
Russian Ark

和網友討論開電影,我就介紹這套Russian Ark,


 導演一聲Roll 機...90分鐘一Take 過 無 NG!


90分鐘一鏡到底 穿梭三百年的時空之旅


創影史最驚異讚嘆鉅作!90分鐘一鏡到底 穿梭三百年的時空之旅


Russian Ark

俄國大導演 蘇古諾夫(Aleksandr Sokurov)驚世奇作

【創世紀】全片動用超過2000名演員、3個大型管弦樂團,穿越了聖彼得堡冬宮博物館的3 3個房間,足跨俄羅斯四個世紀的歷史,以90分鐘一鏡到底的運鏡方式一次完成。電影片尾更以末代皇室於1913年的最後一場盛大的華爾滋舞會作為結束。導 演蘇古諾夫在本片神奇地創作了如油彩般流暢的畫面,影片中所呈現出來的更是有如動態的畫一般的場景流轉。

  一個俄國電影製片人剛剛死去,他的靈魂闖進了一座三百多年前巴洛克式的俄國宮殿中,他在此地遇到了一位已死去二 百年的法國公爵,兩人一路聊得極為投機。他們一邊交談、一邊穿梭於宮殿裡的每個房間,恣意徜游於不同時空中的藝術、哲學、音樂、文學、政治、文化與歷史的 思辯中。



俄國大導演蘇古諾夫(Aleksandr Sokurov)的《創世紀》(Russian Ark)在全世界發行以來,不僅歐洲各國創下了驚人佳績,就連美國也都爆出相當漂亮的票房,證實了觀眾對於一個極具挑戰性的好作品的支持。蘇古諾夫在《創 世紀》中,讓攝影機隨著一位法國公爵的幽魂在〔冬宮〕艾爾米塔齊博物館(Hermitage Museum)裡遊蕩,攝影機必須一直在移動中拍攝,並穿梭於整間博物館內的迴廊、各房間、展室和各式樓梯間…,《創世紀》就這樣穿越了俄羅斯帝國縱跨4 個世紀的輝煌歷史,更讓觀眾目睹彼得大帝、凱薩琳女皇和尼古拉二世皇朝的興衰起落,引領觀眾經歷一趟俄羅斯歷史的時空之旅。

《創世紀》不但動用超過 2000名身著戲服的演員和音樂家,而且拍攝過程必須毫無瑕疵,沒有修剪或任何剪輯地一鏡到底、一次完成。蘇古諾夫為此特別邀請了德國攝影的第一把交椅- 《蘿拉快跑》(Run Lola Run)的動作攝影師提曼巴特納(Tilman Buttner)參與,他必須直接用「高畫質數位攝影機」(HDC)拍攝,然後直接將近100分鐘的影音資料傳錄到硬碟上,這項空前的工程革新了電影 100多年來的拍攝方式。

《創世紀》無疑是極高難度的製作,蘇古諾夫必須在拍攝前,用數月的時間來先做彩排工作,儘管他每天只被允許待在〔冬 宮〕裡四小時。或許美國、英國或法國的導演也想來拍攝一個類似的古裝電影,也或許他們會選在白宮、白金漢宮還是凡爾賽宮…,但是蘇古諾夫先辦到了。《創世 紀》90分鐘一鏡到底的拍攝方式,讓《創世紀》的2000名演員們和所有工作人員,必須肩負一次就完美拍完的使命,過程中不得有絲毫閃失…。只要想到蘇古 諾夫是如何讓攝影機在〔冬宮〕裡移動,並指揮2000名穿戴上戲服髮飾的演員排戲,更指導所有場景和演員的流動以及他們之間的對話,最後並以一鏡到底的方 式完成拍攝,你就不得不讚嘆《創世紀》的確是部曠世鉅作。

位於聖彼得堡的〔冬宮〕曾是 沙皇的宮殿,更是18世紀巴洛克風格的典範。它是一座蔚藍色與白色相間的三層建築,宮內有1057間廳室,1886座門,1945個窗。宮殿四周有兩排氣 勢雄偉的柱廊,宮內則以各色大理石、孔雀石、石青石、斑石、碧玉鑲嵌,加以包金鍍銅裝潢,並以各種質地的雕塑、壁畫、繡帷裝飾,色彩繽紛,氣派堂皇!目前 珍藏藝術品、名畫約有270萬件,堪稱世界四大博物館之一。

風雲時代的風雲人物 彼得大帝-俄羅斯帝國的「秦始皇」:彼 得大帝(1672.06.09.-1725.02.08.)是俄羅斯「羅曼諾夫王朝」最重要的皇帝之一。力行西化政策,俄國從此進入「俄羅斯帝國」時期, 讓俄羅斯邁向新興強國之路。他是〔冬宮〕的第一位主人,在【創世紀】裡,法國外交官雖然批評頗受俄國人崇敬的彼得大帝是個暴君,卻不得不對他所建立美侖美 奐的〔冬宮〕讚不絕口。
凱薩琳大帝-俄羅斯帝國的「武則天」:凱 薩琳二世(1729.04.21.-1796.11.06)原是德國北部小邦的公主,因聯姻政策於1744年嫁給俄羅斯王儲彼得三世,她在丈夫即位一年 後,就發動宮廷政變推翻他,並自立為沙皇(註)。女皇在位34年,傑出的表現與成就在俄國史中常與彼得大帝相提並論,所以在歷史上又被稱為凱薩琳大帝。她 在文治武功都很有建樹,並延續彼得大帝的西化政策,讓國家版圖更加擴大並躋身歐洲列強之林。
目前〔冬宮〕裡的藝術品,很多都是凱薩琳私人的收藏畫 作,在【創世紀】裡,法國外交官一邊讚嘆凱薩琳收藏在〔冬宮〕的藝術品時,一邊卻譏諷她在模仿歐洲、全盤西化下,就像邯鄲學步似地完全忽略了俄羅斯本身的 文化。【創世紀】也精準地呈現出凱薩琳的直率放蕩個性和她晚期的落寞。

尼古拉一世 -「歐洲憲兵」:弒 弟繼位的尼古拉一世(1796-1855)素有「歐洲憲兵」之稱,他以專制、東正教和俄國化治國,在位非常盡心國事,為俄國首建了鐵路和電報。他設立了秘 密警察「第三廳」,鎮壓了1830年波蘭起義和1848年歐洲革命。法國二月革命爆發後,尼古拉一世還派兵剿殺羅馬尼亞革命;他更與奧地利聯合出兵殲滅匈 牙利革命;1849年並鎮壓匈牙利民族運動。為擴大在黑海和高加索的統治權,他也與英、法、土耳其發生克里米亞戰爭。對外不斷發動戰爭卻屢戰屢敗,造成國 庫空虛,民怨沸騰。他於1855年3月2日自殺身亡。

尼古拉二世 -俄羅斯帝國的「末代皇帝」:尼古拉二世(1868-1918)是俄羅斯帝國的末代沙皇。仁慈而軟弱的他在不情願的情況下當上皇帝。1917年,俄國爆發十月革命時,沙皇尼古拉二世全家被布爾什維克軍隊逮捕,翌年慘遭殺害,屍體被澆上硫酸和汽油銷毀。

安娜塔西亞公主-感傷的歷史之謎:安 娜塔西亞(1901-1918)是俄國沙皇尼古拉二世最小的公主。在沙皇尼古拉二世全家被暗殺後,科學家們查驗DNA時卻遍尋不著她和弟弟阿列克謝 (Alexei)的殘骸,而使得安娜塔西亞的下落成為歷史之謎。俄國民間盛傳:安娜塔西亞公主當時被人秘密救走,而後流落法國被人發現,並得到了俄國皇太 后承認其公主的身份。但也有傳聞說,找到的不過是假公主而已。這個故事曾經多次被搬上銀幕,最著名的有兩部:



SILVER: It's Down To Physical Only Now!


As an avid gold and silver investor it's been a very long and winding Road. I've ridden the ups and downs of the industry for over 10 years and it has been an amazing adventure. Even though the prices of both gold and silver have risen dramatically I, like many other die hards, have made and lost substantial amounts of money in the precious metal markets. Yes, many of us have lost serious amounts of money even though the prices have risen. In the early years we were suckered into the Banksters game of fake breakouts and false crashes using leverage because we thought FOR SURE this was the END of the manipulation and the GATA Rockets would take off. Mining shares, futures, options, ETF's, pooled accounts - you name it. Each one held the promised riches we so deserved because we had done our homework and figured out that both metals are massively undervalued. But each time the Banking Cabal dashed our hopes sending prices tumbling back to earth never fully leaving the launching pad.
The main reason I became FULLY invested in gold and silver was NOT because of the fundamentals (although they are outstanding) but rather I understood that both metals were 100% rigged to the downside and I wanted be "on board" when the manipulation ended. That's what all this work exposing the market riggers has been for...to be there when gold and silver fully realized their TRUE FAIR MARKET VALUE!
This quest began 12 years ago for me and now we sit on the very brink of regaining our "free markets".
But I've changed of the years. My little quest to simply end market manipulation has opened my eyes to see just how much control these people had over my life. It was total. It was all encompassing. It was a form of slavery that I didn't even realize I was being subjected to. Until I woke up.
Now that I am awake it is time to "cut to the chase"...
No more games. There's not enough time. It's time to go 100% into physical gold and silver. No more mining shares, etf's, futures, options, stocks, bonds, 401k's, CD's...none of it. The game is being played with "virtual assets" and the plug is about to be pulled.
REALLY! There's not even time to think it over. Physical metal in your own possession serves a dual purpose:
1) It will protect your financial future from the coming Global Monetary Implosion.
2) It will help destroy the fiat monetary power of those who control us.
DO IT NOW - AS IN TODAY...while physical metal is still available!
As many of you know I have not publicly endorsed any specific retail gold/silver dealers recommending that subscribers start relationships with their local coin shops...but now THERE IS NO TIME LEFT!
If you don't have a local precious metal dealer that you trust I have recently partnered up with Miles Franklin and I am publicly endorsing them now because time is of the essence.
I have vetted Miles Franklin for you and they are an excellent dealer who only sells what they can immediately ship and they guarantee their metal to be genuine. Also a long time fellow GATA warrior, "Ranting" Andy Hoffman, works for them and has personally assured me that Miles Franklin will take good care of all RoadtoRoota subscribers.
SPECIAL OFFER: Miles Franklin has offered RoadtoRoota subscribers free shipping until the end of April for purchases over $2,500 so call them now @ 1-800-822-8080.
Personally, I have narrowed down my silver purchases to 1oz Silver American Eagles and pre-1965 US silver coins. I believe they are the best forms of silver to buy if you are living in the US and they are the least likely to be tampered with. Outside of the US I would stick to locally minted coins and 1oz silver rounds.
For gold I like American Gold Eagles of all sizes but I'd suggest you heavily weight your investment towards physical silver as there is less of it in the world than gold.
As for timing the bottom...if you can do it - congrats. Good for you because I know I sure can't. The "Bad Guys" can still set the price of gold or silver anywhere they want with their computer rigging programs. Don't over think your investment. Get the metal in your hot little hands and WAIT!
Sorry to cut right to the chase but there is no time for me to dilly-dally around and show you why gold and especially SILVER are such good investments. You should know by now anyways!
We are in the middle of a Global Financial Meltdown and the end will come like a thief in the night!.
Prepare accordingly.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

睇相_ Perth Mint High Relief Dragon

果然名不虛存...用High Relief形式做的coin





現在ebay bid價介乎 US$180-250之間(視乎運費)

Gold Is Going A Lot Higher Over The Next Decade



Jim Rogers 

April 3, 2012

If it got down to $1,200 or $1,300 I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. Gold is going to go much higher — and silver — over the next decade. - in CNBC