
I Cable-美國個人開支近兩年首下跌 _聰仔都講下的金價


嘉賓: 陸庭龍、羅家聰
美國個人開支近兩年來首次下跌,亦月的個人開支減少 0.2% ,是二零零九年九月以來首次下跌。市場預期會增加 0.2% 。收入就增加 0.1% ,少過預期的 0.2% 。六月個人消費物價指數跌 0.2% ,按年升 2.6% 。核心指數升 0.1% ,按年升 1.3% ,符合預期。資金避險,金價創新高,現貨金最高升到 1640.39 美元,銀價亦受到帶動,重上 40 美元。 



近幾個月來,歐債與美債危機前仆後繼,全球股市波動加劇。末日博士麥嘉華 (Marc Faber) 近期表示:「熊市正開始。當你把股票、債券與現金進行比較,我不認為股票很正面。」
他補充:「政客都是沒有用的個人。沒有一個人在減緩美國或歐洲的問題,只會貼上創可貼(band aid),並將問題延後到無止盡的未來。」



We are bankrupt: Ron Paul

Ron Paul
So, as we all debate the lifting of the debt ceiling and the accompanying spending cuts the next hurdle will be the ratings agencies deliberations regarding the status of the US Dollar. Will it remain at AAA or will they find their backbones and deliver a downgrade?
One of the few politicians that makes any sense to us is Ron Paul so we thought it worthwhile to bring you this short clip where he talks about the United States being bankrupt and what needs to be done if the US is to get out of this mess. Please click this link.
Over on his web site he had this to say: “While it is good to see serious debate about our debt crisis, I cannot support the reported deal on raising the nation’s debt ceiling. I have never voted to raise the debt ceiling, and I never will.
This deal will reportedly cut spending by only slightly over $900 billion over 10 years. But we will have a $1.6 trillion deficit after this year alone, meaning those meager cuts will do nothing to solve our unsustainable spending problem. In fact, this bill will never balance the budget. Instead, it will add untold trillions of dollars to our deficit. This also assumes the cuts are real cuts and not the same old Washington smoke and mirrors game of spending less than originally projected so you can claim the difference as a ‘cut.’
In fact, this bill will never balance the budget. Instead, it will add untold trillions of dollars to our deficit. 


