
Armstrong Economics_Gold – To Buy or Not To Buy

Armstrong Economics


Gold is still in a basing phase. The interesting thing is how some have sold this market as the single exception to everything in the world and how it can only rise. Gold is a tiny fraction within the scheme of the global economy. It really is no longer relevant for in case you haven’t noticed, they have successfully replaced even paper with electronic bits of data – ie Bitcoin. This changes everything and eliminates privacy.

Coin Comparison
Nonetheless, all is not lost. It is important to at least understand the nature of the beast or else how are you going to survive.

 Gold is a  infinitesimal market and claims that it has to rise to $30,000 to restore some equilibrium sound nice, but are impractical. Here are two coins, the rarest of all Roman known as the Saturninus of which (1) is in private hands, and the 1804 US silver dollar of which there are 15 known. The Roman sold for $500,000 back in 1997 whereas the 1804 sold for $3.7 million in 2008. The Roman today would probably fetch $5 million or more, but there is no equilibrium. Demand fluctuates and like the silver gold ratio, it will move all over the place.

The advantage of gold has been its wide acceptance of an object of value. That has made it desirable and negotiable. But make no mistake about it, it will not go to $30,000 simply because if you divide the gold reserves into the debt that is where it should be. Sounds nice, but NOTHING works that way. Using that logic, the Saturninus should bring 15 times that of an 1804 US coin or about $55 million. You can look at countless areas in all countries and sectors. What makes a condo worth $5 million in NYC when the same thing in Princeton, New Jersey would be $1 million. It is called demand.  

The Dow was at 1,000 in 1980 and gold hit $875. The Dow reached almost 15,000 and gold almost 2,000. Under this logic, gold has to rise to match the Dow, or the Dow must crash to match gold. Such equilibrium comparisons are like fools gold.

GCNYNF-D 4-7-13
Gold will rise, but not until 2015-2017 for an exponential move. It should find support and establish a base. It will rally and get everyone excited as they always do coming out claiming the low is in place and how they were right because money is fiat. 

Then gold will go back down, they will eventually have to capitulate and those that bought on the nonsense of stories for the wrong reasons will get burned as always. Understand, it is a market. There is a TIME to buy and there is a TIME to sell. Welcome to cycles.


Paul Craig Roberts 黃金的打擊






The Assault On Gold — Paul Craig Roberts

For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at hand. The evidence for this conclusion is the concerted effort by the Federal Reserve and its dependent financial institutions to scare people away from gold and silver by driving down their prices. 

When gold prices hit $1,917.50 an ounce on August 23, 2011, a gain of more than $500 an ounce in less than 8 months, capping a rise over a decade from $272 at the end of December 2000, the Federal Reserve panicked. With the US dollar losing value so rapidly compared to the world standard for money, the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing $1 trillion annually in order to support the impaired balance sheets of banks and to finance the federal deficit was placed in danger. Who could believe the dollar’s exchange rate in relation to other currencies when the dollar was collapsing in value in relation to gold and silver.

The Federal Reserve realized that its massive purchase of bonds in order to keep their
prices high (and thus interest rates low) was threatened by the dollar’s rapid loss of value in terms of gold and silver. The Federal Reserve was concerned that large holders of US dollars, such as the central banks of China and Japan and the OPEC sovereign investment funds, might join the flight of individual investors away from the US dollar, thus ending in the fall of the dollar’s foreign exchange value and thus decline in US bond and stock prices. 

Intelligent people could see that the US government could not afford the long and numerous wars that the neoconservatives were engineering or the loss of tax base and consumer income from offshoring millions of US middle class jobs for the sake of executive bonuses and shareholder capital gains. They could see what was in the cards, and began exiting the dollar for gold and silver.
Central banks are slower to act. Saudi Arabia and the oil emirates are dependent on US protection and do not want to anger their protector. Japan is a puppet state that is careful in its relationship with its master. China wanted to hold on to the American consumer market for as long as that market existed. It was individuals who began the exit from the US dollar.

When gold topped $1,900, Washington put out the story that gold was a bubble. The presstitute media fell in line with Washington’s propaganda. “Gold looking a bit bubbly” declared CNN Money on August 23, 2011.

The Federal Reserve used its dependent “banks too big to fail” to short the precious metals markets. By selling naked shorts in the paper bullion market against the rising demand for physical possession, the Federal Reserve was able to drive the price of gold down to $1,750 and keep it more or less capped there until recently, when a concerted effort on April 2-3, 2013, drove gold down to $1,557 and silver, which had approached $50 per ounce in 2011, down to $27.

The Federal Reserve began its April Fool’s assault on gold by sending the word to brokerage houses, which quickly went out to clients, that hedge funds and other large investors were going to unload their gold positions and that clients should get out of the precious metal market prior to these sales. As this inside information was the government’s own strategy, individuals cannot be prosecuted for acting on it. By this operation, the Federal Reserve, a totally corrupt entity, was able to combine individual flight with institutional flight. Bullion prices took a big hit, and bullishness departed from the gold and silver markets. The flow of dollars into bullion, which threatened to become a torrent, was stopped.

For now it seems that the Fed has succeeded in creating wariness among Americans about the virtues of gold and silver, and thus the Federal Reserve has extended the time that it can print money to keep the house of cards standing. This time could be short or it could last a couple of years.
However, for the Russians and Chinese, whose central banks have more dollars than they any longer want, and for the 1.3 billion Indians in India, the low dollar price for gold that the Federal Reserve has engineered is an opportunity. They see the opportunity that the Federal Reserve has given them to purchase gold at $350-$400 an ounce less than two years ago as a gift. 

The Federal Reserve’s attack on bullion is an act of desperation that, when widely recognized, will doom its policy.

As I have explained previously, the orchestrated move against gold and silver is to protect the exchange value of the US dollar. If bullion were not a threat, the government would not be attacking it.

The Federal Reserve is creating $1 trillion new dollars per year, but the world is moving away from the use of the dollar for international payments and, thus, as reserve currency. The result is an increase in supply and a decrease in demand. This means a falling exchange value of the dollar, domestic inflation from rising import prices, and a rising interest rate and collapsing bond, stock and real estate markets. 

The Federal Reserve’s orchestration against bullion cannot ultimately succeed. It is designed to gain time for the Federal Reserve to be able to continue financing the federal budget deficit by printing money and also to keep interest rates low and debt prices high in order to support the banks’ balance sheets.

When the Federal Reserve can no longer print due to dollar decline which printing would make worse, US bank deposits and pensions could be grabbed in order to finance the federal budget deficit for couple of more years. Anything to stave off the final catastrophe.
The manipulation of the bullion market is illegal, but as government is doing it the law will not be enforced.  

By its obvious and concerted attack on gold and silver, the US government could not give any clearer warning that trouble is approaching. The values of the dollar and of financial assets denominated in dollars are in doubt.

Those who believe in government and those who believe in deregulation will be proved equally wrong. The United States of America is past its zenith. As I predicted early in the 21st century, in 20 years the US will be a third world country. We are halfway there.


菲律賓為何失敗 日本緣何成功

楊洋 張庭賓










這就導致了嚴重的貧困化問題。主要表現有三:1,貧困人口眾多:巴西2005年全國貧困人口占總人口的22.7%,阿根廷2002年全國有57%的人生活在貧困線以下;2,貧富差距懸殊:巴西2004年佔就業人數10%高薪階層的月平均收入是佔約50%的低薪階層月平均收入的15倍,阿根廷2005年最富有階層與最貧窮階層的收入比為31∶1; 3,城市貧民窟問題嚴重:巴西2000年全國有3905個貧民窟,如里約熱內盧市600多萬人,其中有100多萬人住在貧民窟裡。無地農民流入城市,難以謀生,導致社會治安混亂,引起社會動盪。

與菲律賓、拉美相反,日本和韓國土地改革獲得了成功,避免了嚴重社會分化和社會動蕩的問題,他們走的是“有組織的現代小農”道路。日本式的土地流轉雖然放寬土地所有權流轉限制,提倡土地轉讓和相對集中。尤其是1962年《農業草本法》修正案允許離開村莊的農民將其土地委託給“小規模的農業合作社”代耕。但有兩個明確規定:一是股份公司不得購買農地;二是這些小規模的合作社也必須像自耕農家庭農場那樣進行農業生產。 “股份公司不得購買農地限制了資本兼併農地;而“小規模的合作社(或成立公司)必須像自耕農生產”保證了糧食種植規模,而不去種植其他經濟作物。

此後,日本再鼓勵農地所有權和使用權(經營權)的分離。 1980年,日本政府頒布了《農地利用增進法》,其主要內容是:以土地租佃為中心,促進土地經營權流動;以地域為單位,促進農地的集中聯片經營和共同基礎設施的建設;以農協為主,幫助“核心農戶”和生產合作組織妥善經營農戶出租和委託作業的耕地;政府資助合作農業組織,使這些組織有能力購買大型農用機械,實現規模經營。







FT的Izabella Kaminska撰文敘述了近期成為市場熱點的比特幣的故事:


2009年在一個論壇上,一個化名為中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)的網絡ID發帖說他發明了一種的基於全新算法的貨幣,這就是比特幣的誕生。比特幣的設計初衷就是對抗現有的貨幣體系,它完全的去中心化,沒有中央銀行進行干涉,也就是說當比特幣的“金融體系“出現崩潰的時候,不會有伯南克一樣的人出來救市。












上海再添兩確診 高永文:港隨時爆H7N9

 大家要做好準備 !!!

H7N9隨時「殺到」!內地H7N9禽流感病毒昨再新增兩宗確診個案,兩名男患者都來自上海,令內地累計有十八人感染,當中六人死亡。鑑於疫情持續,上 海及南京昨起暫停活禽買賣,而浙江杭州一名患者,曾到街市購買並食用過鵪鶉,當地檢疫部門在該街市的鵪鶉樣本中,檢出N7H9病毒。本港食物及缳生局局長 高永文坦言,市民要有心理準備,H7N9病毒會在本港爆發。

        新確診的兩名男病人均來自上海市,正接受搶救。其中一名患者 是七十四歲姓周的農民,上月二十八日發病,出現乏力、氣促及發燒等病徵,三日後到上海奉賢區中醫醫院求診,前天轉入華東醫院,診斷為重症肺炎;另一名是六 十六歲姓楊的退休人士,上月二十九日出現畏寒不適症狀,上周二前往第十人民醫院,診斷為急性上呼吸道感染,前日出現咳嗽及發燒,再到同一醫院求醫,診斷為 左下肺炎,情況穩定。



        大 部份H7N9患者在發病前曾接觸禽鳥,據浙江省缳生廳消息,杭州第二宗H7N9禽流感病例病發前,在上城區濱盛農副產品商行活禽攤檔,購買並食用過鵪鶉, 被當局認為是其發病的高危因素。而上海再有兩個街市的雞隻樣本被驗出帶有H7N9病毒,有雞販為安全起見,自行宰殺檔口的活雞。有見及此,上海及南京市決 定由昨日起,全市暫停活禽交易,以及關閉市內所有活禽交易市場。

        內地疫情來勢洶洶,本港食物及缳生局局長高永文昨稱,不 能排除本港會出現家禽或人類感染個案,呼籲市民加強注意個人缳生。由於前線醫護人手不足,政府的預防策略要做到及早辨認懷疑病例、進行隔離及進行快速測 試,以防止本港出現大爆發。他稱,將增派人手在口岸抽查入境旅客,進行體溫測試。

