
黃金近來重挫 周五已跌破生產成本


Compass全球市場公司執行長Andrew Su說,在澳洲--幾家全球最大金礦所在國家,黃金每盎司平均生產成本,已由2007年的500美元,上升到了今年的逾1000美元。

「我相信,黃金的實際成本,已大幅高於1000美元。所以,在澳洲,已有多家黃金礦場關閉,」Andrew Su周五說。

Andrew Su並指出,員工的固定成本已大幅上升,而黃金價格卻下跌,讓礦場作業更增添了壓力。



CMC公司分析師史普諾(Ric Spooner)說,黃金跌破每盎司1200美元,礦場,尤其小型礦場,將面臨獲利能力問題。

Andrew Su說, 黃金跌破每盎司1000美元的預測,不太可能成真。因為這意味澳洲大多礦場均變得沒有獲利能力。因已有礦場減產,一旦供給大減,黃金價格就當開始回穩。

印度黄金股本周暴跌 最多跌48%


由於海外資金大量拋售,珠寶商Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri、PC Jeweller、 Gitanjali Gems的股票暴跌了近40%。

貸款公司Muthoot Finance和Manappuram Finance的股票也下跌10%-18%。主要是因為市場擔心金價下跌將導致黃金抵押貸款的利潤下跌,還擔心實物黃金的拍賣可能減少公司營收。

據華爾街日報,孟買brokerage Inventure Growth & Securities公司的分析師Mitesh Shah表示:“我不看好黃金零售商,政府的改革使這些公司的商業模式充滿了風險。”






諸如Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri和PC Jeweller等零售商主要通過將黃金加工稱首飾來盈利。大型零售商通常還保有大量的黃金庫存,從金價上漲中大獲其利。但最近的金價下跌使得這些庫存黃金不斷貶值。這對黃金零售商是雙重打擊。









金銀大跌..Comex 期貨持續流出







當初,就是JP Morgan無法交割白銀,才將銀價從49美元的價格打下來,嚇走多頭,才能補充庫存。

現在華爾街也是用這一招。六月份, JP MORGAN 要交割的黄金比平时多九倍, 且规模超出它的库存, 所以金银价格暴跌, 毫不奇怪, 这招在2011年已用来对付白银了。不過卻沒有發生金銀回流現象, 这对美元和华尔街是大灾难。


Moscow exchange launches precious metals trading




Jim Sinclair

Russia takes the lead in anti manipulative gold actions. Russia also marks its gold inventory toy market price. They have to be very unhappy with the gold banks and the US Fed.

War takes many forms and gold is outright war.
China will follow with a physical bullion exchange. This is dynamite for the real discovery of the price of gold and silver free from no-gold, no-silver fraudulent paper exchanges.

The Russians are going to launch a cash bullion market. Maybe they know what the Fed has done to one of their major's assets and now intend to bust the manipulative paper game.
This mechanism will go a long way towards the emancipation of gold from paper.

Safety is in the Brics or quasi Brics for the next 3 years or more.

Moscow exchange launches precious metals trading  Published time: June 27, 2013 12:49

The stock exchange is going to start trading gold and silver by the end of this year, and platinum and palladium in 2014. Trading physical metals is expected to boost liquidity in the market and attract more participants.
Russia has so far only been trading futures on gold and silver, not dealing with real metals.

Gold has been occasionally sold on the over-the-counter market and the only benchmark for price was the Central bank’s quotations, Gazeta.ru reports.  Now gold will get the market price in rubles.

“We are a gold-exporting country. We produce a large number of precious metals. However, the trade volume is still significantly lagging behind our peers. Our commodity market is not transparent," Gazeta.ru quotes the director of the commodity market of the Moscow exchange, Mikhail Orlenko.

Spot metal trading will be based on the platform of the existing foreign exchange market. Credit institutions licensed to conduct operations with precious metals and non-banking professional brokers will be the main players on the market, Gazeta,ru quotes the presentation by the bourse.

The Moscow stock exchange plans to transport precious metals from production companies, keep them in its own stores and deliver to the buyer the next day.

The launch of trading in gold and silver on the Moscow exchange will boost liquidity on the market and attract more participants by these new financial instruments, RBC quotes Sberbank as commenting.





答 此一問,先要了解近代每次危機,幾乎都是彙市先出事:1997年8至10月?市,之前6月已有泰銖帶頭的一些亞洲貨幣出事;2007年10月?市,之前8 月彙市拆倉。若幹貨幣一齊急貶,別膚淺地再說幣戰,反而應留意一、兩季內將出現泡沫爆破危機。幣貶背景皆因美元單邊大升,而這多因美國單邊收緊政 策,1997年如是,現在亦然。


區 內主流貨幣澳元、日圓自然不在話下,自1991/92年起已見相似【圖2、3】。鄰近日本的韓、台,亦見1990年起至95/96年止,與十六年後的彙率 頗有相似之處,盡管當年彙率是變相掛鉤美元的窄幅浮動【圖4、5】。照度,彙率大散(直線貶值)之日在今年底;行文至此,其實上述的時辰一問已有答案,只 是韓圜一圖未太相似。

四小龍中,港元是徹頭徹尾掛美元的。最奇怪的,是將電彙價百餘點窄幅上落放大,也見走勢多少類同,尤在近年【圖 6】。此圖提醒我們一點:即使在1997年股樓皆?、資金流走,但因美元強帶動港元亦強的關系,港元並無如不少人所想當然般大幅貶值。至於餘下小龍新加 坡,亞洲風暴前七年的強元走勢,與過去七年的更無兩樣【圖7】。

繼主流貨幣與亞洲四小龍幣後,近年才崛起的金磚國,當年今日的彙價又否 類同?中國資本賬雖一直未開放,但近年人民幣與1994年大貶值後的一段都算相似【圖8】。至於印度,由1991年起的幾年與2007年起的幾年亦頗為相 似【圖9】。再落的南亞,馬來西亞的當年今日相似【圖10】,泰國的早期較似【圖11】,而印度尼西亞的則較後期才似【圖12】。最後在菲律賓方面,拼圖 將十六年一個月稍減兩個月至十五年十二個月,也似【圖13】。總之大多南亞國家而言,諸圖預示大幅貶值即將出現,最遲年底前。

固然,與1997年前眾幣皆掛美元相比,今天各幣除港元外,浮動幅度普遍大了;這可從比較左右縱軸比例見到。不掛鉤而浮動,不等於彙價「任我行」,無危機時一樣fear offloating;等到熱錢湧入危機漸現時,縱無炒家狙擊彙價,央行亦自殺式貶值。



Gold – Sell – Buy – Hold?



Everything as far as strategy is concerned depends upon your position. Those who have physical coin it is more difficult to sell and buy than to hold. Traders must go with the trend. If you have tons of physical, then you should be a hedger. Gold has not BROKEN yet. It is in serious trouble but the key in gold lies at 15470, 15413, and 15323. We have a huge gap from there to 11589 and this is not real good from a trading perspective. If you are a trader, of course you must sell. Physical coins, in a reasonable quantity should just be hedged. Small quantities, of physical gold are typically just a hold.
The key areas of support will be 14650, 13800, 11500, and the extreme at 9070. Where does a BEAR MARKET begin long-term, 680. Therefore, that does not appear to be viable..Gold still looks to be headed to new highs after 2015.75.

There MUST be a correction in order to revitalize the market for a further advance. So, your risk in a decline to 11500 area down to 9070. Keep in mind that it will often take a poke below a major psychological number such as 1,000.to turn the majority bearish. In 1985 gold moved to 280.50 and then reversed. For 1999, that had to be penetrated and gold stopped at 254.0. Therefore, you can stop just a hairs-breath above a number such as 254 hold 250 or you can penetrate it up to generally 10% as 280 with the 300.

So it is entirely possible that if the 11500 gives way, we will stop just under 1,000 flushing out everyone who keeps saying buy and never sell. If that is too much risk, then sell and get back in with the first Monthly Bullish Reversal elected.

Gold is like ALL markets. It rises and falls. Physical gold with golds is an insurance policy. This is NOT the “investment” to make INCOME from. That requires trading or buying stocks that at least pay dividends.

Thus, buy, sell, or hold depends upon you personal threshold of pain and your objective. Trades – trade off the Reversals. We are not yet ready for prime time. We are still looking at May/June 2013 as a key target in TIME. Keep in mind, that the faster you decline, the faster it is over with. The slower more dragged out, the greater the risk of a dead market for several years. We will have to reassess where gold is come June.


Jim Sinclair Selling Everything to Buy Gold

With gold breaking below $1200 , legendary gold trader Jim Sinclair has sent an email alert to subscribers advising PM investors that knowing the system is in collapse, he intends to buy gold with every asset at my disposal today and tomorrow, and I suggest the stout of heart do the same.

From Jim Sinclair:
The economic system is failing, and to counter the now publicly perceived failure, central planners are manipulating the symptoms and not the problem.

Gold has never been easy.
Gold is the tell tale of a broken system.
Gold therefore is the barometer of the risk factors of economic conditions.

Therefore central planners must make, via paper gold, every effort to make it say, “All is Ok.” For this reason I intend, knowing the system is in collapse, to buy gold with every resource I have at my disposal today and tomorrow.

I suggest those of stout heart do the same.

To the others who are committed to their limit, hunker down one more time knowing that in no more than the summer a brand new and most powerful bull market in gold will be at hand.
