
Jim Rickards - Currency Wars Simulation


中國2012年10月22日 13:06   文 / xiaopi日元與安全港上週日元表現的不像是一個安全港貨幣。通常情況下,當市場風險偏好降低時(Risk Off),投資者會將資金移出風險資產,日元會上升。但近期走勢並非如此:





港元與美元的聯繫匯率制度的浮動區間為一美元兌7.75港幣至7.85港幣。香港官員多次重申不會調整聯繫匯率制度,啊金管局副總裁阮國恆(Arthur Yuen)19日告訴記者政府認為沒有必要變動這一安排。
港幣對美元的2年期遠期合約19日收於7.7486,低於過去三年的平均價格。彭博調查的2013年底港幣對美元匯率的預測中值為7.76。看起來遠期交易員們對香港維護聯繫匯率的決心還是頗為認可,但有一個人除外,那就是著名對沖基金經理Bill Ackman。

Ackman在2011年9月在一場會議上發表演講表示看漲港元,並透露旗下著名的Pershing Square Capital 已購入港元及港元看漲期權。







“考慮到歐美的情況,資金將持續流入香港,”東亞銀行外匯分析師賴春梅(Kenix Lai)說道:“股市和房價的上漲都可以明顯看出來。我預計金管局將不得不在短期內再度干預。




分析:上週五金價又重新回到了QE3宣布前的價位。從基本面和技術面上,未來一段時間黃金價格仍將承壓。基本面上,美國公司近期公佈的季報結果差強人意、美國大選、歐洲危機尚未解決都導致風險資產走弱,而短期內歐美不會有更大規模的寬鬆政策出台;技術面上,金價形成了” lower low and lower high”的看空走勢,下一目標價位將是$1700整數關口。






一家香港金條經銷商Scotia Mocatta也提供了一個黃金熱冷卻的跡象,稱大陸的客戶透露,黃金庫存已經飽和。



香港金銀業貿易場(CGSE)永遠名譽會長馮志堅(Fung Chi-kin)預計,中國大陸黃金進口增長本月仍將疲弱,因為價格繼續處於高位。











今 年2月、9月和10月,金價曾分別三度升至近1800元(美元.下同)關,但均無功而折返。相反在5月、6月和7月,則分別三度跌到1520元至1550 元地帶,但受到支持而回升。換言之,今年至今金價是在一個長方形內上落行走,而這其實是去年9月金價從歷史高價1920元下跌後的大型整固的持續,且看來 此舉還要維持一段時間。 
較 早前不少外國分析者估計,金價若能維持在1775元或1750元水平之上,圖表將營造一個「杯與手柄」(Cup & Handle)形態中的「手柄」,金市將會在不太長的時間內累積新力量衝越1800元的大阻力,而指向1900元高位。上周市勢的發展給我們的啟示卻是, 這個假設暫時不存在了,金市短期的更大可能是繼續作調整,向前文說的大型長方形的中部地帶找尋更大的支持。
支 持這一估計的理據還有,美國貨幣基礎到本月17日,雖從兩周前的2.589萬億元的今年谷底,回增至2.651萬億元,但仍低於正式宣布推出QE3時的 2.655萬億元水平。此外,10年期債息對2年期債息的比率,到上周進一步降至5.97,不但明顯低於9月底時的7.17,且回復到8月中的較低水平。 從以上兩點資料,我們可以推估美國聯儲局至今尚未大力進行QE操作,而OT操作卻仍在繼續。
上 周銀價曾挫至31.94元,為上月上旬以來的低位,收市報32.07元,較前周跌4.21%。有趣的是銀市走勢幾乎全照教科書說的進行,上周反彈就在 33.3元水平,其後掉頭回跌。有趣的還有,期銀市的未平倉合約量並未明顯減縮,上周四仍為14萬張水平;而截至上周二銀礦商對沖的淡倉對好倉的比率竟維 持在與前周同一的2.57比1水平。可見銀價雖在跌,但好淡雙方仍在僵持,無人肯認輸,故買賣要小心風險。

Jim Sinclair: Cartel Shorts Are a Managed Spread Position, Banks Flipping to Naked Long Will Propel Gold to $12,400!

The legendary Jim Sinclair has sent an email alert to subscribers in response to a reader inquiring why the bullion banks are short gold and silver.

Sinclair responded with his most in-depth explanation to date stating that the majority of what appears to be short positions is in fact a massive hedge spread which has been systematically used to manage the ascent of gold up from $250 and the USDX down from 1.25 over the past 10 years.

Sinclair states that when the bullion banks sense that gold is ready to explode upwards in price in the final bull move of this bull run, they will flip their spread hedge naked long, reaping the largest gains of anyone in the precious metals sector, and propelling gold to $12,400.


From Jim Sinclair:

What is the “Strong Dollar Policy” of the US Treasury? The answer is it is a policy of support of the dollar at key technical points so that the dollar will decline in an orderly fashion. This has been in place since the dollar was trading in the mid one hundred and twenty-five area on the USDX. In comparison the “Weak Gold Policy” has been in place since $248 which means gold’s appreciation will not be an insult to the dollar by spiking to $3500 and beyond, but rather rise in an orderly fashion. How could you not have noticed this in both the dollar and gold? This opens the bonanza to the metals dealer to run what looks like a huge short but rather to operate their business where I was pleased to make one half a dollar unwinding the spread (a long position versus a short position offsetting between my buying product from the producer versus Comex short).

Today the metals dealer want to make fifty dollars, not 50 cents on that spread.

I owned a metals dealer here and in London. I made a cash market for gold. I know about what I speak. There might be outside of the gold banks less than five people who understand the big short that is always being screamed about by the so called gold experts, and COT is a crock. You are looking at least seventy-five percent at a managed spread position. What happened at $1800 then at $1775 and again at $1750 was the long side of the spread was dropped, leaving the short side exploded and the gold banks pounding the market to make a 50% profit by putting back on the long side of the spreads, locking the huge physical long versus the Comex short into a no risk position that reads on COT like the greatest short in human history. The same is true of silver. In this financially debased world, with the rules of a metal dealer’s company and a little help for standard financial fraud and you will never find this in the COT numbers.

I am telling you the truth. I am telling you how a metals dealer works. I know because I was successful in the entire 1970s gold bull market play against this game.

Here comes the “Golden Truth.” When the gold banks perceive that the gold market is about to go ballistic, just like any bull market does, they need only reverse the strategy in place from $248 called “The Weak Gold Policy” in how they handle the 75% risk-less spread. Now when gold falls you takes off the short aside of the spread with gusto and let the long run. The biggest money I ever made was when my very interesting partner and I went into the Sinclair Global Arbitrage Company and asked them how many ounces of gold and silver they had in a spread position. When they told us the huge number over 15,000 contracts spread we told them follow our instruction. Take every short off the spread making us naked long. This was when the gold price broke $400 the second time over, running like a bunny to $887.75.

You must note how central banks are either buying or protecting their gold reserve positions now. This is total about face two years ago. There is another change coming which is a replacement monetary system and the need for some asset on central bank’s balance sheets to have positive value, especially in the USA. Soon all that is required is a change in spread management by the gold banks and you will have whatever price the gold banks want from $3,500 to $12,400.

All the COT numbers are nonsense and a means of operating the markets. COT experts give buy and sell signals which help the physical metals dealers profit on their spread trading. The COT experts help this spread trading looking for immense profit to profit immensely. Nonsense makes markets so the COT analyst looks like a genius while really interpreting nonsense when he/she is being duped into a tool to help the metals dealers spread position profit.

I have told you 1000 times that the greatest profit over the shortest period of time will be made by the gold bank physical dealers.

Because I know.
Because it requires only a shift in spread trading tactic handling of the spreads. 

Because it is simple.

Because in truth the gold banks are simple.

Because I did not get named “Mr. Gold” in the seventies because I wrote on gold.

Because in the 70s I ran the gold market and the gold price by attacking the dealer’s spread position which no one has done so far in this market.

Because attacking a spread position is simple. You simple run the opposite spread tactics with major balls and major PR.

Because I like keeping it simple.

Because the proof on this is that the gold banks got pissed. Both I and my partner were brought before the board of directors of the exchange under the accusation that we two running huge spreads between us, thereby manipulating the world’s gold markets.

Wake up experts, you have been had and your comments to the community are helping make sure they are had. You are tools of the gold banks and do not even know it. Your sage comments when I hear them from readers makes me sick because it is ignorant of the business.

Now I know this is going to cost me big, but you must understand what I am teaching you above. If you do not understand ask me the questions but no tomes please, all in at least 24 font, no other “expert” articles please. Just write me on what you are stuck on and I will try to clear your understanding of what you own or trade.

Please do not argue with me because you will only be demonstrating your ignorance, not your knowledge.

If you are convinced the decorated professor is a turkey, guess who really is the turkey.
