
Finding Silver's Bottom!

Silver prices appear to have found a bottom at the $30.00 level, however, we are looking at a very short time period and such micro analysis can make monkeys out of us. A few months ago silver prices looked to have bottomed at the $34.00 level, but the ensuing rally was short lived and once again silver got clobbered. From a technical standpoint we can see that the RSI is now trending north and from a low level too, which gives it the room to move a little higher from this point and we view it as a positive indication. The MACD is also well and truly in the oversold zone and about to form a crossover which will be another positive indication of where silver prices are going next.

However, technical analysis has its limitations and any number of factors can come into play and clobber silver once again. As we see it, those who hold the short positions have a vested interest in seeing the prices go lower.
The counter argument is that the same applies to the silver bulls, but those bulls who have understood the gold and silver story and the need for ownership have already established a position and may not have the cash to increase their stake, no matter how desirous this may be. To maintain and even boost prices from here we need new blood to enter the market and implement their own acquisition programme.
This we think will happen as more people recognize the mess we are in economically and politically, resulting in the quick fix, print money, head in the sand policies that are about as useful as a chocolate fire guard. As the penny drops that they need an alternative to paper money they will make the move, alas, with very little thought and they will no doubt pay over the top to get their hands on the physical silver. As an example, in the last gold bull mania period some of the staff in our office went out and bought fine, exquisitely crafted jewelry, works of art really.
 The point is though, that when looking for exposure to silver prices you need to acquire silver bars and coins. Works of art are for those experts who thoroughly understand the art business, a totally different market altogether.

In conclusion, we are not selling any of holdings of the physical metals. We are watching the mining sector for possible bargain buying opportunities, but remain skeptical about their ability to generate returns that match the risk of such investments. Volatility remains the order of the day, and the third string to our bow is options trading, where volatility can be used to our advantage. Beyond this we have nothing else to add as we don't touch the general stocks, rightly or wrongly and we don't see us doing so for some time yet.



人們窮一生精力去保護辛苦得來的財富, 但到最後.......還是要面對這一天


子 不 語 怪 力 亂 神  

死 亡 易 生 虛 無 迷 信 。 孔 子 說 : 未 能 侍 人 , 焉 能 侍 鬼 ! 現 世 中 , 我 們 尚 且 未 能 關 愛 親 友 , 卻 以 怪 力 亂 神 來 解 釋 生 命 現 象 ,這 是 捨 本 逐 末 。 講 者 希 望 我 們 正 視 生 命 存 在 的 神 聖 感 , 以 驅 除 死 亡 的 陰 霾 。


  看破物質世界的無常空性,我們更嚮往精神領域的充實。「失去」並非人生的全部,反而,失落空虛的心靈可騰出空間去認真思考「需要」及「想要」,反省人生的價值及意義,再重新安排生活的優先次序。生理疼痛是不可避免,但痛苦的感覺是可以選擇取捨(Pain is inevitable and suffering is optional)。這樣,我們便能從損失或挫敗中有所領悟,藉此提升我們的抗逆能力及人生智慧。
  筆者在98年金融風暴期間,曾經歷人生的低潮,對經濟前景感到迷惘,產生無明的憂慮。在一次機緣巧合的情況下,參加了一個十日的內觀禪修課程(Vipassana Meditation)(可瀏覽http://www.hk.dhamma.org),自此一直保持每日修習,從中獲得心靈的平靜。人生太多執著容易產生煩惱,冥想正是一種「放下」(letting go)的鍛鍊,貪愛欲求的繫縛愈少,心情自然也愈覺輕鬆自在。

金价暴跌 黄金投资者逆势出手




非农数据后金价持稳 金价转为熊市期待太多



Antares贵金属基金投资顾问Kurt Hug指出,金价当前的疲弱走势只是暂时的修正,预计这样的状况将很快结束。施罗德黄金和贵金属基金经理Paula Bujia也表示,黄金价格当前的修正仅是2008年时的一半,将等待金价更多下跌后的买入机会,她更偏好买入ETF类产品。她表示:在没有看到大量ETF资金流出前,不应对金价转为熊市期待太多。
该行分析师Hussein Allidina在报告中表示,黄金在过去的经济衰退期中是最富有弹性的资产。