
T. Ferguson: Gold Crawling Out of Cartel Induced Hell Hole

rawling out of this Cartel Bank-induced hole has not and will not be easy. It will take time. As I’ve often stated, it took nine months to complete the Cartel book-flipping smash from $1800 to $1180. It will likely take another nine months before it is clear to everyone that price has turned and the bull market in paper gold has resumed. This means we could easily have another two months of slow, churning grind higher. Therefore, again, stay patient.
Your days of acquisition at this dollar-conversion price level are numbered.
You should be using this time ensure that you have enough “insurance” against the coming fiat disaster and TEOTGKE.

By Turd Ferguson, TFMetals Report:
The price of gold has rallied to begin the year. With today’s move UP through the 100-day moving average, price is now nearly $100 off of the lows of 12/31/13. Through January, you had to wonder which firms were buying and which were selling. With the release of the latest Bank Participation Report, we now have some idea.
First, some background. Recall that this  monthly report aggregates the positions of the four largest U.S. banks and the twenty largest non-U.S. banks. In the “U.S.” category, this report always includes JPMorgan. The other three firms vary but often include the likes of Citi and MorganStanley. Firms included in the “non-U.S.” category are HSBC, The Scoshe, DoucheBank, UnlimitedBS, Barclays and others.
The critical change to this report came last June. Up until then, both sides of the report were NET SHORT since time immemorial. Led by JPM on the U.S. side and HSBC on the non-U.S., the 24 bank total NET SHORT position reached 185,000 contracts on the report dated 10/2/12. (It’s important to note that this was the beginning of the entire, post-QE∞ and counter-intuitive selloff that began at $1800 and concluded nine months later at $1180.) The report specifically looked like this:

DATE                              GROSS LONG             GROSS SHORT          NET
10/2/12    US Banks               40,625                              146,809                   -106,184
                  Non-U.S.                34,881                             113,445                      -78,564

By the time price had bottomed, the report looked like this:

DATE                              GROSS LONG             GROSS SHORT          NET
7/2/13        US Banks             69,656                                 24,939                  +44,717
                    Non-U.S.              34,904                                 58,656                   -23,752

Taken as a whole, that’s a 205,713 contract FLIP. By ounces, that’s 20,571,300. By metric ton, that’s about 640!! Stated another way…At the onset of QE∞, the 24 largest banks were caught massively NET SHORT paper metal. Their only option was to smash price, creating speculative selling/shorting into which the banks could buy/cover. As you can see, this plan was remarkably effective.

In the seven months since, these summary positions have remained mostly unchanged. The total NET position dropped as low as 8,000 contracts on 9/3/13 and reached a peak of 43,000 on 12/3/13. As of last month, it looked like this:

DATE                              GROSS LONG             GROSS SHORT          NET
1/7/14         US Banks             59,291                               20,032                     +39,259
                     Non-U.S.              26,128                                32,492                        -6,364

And, of of last Tuesday, it looks like this:

DATE                              GROSS LONG             GROSS SHORT          NET
2/4/14          US Banks            68,658                               24,937                     +43,721
                      Non-U.S.             18,752                               48,860                      -30,108

There are certainly quite a few things that should jump out at you:
  • First of all, JPM. They are The Big Tuna here. Of the U.S. Bank gross long position, I ascribe 90% to them. This gives them a current NET LONG position that once again exceeds 60,000 contracts. This is far and away the most significant factor that will effect price in the weeks ahead. As has been well-documented, JPM stopped over 6,000 contracts in December and that, along with their December rollovers, reduced the US Bank gross long position from 71,897 on 12/3/13 to 59,291 on 1/7/14. Note that JPM used the month of January to rebuild their position and the US Bank gross position is back to 68,658. Yes, I know that JPM does not appear to be stopping contracts in February. That’s fine. Let’s wait to see what they do in April and June.
  • To answer the question posed in the opening paragraph, the firms that were selling and attempting to cap the January rally were basically “everybody but JPM”. The other three U.S. banks added some shorts but look at the massive change in the non-US position. They increased their NET SHORT position by over 400% or some 24,000 contracts. If you’re wondering who was pounding price back from $1260 and attempting to keep it in check, now you have your answer.
  • And the similarities to the report of 9/3/13 must be noted. Back then, price had rallied well off the June lows and was UP over $200 at $1413. We all know what happened next. Price stalled and was beaten back through the fall of 2013 to the eventual Double Bottom. What did the BPR of 9/3/13 look like? Does it look familiar?
DATE                              GROSS LONG             GROSS SHORT          NET
9/3/13                                      69,510                                24,604                     +44,906
                                                  23,626                                60,350                      -36,724

So the question becomes…Will price continue to rally OR will price now falter, just as it did last September?
As much as you may not like it, the key will be the technicals such as horizontal resistance and the moving averages. Why? Because breaking these levels will spur the tech-based funds and WOPRs to cover shorts. Further rallies will create a double-buy by encouraging these specs to flip long, too.

Late last summer, as price rallied, it briefly exceeded the 50-day and the 100-day moving averages. This generated a virtuous cycle of buying and drove price all the way to $1434. However, back then the critical 200-day moving average was still all the way up near $1500 and price was never able to exceed it. Momentum faded. The non-US banks won and price receded.

What’s different this time?
  1. Upside momentum appears to be growing as more and more market participants become aware of The Double Bottom.
  2. Price has exceeded the 50-day MA and, just today, has exceeded the 100-day MA. too.
  3. The miners, as reflected by the HUI, are rallying with many maintaining above their own 200-day MAs.
  4. And, most importantly, the all-important 200-day MA has continued to decline and now resides near $1315. That’s just $40 away.
Though it won’t be easy, I expect price to soon exceed the 200-day MA and break through significant horizontal resistance at $1320. Once this happens, price will begin to accelerate to the upside and will make a move to challenge the highs of last September. On the chart, it looks like this:

Now remember…I was just about the only guy in the entire blogosphere who told you in early December that the June lows would hold and that a Double Bottom would form before a rally in January.

http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/5295/courage-and-conviction Suddenly, there are quite a few rear-window “analysts” in the bullish camp and that’s fine. Just remember, though, that I continue to urge patience. Crawling out of this Cartel Bank-induced hole has not and will not be easy. It will take time. As I’ve often stated, it took nine months to complete the Cartel book-flipping smash from $1800 to $1180. It will likely take another nine months before it is clear to everyone that price has turned and the bull market in paper gold has resumed. This means we could easily have another two months of slow, churning grind higher. Therefore, again, stay patient. If http://sdbullion.com/  is actually willing to sell you an ounce of gold for $1300, freaking take them up on it!
Your days of acquisition at this dollar-conversion price level are numbered. You should be using this time ensure that you have enough “insurance” against the coming fiat disaster and TEOTGKE.








原來近年臘腸、香腸銷售中起碼兩成來自政府機關、公司,買回去當作福利分發給員工過年。反腐浪潮一浪高過一浪,公家採購年貨驟減,銷售自然受到影 響。臘腸訂單消失了,對豬肉的需求也隨之下降,十年來第一次出現豬肉價格在春節前下降的情況。豬肉價格跌破豬糧比,養豬收益低過成本,豬農開始殺豬,同時 H7N9 消息浮上人們減少吃豬肉,供需進一步失衡。

臘腸滯銷甚至成為 CPI 下挫的一個重要因素。


種種跡象表明,消費不僅已經從高端奢侈品向低端必需品蔓延,因為中國零售銷售中有兩成直接或間接地與公費消費相關聯。反腐敗令官場和國企人人自危,公費購買力和由他人支付的公費購買力暴跌,甚至開始影響 GDP 增長,這個估計是反腐發起者始料不及的。


不僅消費受影響,固定資產投資積極性也是近十年來罕見的疲弱。如今國企高管、地方高官,身陷反腐的盤查中,人人過關、人人自危,他們關心自己烏紗帽 的程度大過投資擴張,何況考核機制出現變化, GDP 指標不重要了,債務指標重要了。每年年初都是銀行信貸、地方投資的新周期,各路人馬過往紛紛搶閘而出,今年卻顯得比較淡靜,不少官員抱著多一事不如少一事 的態度,觀望多行動少。

筆者估計,今年第一季度 GDP 增長會進一步滑落至 7.3% (同比),而這個數字還受惠於基數效應。用經濟學上更科學的環比折年率計算,目前的增長速度大約在 6% 左右,明顯低過市場的預期。

增長出現大幅回落,是不是意味著政府很快會推出刺激措施?未必。中國政府的增長標的是同比數字( 7.3% ),而且由於農曆新年因素,最快也要等三月數據出爐才能有定論。更重要的是,本屆政府願意為促進結構改革和經濟轉型而犧牲一點增長速度,刺激措施出台的門 檻高過上屆政府。同時受 ​​到地方債的限制,此輪財政刺激措施的規模估計有限,而且應該是中央政府主導。
