
Germany Eyes Gold Standard

Editorial of The New York Sun | September 22, 2012

It would be too much to say that the government of Free Germany, as we are still wont to call it, is taking steps toward the gold standard. After all, no committee beckons in the Bundestag. The government is entangled with Spain and Greece and the scrip known as the Euro. The newspapers are mum. It would not be too much, though, to say that the latest report from the Deutsche Bank, the country’s leading private bank, is a newsworthy document, even if it will slide past up the bien pensant salons of Europe.

Deutsche Bank’s report is “Gold: Adjusting for Zero.” It reckons we’re in a situation that is “Zero for growth, yield, velocity and confidence.” It says: “We believe there are nearly zero real options available to global policy-makers. The world needs growth and is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get it.” It forecasts bluntly that the value of the dollar will plummet in the first half of 2013 to less than a 2,000th of an ounce of gold. It reckons “the growth in supply of fiat currencies such as the USD will remain an important driver.”

That’s just for openers. The report then goes on to assert that gold is misunderstood and doesn’t really belong in the basket of “commodities” used by so many economists. Gold is money, according to the Deutsche Bank. Says it: “We would go further however, and argue that gold could be characterised as ‘good’ money as opposed to ‘bad’ money which would be represented by many of today’s fiat currencies.” It refers to Gresham’s Law and suggests “the undervalued money (good) will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money (bad) will flood into circulation.”

There follows a discussion that would make Ron Paul blush, though it doesn’t mention the congressman who, with the businessman scholar Lewis Lehrman, has been pushing this issue all these years. Deutsche Bank notes that discussion of the gold standard has become a common theme, a development that “says much about the change in attitudes by investors, many who would have ridiculed the mere mention of such a thing as little as five years ago.” It suggests the talk “perhaps gives a hint as to the desperation of investors.”

In any event, the Deutsche Bank concluded that “[w]hile a gold standard could work,” it remains skeptical that it will be considered. This is owing to what it calls the power of culture. “The world economy has, over the past century, morphed into a highly integrated, government dominated system guided by conventional wisdom (group think),” says the Deutsche Bank. “The self-reliant, individualism of the free market has been left behind in favor of a ‘new age’ of coddled consumerism. Culturally this represents a very powerful force in our view, one which minimizes creative options/solutions to economic impasses.”
* * *

What startles us is that this is being issued by the one of the world’s major banks. It was brought to our attention by James Grant of the Interest Rate Observer, who says when he read it, he could have been knocked over with a feather. For his part, your editor remembers the way gold was dismissed by the then president of the Bundesbank, Karl Otto Poehl, when your editor met with him in Frankfurt. That was a generation ago. When pressed, Herr Poehl suddenly exclaimed that Germany was the second biggest gold holder in the world. It still is, according to one of the many nifty charts in the Deutsche Bank’s “Gold: Adjusting for Zero.” This gives rise to the thought that if America is not going to lead on monetary reform, Germany is in a position to do so. There has, after all, been a bit of talk lately about how it should be not Greece but Germany that leaves the Euro. If Berlin wanted to take that course, a campaign for “good” money, as the Deutsche Bank calls it, would certainly be the strategy.




外國有假金條.還是 出現在一些歷史悠久的金銀專鋪??????,






其 實,正宗熊貓幣近幾年來規格一直保持一致,從未出現過與其他產品混合出售的情況,這就是識別真假熊貓金幣的一個基本手段。如目前市場上熱銷的2010版熊 貓金幣共7種規格,分別是1/20盎司、1/10盎司、1/4盎司、1/2盎司、1盎司、5盎司、1公斤規格。正面圖案均為北京天壇祈年殿,並刊國名、年 號;背面圖案均為熊貓雙嬉圖,並刊面額、重量及成色。

其二,據中國金幣店於經理介紹,在熊貓金銀幣中,由於銀幣的製假成本相對較低,防偽 工藝不足,又加上熊貓銀幣的版別甚多,因此便首當其沖地成為不法分子的攻擊目標, 企圖魚目混珠, 以假亂真。辨識熊貓銀幣的真偽可以首先從銀幣的圖案著手,這是製假者企圖仿冒的首選要素,也是使收藏者較易上當之處。尤其是初級收藏者,對於熊貓銀幣的關 注通常集中在幣的背面,即有熊貓圖案的一面,而熊貓的圖案是比較容易做到“形似”以至於看走眼的。熊貓銀幣的正面,即有天壇圖案的一面,即便是能夠做到較 高的技術仿真程度,也還是可以從一些常識性的錯誤中進行鑑別。

比如2009版假熊貓銀幣的色澤顯得比較灰暗,沒有真品自然鮮亮,與真品色差較大;工藝方 面,真品浮雕清晰,頭部顯得飽滿外凸,而假幣由於浮雕缺失,頭部顯得較為扁平;真品熊貓脖子沒有毛,而假熊貓脖子有毛突出。另外,真品中竹葉細膩逼真,而 假熊貓竹葉粗糙模糊。由於外行對真假幣很難區分,建議集藏愛好者通過中國金幣購買。十元面值熊貓銀幣的正面圖案, 即天壇面,自1983年首發至今已經經歷了多次較大的變異。從1983年至1985年的天壇圖案取景較寬, 台階走道的最底層兩邊各見有九根望柱中的七根。自1987年起,天壇圖案取景變窄,台階走道的底層兩邊望柱數減至六根。至1992年,天壇外加設邊圈,天 壇圖案取景更窄, 底層走道兩邊的望柱數也減至五根。而2000年起,天壇圖案取景進一步變窄,底層走道兩邊的望柱數更遞減至四根。從2002年起,台階走道中間的石面上加 刻了龍風雲的圖案,而此前幣上的石面均為光面。



其 四是看幣重。十元面值的熊貓銀幣中,只有1983,1984 和1985三年的幣重為27克,1987年的銀幣實重可達33.6克,另外1991年有重兩盎司的紀念銀幣,其餘各年均為一盎司重約31.1克。而熊貓假 幣的幣重多顯不足,原本一盎司的銀幣卻只有27至28克,有些假幣甚至不足20克。多渠道可查驗真假當然,對於初涉金幣市場的投資收藏愛好者,最可靠的方 法還是向發行機構查詢。熊貓金幣貴為世界五大投資幣之一,每套正宗的熊貓金幣都有證書可以查詢。

全球央行啟動印鈔機 金銀價狂飆 勿錯失買入良機

威爾鑫首席分析師楊易君表示,新一輪黃金牛市將至,黃金和白銀的價格都大幅上漲, 3 年內,黃金有望達到 3000 美元 / 盎司,有遠見的投資者不應該放過這樣的天賜機會,建議投資者應該趁金價回調時買入黃金和白銀。

香港《大公報》報導,最近以來,黃金又開始了瘋狂上漲的步伐。 9 月 19 日,北京時間 14?06 ,現貨黃金報 1775.96 美元 / 盎司,現貨白銀報 34.81 美元 / 盎司,現貨鉑金報 1634.24 美元 / 盎司,現貨鈀金報 670.22 美元 / 盎司。黃金價格的上漲,與日本宣佈 10 兆日元的刺激計劃有關。

當日,日本央行表示,將資?購買與貸款計劃規模擴大 10 兆日元,至 80 兆日元,增加的部分將用於購買國債和貼現國庫券。日本央行延長完成資?購買和貸款計劃目標的終止時間 6 個月,至 2013 年 12 月。


招金期貨在其公佈的報告中稱,技術面上,從國際金價日線圖看,技術指標繼續向下修正,目前在 1770 附近高位震盪。若不能有力突破上方阻力 1780 ,則黃金將會維持震盪整理,下方支撐為 1762 / 1756。

浦發銀行的報告表示,金價在 1755 受到支撐,如期出現 b 浪反彈,突破空頭止損 1763.5 ,最高到達 1773 後受到壓力出現回調,預示 b 浪到位。目前多頭止損 1764.4 ,下破後預計將出現 c 浪回調。下方支撐 1745 。

分析表示,目前金價正測試 1780 上方初阻,若有效上破,則將進一步上看年內高點 1790 水平。若仍舊未果,則或延續 1750-1780 高位區間震盪格局。

而?豐、瑞銀近期齊口唱多黃金,認為 QE3 將帶動黃金價格持續上漲,年內有望突破 2000 美元 / 盎司的歷史關口。花旗銀行的研究報告表示,黃金價格漲勢或延續到第 4 季。瑞銀則認為,黃金 3 個月目標價格是 1950 美元 / 盎司。

有意思的是,此前的「黃金空頭司令」索羅斯,最近也愛上了黃金。今年第 2 季,此前一直唱空城計的索羅斯一反常態,大舉增持黃金信託基金,其旗下的量子基金持有 SPDR 黃金信託基金 88.44 萬股,比其在 3 月 31 日時持有的 31.96 萬股多了 2 倍。

QE3行情暫降溫 貴金屬后市仍被看好







“就拿黃金來看,我覺得沒有太多很明顯的利空消息,就是QE3推出之后,前期的漲幅已經把預期提前都體現出來了。市場對QE3對於美元匯率造成的趨 勢性沖擊有點琢磨不透,就導致出現黃金仍維持高位,但是失去了不管技術指標一路走高的態勢。”興業銀行貴金屬分析師蔣舒博士對《每日經濟新聞》記者表示。

光大期貨高級分析師王娜也認為,昨日全球商品的表現,是由於雖然市場覺得QE3對美國經濟和全球經濟有著良好預期,但是從實際情況來看美國失業率還 在高位,歐洲問題仍未解決,真實情況跟預期出現了一定的矛盾。國際農產品方面,王娜認為美國大豆、玉米等商品面臨著收割壓力,加上國際商場上多頭離場,也 使得價格下跌。




JAMES TURK: This Always Ends the Same Way, HYPERINFLATION — $400 Silver & $8,000 Gold Between 2013 – 2015

Our friend Sean from SGTReport.com has released an interview with James Turk, Founder of GoldMoney from Spain discussing how the FED’s latest actions spell doom for the Dollar. James reminds us that what is happening in the United States RIGHT NOW thanks to the privately owned Central Bank always ends the same way: In disaster for the currency.

We’ve seen it before: Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Serbia… and we’ll soon see it in AmeriKa. James also revisits his decade long prediction of $400 silver and $8,000 gold.  Turk sees these levels occurring as early as 2013-2105, along with hyperinflation. The fuse has been lit and time is running out.

Part 1: ‘This Always ENDS the Same Way: Zimbabwe, Argentina… AmeriKa’

Part 2: ‘WARNING: Currency Cliff Ahead = $400 Silver, $8,000 Gold’