
When you look at Greece, their debt chart trajectory looks a lot like the U.S. Greece has seen a 46% increase in government debt in the past 4 years, the U.S. has seen an increase of 72%. Yes the U.S. is worse, however, the U.S. can print the world reserve fiat currency, Greece can't.
In our opinion, the dominoes have begun to fall, first Greece, then the banks, then the Euro. The great sovereign debt crisis of 2012 has begun. Are you ready?
iBank 故技重施.....
最新傳聞,有歐資私人銀行可能因為窮途末路而被迫故技重施,竟然再向高端客戶兜售經過包裝而成的高息債券投資產品,話說有ex-iBanker即係退役投資銀行家,先問客戶經理攞張term sheet來參詳參詳始再作決定,誰知唔睇尤自可,睇真嚇到儍。
雖然SPV歸屬投行旗下,但曾幾何時,英資銀行於上一輪金融海嘯水深火熱之際,索性把自己旗下SPV壯士斷臂,至今仍歷歷在目,聽聞有退役iBanker一見張term sheet,就鬧了該客戶經理一餐,罵該投行不知悔改唔知死。
有朋友平時以FX、Trade、Option等合約為bread n butter的投行工作,慶幸自己間行平時非主力搞IPO及M&A,起碼今年B仔就算不及去年,也叫有得分,員工也不需鋌而走險。
王冠一....Martin Weiss 魏斯 八大預警 ...為銀行倒閉作好準備
「佔領華爾街」〔Occupy Wall Street〕從一個小範圍的示威活動蔓延至全球各地,不少人認為,行動是對現時經濟環境,以及對看不見個人未來表達不滿,同時抗議政府對解決貧富懸束手 無策。不少評論對此場運動並不看好,《今日美國》〔USA Today〕上週便批評,運動是由烏合之眾拉雜成軍〔ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others” hinting they’re a flash-in-the-pan “devoid of remedies〕,又指運動漫無目的〔No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power〕,最終只會作鳥獸散,難有作為。
不過,亦有評論指「佔領華爾街」是阿拉伯之春的延續,有其實際訴求,最終極可能演變成為一場全新的美國革命,不可等閒視之。運動的內在聲音,是抗議美國道 德淪亡〔moral compass is broken〕,政府處處聽命於富人,變成傀儡,而社會由最富裕的1%富人操縱,扼殺了中產往上流動的「美國夢」。今次運動只有1個簡單要求,就是停止民 主被金權蠶食,恢復廉潔的選舉,亦即是一人一票以外,捐獻亦要同等,以重拾真正民主。
華爾街成為被針對的對象,是由於華爾街每年均花費大量金錢游說國會,影響政府施政。更令群眾不滿的是,政府於金融海嘯斥天文數字的公帑救華爾街,銀 行未作出犧牲,卻未有吸取教訓,拒絕改革之餘,業務如常運作,亦不改其貪婪的習性,繼續向高層派發高花紅。其拒絕面對現實及欠缺前瞻性的作風,令更大的危 機潛伏。
基地設於佛羅里達州的獨立評級機構魏斯,創辦人魏斯〔Martin Weiss〕早前提出了七大預警,內容值得細嚼。魏斯的名氣雖未及其他三大評級機構響亮,但由於其評級並非收取客戶費用去評定,故更具說服力。魏斯早於金 融海嘯前已發預警,預告貝爾斯登、雷曼及Washington Mutual倒閉,花旗瀕臨倒閉,房地美亦有解體危機,今年7月15日更率先把美國評級下調至C-,稱降級反映美國經濟惡化、負債沉重、經濟體質虛弱,以 及國際動盪局勢,做法益加彰顯其評級及意見中肯。
魏斯的首個預警,是指希臘很快便會違約,令銀行蒙受重大損失。次個預警則是市場恐慌將蔓延,惟恐其他政府亦會違約,因而拒絕向高負債政府借貸,或要 求更高利息作補償。第3個預警是歐洲將有數家大銀行倒閉,餘波會擴散至美國,當中又以摩通、美銀及花旗最高危。第4個預警是歐盟國家恐有降級潮,德法為救 銀行,評級亦將受損。第5個預警是負債合共高達3.4萬億美元的西班牙和意大利,違約呼聲高唱。西意違約連鎖效應,導致全球債市入冰河期,而德法美英日等 國家亦受影響是第6個預警。第7個預警是違約導致銀行倒閉,把全球經濟推向蕭條的惡性循環將沒完沒了。最後一個附加的預警,是政府不會再救助銀行,為貪婪 吸血劃上終止符。經濟陷入深度衰退,華爾街亦要洗牌重來。
「佔領華爾街」〔Occupy Wall Street〕從一個小範圍的示威活動蔓延至全球各地,不少人認為,行動是對現時經濟環境,以及對看不見個人未來表達不滿,同時抗議政府對解決貧富懸束手 無策。不少評論對此場運動並不看好,《今日美國》〔USA Today〕上週便批評,運動是由烏合之眾拉雜成軍〔ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others” hinting they’re a flash-in-the-pan “devoid of remedies〕,又指運動漫無目的〔No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power〕,最終只會作鳥獸散,難有作為。
不過,亦有評論指「佔領華爾街」是阿拉伯之春的延續,有其實際訴求,最終極可能演變成為一場全新的美國革命,不可等閒視之。運動的內在聲音,是抗議美國道 德淪亡〔moral compass is broken〕,政府處處聽命於富人,變成傀儡,而社會由最富裕的1%富人操縱,扼殺了中產往上流動的「美國夢」。今次運動只有1個簡單要求,就是停止民 主被金權蠶食,恢復廉潔的選舉,亦即是一人一票以外,捐獻亦要同等,以重拾真正民主。
華爾街成為被針對的對象,是由於華爾街每年均花費大量金錢游說國會,影響政府施政。更令群眾不滿的是,政府於金融海嘯斥天文數字的公帑救華爾街,銀 行未作出犧牲,卻未有吸取教訓,拒絕改革之餘,業務如常運作,亦不改其貪婪的習性,繼續向高層派發高花紅。其拒絕面對現實及欠缺前瞻性的作風,令更大的危 機潛伏。
基地設於佛羅里達州的獨立評級機構魏斯,創辦人魏斯〔Martin Weiss〕早前提出了七大預警,內容值得細嚼。魏斯的名氣雖未及其他三大評級機構響亮,但由於其評級並非收取客戶費用去評定,故更具說服力。魏斯早於金 融海嘯前已發預警,預告貝爾斯登、雷曼及Washington Mutual倒閉,花旗瀕臨倒閉,房地美亦有解體危機,今年7月15日更率先把美國評級下調至C-,稱降級反映美國經濟惡化、負債沉重、經濟體質虛弱,以 及國際動盪局勢,做法益加彰顯其評級及意見中肯。
魏斯的首個預警,是指希臘很快便會違約,令銀行蒙受重大損失。次個預警則是市場恐慌將蔓延,惟恐其他政府亦會違約,因而拒絕向高負債政府借貸,或要 求更高利息作補償。第3個預警是歐洲將有數家大銀行倒閉,餘波會擴散至美國,當中又以摩通、美銀及花旗最高危。第4個預警是歐盟國家恐有降級潮,德法為救 銀行,評級亦將受損。第5個預警是負債合共高達3.4萬億美元的西班牙和意大利,違約呼聲高唱。西意違約連鎖效應,導致全球債市入冰河期,而德法美英日等 國家亦受影響是第6個預警。第7個預警是違約導致銀行倒閉,把全球經濟推向蕭條的惡性循環將沒完沒了。最後一個附加的預警,是政府不會再救助銀行,為貪婪 吸血劃上終止符。經濟陷入深度衰退,華爾街亦要洗牌重來。
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