
Jim Rickards: China Likely Has Accumulated 2,000-3,000 Tonnes of Gold Reserves!

The Daily Ticker's Lauren Lyster interviewed Jim Rickards regarding the Bundesbank's recent announcement that it will repatriate over 600 tons of German gold from the NY Fed and the Bank of France, and its implications on the gold market over the short and long term.
Rickards stated that the Bundesbank's gold repatriation is world historical , is massively bullish for gold, and believes that China has doubled to tripled its gold reserves since the last official statement of 1,054 tonnes in 2009 !
Rickards interview on gold is a MUST WATCH!!

Regarding the Bundesbank's repatriation of gold from the NY Fed and the Bank of France Rickards stated:
This is a very big deal. Now it hasn't had much short term impact on the price of gold, but this is actually world historical in my view. The German gold has been in New York since the early 1950′s! After WWII Germany had no gold because it had all been confiscated. They gradually began to earn gold through trade surpluses. In those days, the 50′s, 60′s, and 70s you could cash in your dollars and get gold- but they left it in NY for very good reasons. It was during the Cold War, there were Soviet attacks outside of Berlin, and they didn't want to take their gold back to Germany. But now, 25 years after the Cold War ended, they're saying we want out gold back! They waited a very long time, and they're bringing it back in stages, but here's the thing: gold is either money, or it's not . If gold is not money, you might as well leave it in NY because the storage is a pain in the neck, but if it is money, you would certainly want it back in Frankfurt, and that's what the Germans are saying.
Regarding the implications of the German gold repatriation for the price of gold Rickards stated:
Certainly the gold bugs are saying this is the beginning of the end, Germany's taking their gold back and the price is going to scream. But you have to understand that 99.9% of investors don't get gold. Warren Buffett comes out and says it's just a shiny metal with no yield, gold hasn't been taught academically for 40 years. So we have 2 generations of scholars that anyone under the age of 50 that knows anything about gold is self-taught as they've stopped teaching it in the schools. Institution allocations of gold are about 1.5%- their portfolio's are about 40% stocks, 40% bonds, and about 1% gold, so there is an educational function that has to go on. The gold will get there, but not all at once.
When asked whether he was bullish short term for gold, Rickards replied:
Absolutely, but you have to pick your currency terms. In dollar terms gold hasn't gone up much lately, but in yen terms with the devaluation of the yen, gold is going up a lot . Gold is a part of the function of currency wars, and you have to look around the world at who is weakening their currency the most, and that's where gold is going up the most, but it (the currencies) take turns.
Lyster asked Rickards how much China's gold reserves might actually be increasing:
China's gold reserves are going up. We don't know officially how much they're going up, officially they say its 1,054 tonnes. But when they announced that in 2009, their previous announcement was 600 tonnes in 2004. They spent 5 years acquiring 500 tonnes secretly . Not it's been 4 years since then, and I'm certain they've been acquiring it secretly in the meantime. In fact I know, as I've been to China and Hong Kong recently and spoken to the people who have been buying the gold for the Chinese account . So we don't know exactly how much they have, I estimate over 2,000 tonnes, but I've heard some estimates of 3,000 tonnes . And they don't have to move their gold from London, because they send it directly to their vaults in Shanghai.
Click here for Rickards full interview on gold with Lauren Lyster:

Gold Digging Bacterium Makes Precious Particles

 Gold prospectors may one day use Petri dishes to help with their quests. A species of bacterium forms nanoscale gold nuggets to help it to grow in toxic solutions of the precious metal, reports a paper published online today in Nature Chemical Biology.

The molecule with which the bacteria create the particles could one day be used to collect gold from mine waste, says Frank Reith, an environmental microbiologist at the University of Adelaide in Australia, who works on gold-processing bacteria but was not involved in the latest study.

Reith found some of the first convincing evidence that bacteria thrive on gold particles about ten years ago. At multiple sites, thousands of kilometres apart, he and his team found the bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans living in biofilms on gold nuggets. The bacteria detoxify dissolved gold by accumulating it in inert nanoparticles inside their cells2; Reith and his colleagues have spent the past decade working out how, but have not yet published their complete conclusions.

Some biofilms also contained a second species of bacterium: Delftia acidovarans. Nathan Magarvey, a biochemist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and his team grew this species in the presence of a gold solution and discovered that the bacterial colonies were surrounded by dark haloes of gold nanoparticles. The researchers concluded that D. acidovarans was somehow creating gold particles outside its cell wall, instead of inside as C. metallidurans does.

Using biochemical and genome analysis, the researchers discovered a set of genes and a chemical metabolite that were responsible for precipitating the gold. Bacteria engineered to lack the genes no longer formed dark haloes, and their growth was stunted in the presence of gold. The team also isolated a chemical produced by the unengineered bacteria that caused gold particles to precipitate out of a solution. The chemical was dubbed delftibactin.

The researchers suggest that the genes they identified are involved in producing delftibactin and shunting it outside the cell. By precipitating gold, D. acidovarans may keep the metal from entering its cells in solution. But Magarvey says that it is possible that D. acidovarans also uses other mechanisms to detoxify gold that breaches its cell walls.

Margarvey’s work “complements ours really well”, says Reith. The two bacterial species might live in symbiosis, with D. acidovarans using delftibactin to diminish the soluble gold to levels that both species can cope with.

A microbe-assisted gold rush might yet happen, says Reith. Delftibactin could be used to produce gold-nanoparticle catalysts for many chemical reactions, or to precipitate gold from waste water produced at mines. “The idea could be to use a bacterium or metabolite to seed these waste-drop piles, leave them standing for years, and see if bigger particles form,” says Reith.
Magarvey takes those applications seriously: he has secured intellectual-property rights for delftibactin. But he emphasizes that he is most interested in understanding the metabolite’s chemical properties. “I wish I could say we’re up here in Canada growing kilos of gold everyday.”


2013年02月05日 09:59   文 / 莫西幹
FTav:俄羅斯鋁業(Rusal)CEO Oleg Deripaska在本週一接受每日電訊報採訪時說了一番頗具啟發性的話。


在(金融交易)一般的安排中,銀行或大宗商品交易商會購買現貨金屬,然後在期貨市場出售套利,同時敲定一個廉價的倉存協議,把這些現貨金屬抽離市場。 “如果你把所有被倉庫和金融交易鎖定的金屬庫存抹去,那麼你將會發現市場上沒有金屬可供出售了。​​”Deripaska表示:“鋁市場現在的供求關係非常緊張,兩年之內將會出現供應不足。”看似高居不下的鋁庫存,其實製造了錯誤的分析,因為這些庫存都是不可出售的。 “今年,鋁價將超出市場預期地上漲。我不會給出具體的預期,我只是嘗試明確地指出...現在的價格機制存在著大量的人為因素。”



從資產負債表的觀點上看,那些持有這些證券化(票據化)鋁庫存的人/企業,通常會把其當成現金等價物處理。 (這就像很多人看待黃金一樣。)這是因為一旦這些金屬庫存被鎖定,無論是意圖還是目的,它們都是被完全對沖的。所有者並不承擔任何價格風險,而只是靜待獲得回報。因為鋁期貨價格曲線已經長期維持在能補償儲存成本的狀態,所以鋁套利收益,可能要比投資爭搶激烈的無風險資產來得吸引。






日本通膨近了?黃金期貨/ETF續創掛牌新高 零售價飆

根據東京商品交易所(Tokyo Commodity Exchange)於官網公佈的資訊顯示,4日東京黃金期貨收盤價為4,996日圓(每公克價格;以下同),較1日收盤價增加了53日圓,創下1982年 3月掛牌上市以來收盤新高紀錄;東京黃金期貨4日盤中最高飆至5,000日圓,為掛盤上市以來首度站上5,000日圓關卡、並已連續第3個交易日創下掛牌 新高紀錄。

因國際黃金以美元計價,故美元兌日圓持續走貶,也極易推升以日圓計價的日本黃金價格走揚。據日本媒體報導,2月4日當天日本黃金零售價格 達5,240日圓,較2月1日增加67日圓,創32年4個月來新高水準;若不含稅則為4,991日圓,創約33年來(1980年3月以來)新高水準。
以日圓計價的黃金價格飆升,也提振日本黃金ETF走揚。嘉實XQ全球贏家系統的報價顯示,日本第一檔黃金ETF(2010年7月2日掛牌) 「Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Gold ETF(Japan Physical Gold ETF;代號:1540.JP)」4日上揚1.13%,收4,905日圓,已連續第3個交易日創掛牌來收盤新高紀錄。

據日經指出,因日本黃金價格自2012年底起就持續走升,造成散戶持續進行了結獲利的動作,惟目前該種趨勢已轉變。據報導,截至2月4日為止來自日 本個人投資者及基金的黃金買超幅度達約2萬400枚(1枚=1公斤),自1月中旬以來已增加了3成。報導指出,因日圓匯率中長期看貶,故吸引散戶開始買入 黃金。

時事新聞社1月5日報導,日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)設定的「2%通膨」目標預料將使得黃金成為日本當地熱門的投資商品。日本央行(BOJ)於1月22日宣布,通膨率目標將自原先設定的「1%」提高至「2%」。


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