
Gold Measures Dollar Value Not Dollar Index (DXY)


Over the course of last month, we noticed an occurrence that many in the mainstream media say is not possible. The dollar index and the gold price both went up. We would like to explain this and some of the many misrepresentations about gold. Here is the chart:

DXY Dollar Index is not consistently inversely corellated to Gold

The left side (green line & orange arrow) is the dollar index (DXY), and the other data is gold.
Late in June we entered the present period of increasing worry over the global economic reality combined with a lack of conviction over further printing. This mindset is a result of a lack of understanding, combined with consistent and effective hesitance on the part of central bankers to admit to inevitable future expansion.
The reality is that the dollar index and the gold price are related and have inversely correlated over shorter periods, but the fact remains that they are driven by quite different inputs.

The dollar index (DXY) is a basket of other paper currencies, of which 60% is the euro. So when the euro is up, the DXY is down. Recently algorithms have been programmed to “think” that if the euro is up, printing is viewed as likely (prolonging the life of institutions), and gold and stocks (being hard assets) would benefit.
Additionally, as the euro comes under fundamental pressure (realization that the fiscal situation is worsening), the rush for dollars is real, and the value placed on them is higher. As gold (and not the dollar index) is what accurately measures value, or the true “price of the dollar,” gold falls in price as a short-term demand for dollars raises the value of dollars, such as in the initial impacts of 2008.

As for gold, it has been a winning “trade” for big firms for years, and in a period such as in 2008, when other assets are deep in the red, gold is sold to gain immediate cash.

As experience shows us, this is a short-term effect, because as the firms assess the situation,  they come to the realization that central banks will re-inflate to offset the sharp deflation that threatens the solvency of systemically-critical institutions (think AIG, JP Morgan, Bank of America...).

Answer this: since the beginning of the crisis, on net, has gold or silver performed well?

According to Alf Fields, a technical analyst:

The bottom line is that we now have a really strong probability that the correction which started at $1913 on 23 August 2011 has been completed both in terms of Elliott waves and also in terms of time elapsed. If this is correct, the gold price should soon be expressing itself in violent upside action as it moves into the third of third wave which is still targeted to reach $4500

Which way is this market going to break when the lines converge? Up or down?
Is this the end of the almost 100-year bull market? We finally have eliminated the deficit and are reducing debt? Because eliminating the deficit and reducing debt is the only path to a fundamentally stronger dollar.
Or is the debt ceiling about to be hiked again, adding over a trillion a year to the debt? The healthcare act was passed, which will worsen overall debt accumulation soon as well. As a nation, are we actively seeking to reach our budget goals, as outlined here by the current administration?

...another crisis down the road as our interest payments rise, our obligations come due, confidence in our economy erodes and our children and grandchildren are unable to pursue their dreams because they are saddled with our debts. That's why today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office... That means taking responsibility right now in this administration, for getting our spending under control.
The jaw-boning politicians will talk (such as the quote above) about serious reductions in spending (true austerity), especially with Paul Ryan in the news. This has not proven to be reality, as the monetary system itself can not stand a reduction in debt (deflation), but rather must expand debt (re-inflation) in order to survive. Even under a magically implemented Ryan plan, the U.S. would remain in deficit for years and years and years. During this time the debt and the debt ceiling will need to rise higher and higher. War, or government spending (healthcare) or housing stimulus--or all three--will bring debt to even higher highs. 

We give a detailed explanation in Why Buy Gold Now? of the three reasons it will take more of the Federal Reserve’s dollars in the future to buy the same ounce of gold:

Bankers Fighting Deflation
- Dollars are diluted by expanding supply (inflation).

Rate at Which Gold is Adopted Defines (Gold) Demand
- Deciding to own gold as money and savings, limiting dollars held increases dollar supply relative to the remaining smaller pool of dollar users.
- Fundamental demand is unlimited (when gold is viewed as money).

Loss of World Reserve Status
- Less demand for dollars will mean less value in each unit.

- China has been importing serious amounts of gold in 2012 (more than the U.K. or Portugal have in total holdings).


China Imports HK Gold Summer 2012

While we can lay out just how gold will continue the rise to the stars, the reality is that gold is not moving; rather the price of gold reflects the fact that the dollar is falling in purchasing power. On top of that, history is, of course, on our side as well. Gold has outperformed the dollar (been in a bull market) since the Fed first co-opted the dollar name back in 1913 when congress gave it a monopoly to create banknotes as the “official” currency. Then it took 20 dollars to buy an ounce of gold. The dilution of the dollar accelerated after the peg to gold was removed in 1971. This short GoldSilver article shows us some of the clearest charts that illustrate this point.

While we deflate at 100 billion a month, we come closer and closer to the point at which central banks need to step in and re-inflate (more Quantitative Easing, or QE). While the frequency and size of inflation needed will increase, the common mistake today is to assume this is new, or a one-off event needed to fix a one-off crisis. The opposite is true; there has always been an long-term trend of increasing the supply of money and credit (inflation), for that is how the system is designed to work.

The Fed issues a dollar, on which a dollar plus interest is owed. This math is beyond refute, and history corroborates. It is in the later stages of this formula that action grows necessarily more frequent and larger. New names for expansion of supply (such as QE) help to underpin this fallacy, and lead to the price action we see today in gold and silver. One step back, then three forward.
Finally, we would remind readers that, not only in 2008, but also the deflation in the depression of the 1930’s took gold up 75% for those who saved in the coins. Would you like 75% more wealth at the snap of a finger? That is what happened when the dollar was devalued by then President Franklin D. Roosevelt, an effective re-inflation used to offset the deflation. And just one example of one of the three reasons above to buy and save in silver and gold right now.



吉姆·羅傑斯,現代華爾街的風雲人物,被人譽為最富遠見的國際投資家,是美國證券界最成功的實踐家之一。他畢業於耶魯大學和牛津大學,選擇投資管理行業開始了自己的職業生涯。 1970年他與另一位大名鼎鼎的投資家索羅斯組成了現代華爾街最成功的投資基金--量子基金。羅傑斯負責證券分析,索羅斯專事買賣證券。兩人配合默契的成功合作,使得量子基金連續十年的年均收益率超過50%

1980年 代開始,國際頂級投資大師羅傑斯就看好中國大有潛力,於是開始盡可能的蒐集中國的資料,開始在中國投資。當時大部分美國人都認為羅傑斯瘋了才會這麼做,他 們說這個食古不化、不知變通的共產黨國家,絕對不會允許外國人在這裡投資成功,而且他們會沒收成功者的財產。但羅傑斯聽從自己的直覺,盡可能的判讀所有找 得到的有關中國各種局勢的文件,也實地參訪好些地方,做自己的研究。他說邏輯很簡單:中國有超過十億的人口,老百姓的儲蓄率高得驚人:超過年收入的三分之一,而這些錢是他們可以用來投資的。一個有這麼高儲蓄率的國家,怎麼可能不會成長?

2008年開始,羅傑斯又把眼光投向中國熊貓金幣,2008118下午,羅傑斯來到上海盧工郵幣卡市場,首筆交易,羅傑斯以19800元購買了三枚2007年的熊貓1盎司金幣,1400元買下四枚2003年的1盎司熊貓銀幣。付完隨身現金後,意猶未盡的羅傑斯詢問附近是否有銀行可以提現,準備再行購買更多金幣。羅傑斯匆匆趕往最近的工商銀行營業部迅速提取了10萬現金。再次重返上海盧工郵幣卡市場的羅傑斯迅速以20400元買下三枚2003年熊貓1盎司金幣,66000元買走十枚2007年熊貓1盎司金幣,27200元買走1993年、1990年、 2002年和2007年四枚熊貓1盎司金幣,共計113600元。就在交易過程中,恰逢市場關門時間,一時間所有店鋪電源齊斷,點鈔機也因斷電無法工作。羅傑斯以及店鋪老闆只好手工點錢驗貨。下午450,134800元買下24枚熊貓金銀幣的羅傑斯終於露出了自己的笑容。


201141,筆者親眼目睹了羅傑斯大手筆掃蕩上海盧工郵幣卡市場熊貓金銀幣的壯舉,在一家商戶購買了價值276千多元的熊貓金銀幣,其中包括1993年、 2002年、2007-2011年的1盎司熊貓金幣及2005-2011年的1盎司熊貓銀幣等品種,在另一家相熟的商戶購買了價值30多萬元的熊貓金銀幣,後來又在其他幾個商戶買了幾個5盎司熊貓金幣和一些熊貓金幣套幣,事後經商戶測算,僅幾小時,羅傑斯就購買了中國熊貓金銀幣100多萬元。

20119月,羅傑斯在來參加湖南省第二屆金融博覽會的路上就通過助手詢問,哪裡能夠買到熊貓金幣,而一到金博會現場,看到中國銀行展台前正在展示熊貓金幣,於是就直奔中國銀行展台,現場刷中行卡購買了一套熊貓金幣。 20111028,羅傑斯參觀了金秋商貿(北京)有限公司的金銀幣展廳,購買了52011版熊貓金幣套幣。羅傑斯20111230還攜全家親臨上海盧工郵幣卡市場購買2012年熊貓金幣,當了解到2012年金套貓比2011年套貓要貴1000元時,羅傑斯點頭說沒關係。

1,熊貓金幣在國內外具有極高的知名度。中國人民銀行從1982年開始發行熊貓金幣,迄今為止已經有30個年頭了。 30年的風風雨雨,在鑄就了熊貓金幣高貴品質的同時,也成為了中國金幣的知名品牌。如今,中國的熊貓金幣已經成為世界最著名的5大投資金幣之一,為世界各國錢幣收藏愛好者不可或缺的集藏品種。


媒體報導中國將推首支黃金ETF 於上交所掛牌

大陸媒體報導,中國證監會近日召集上海證券交易所、國泰基金、華安基金等機構,商議黃金 ETF 的創新方案,可能近日就會推出首支黃金 ETF。

《上海證券報》引述消息來源說法,指首批黃金 ETF 的合作機構,已鎖定國泰基金及華安基金兩家公司,兩公司的產品方案也已完成。2011 年,上交所就已授權兩家基金公司開發黃金 ETF。

籌備中的黃金 ETF 產品,合作方還包括上海黃金交易所,代表中國的黃金 ETF,可能會以實物黃金為標的。目前國際上的黃金交易,包括採實物黃金、期貨黃金及黃金衍生品 3 種方式。

黃金 ETF 是以黃金為基礎資產,追蹤黃金現貨價格波動的衍生性金融產品。黃金 ETF 自 2003 年誕生,已迅速成為全球商品 ETF 中交易量最大的產品。據 2011 年底統計,全球黃金 ETF 資產規模已達 1500 億美元。


地產代理也瘋狂之貼錢搶人 - 李華華










Gold & Silver Fear Indexes


Gold & Silver Fear Indexes

Chris Waltzek
Thursday, August 16th
Current Gold Fear Index (GFI)
A discussion with James Turk this week renewed my interest in his Fear Index. So I decided to calculate the current figure. Given the 2.8% GFI figure listed in the equation below, clearly the gold market mania phase is only beginning, when compared to the 1980's peak:

(Courtesy of GoldMoney.com)
Formula (click links for data sources):
GFI = 261,500,000 * $1,600 / 14,750,000,000,000 = 2.8%
Next we use the formula to extrapolate a gold price forecast. The chart shows the Fear Index apogee of roughly 9% in 1980. So we plug in a new gold price of $5,000 which results in 9% GFI reading.
GFI = 261,500,000 * $5,000 / 14,750,000,000,000 = 9%
Thus according to the GFI, the fair value for gold is $5,000. Keep in mind that the gold price forecast moves higher as the M3 money supply figure increases. For instance, if we assume the M3 climbs to the number listed below, in accordance with expectations, gold could soar above $5,000, to $7,000:
GFI = 261,500,000 * $7,000 / 20,000,000,000,000 = 9%

NEW: Current Silver Fear Index (SFI)
Formula (click links for data sources):
Next we apply the GFI formula to the silver market, resulting with a new indicator: the silver fear index (SFI). Since the government has sold off the strategic silver stockpile, all three billion ounces and the US Mint must purchase silver from the free market, the silver market balance figures produced by the CPM Group are used. This figure represents the annual silver inventories. First we calculate the SFI for the 1980's peak price of $50 to use as a base for common size measurement: .54%. Next we calculate the current SFI: .04%. Clearly the silver price is EXTREMELY undervalued relative to 1980. But how undervalued is silver, relative to the 1980's peak?
SFI = 210,000,000 * $50 / 1,935,100,000,000 = .54%
SFI = 200,000,000 * $30 / 14,750,000,000,000 = .04%

To determine how undervalued silver is today relative to the previous bull market peak price, the .54% SFI number from the 1980 calculateion is substituted into the 2012 equation below:
SFI = 200,000,000 * $Silver? / 14,750,000,000,000 = .54%
SFI = 200,000,000 * $Silver? = .54% *14,750,000,000,000
SFI = 200,000,000 * $Silver? = 79650000000
SFI = $Silver? = 79650000000 / 200,000,000
SFI = $Silver = $398.25
Therefore, the SFI indicates that silver must climb to nearly $400 in order to reach it's current fair value! Anecdotally, this is precisely the silver target I proposed in Wealth Building Strategies (2010).

Central Bank Gold Demand To Hit Highest Level Since 1964

Gold futures for December delivery gained $4.20, or 0.3 percent, to settle at $1,606.60 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Demand for gold by central banks and official sector institutions were more than double the level reported a year ago, as emerging market central banks continue to gobble up gold due to concerns about fiat currencies, such as the U.S. dollar and especially the euro, according to World Gold Council data released Thursday.

Gold reserves at central banks increased by 158 metric tons, a rise of more than 130 percent over the corresponding period last year and the largest quarterly net purchase by this sector since it became a net buyer of the yellow metal in the second quarter of 2009. The official sector accounted for 16 percent of the total gold demand of 990 tons in the second quarter.
Should central banks continue to buy gold at the current rate and add roughly another 250 tons between now and December, official sector gold purchases would likely total around 500 tons this year, which will be a record since 1964, said Marcus Grubb, managing director at WGC

Purchases in the first half of the year totaled 254 tons, up 25 percent from 203 tons in the same period last year.
"You'll see central banks to continue make major contributions on the demand side of the market, though it's mainly emerging country central banks doing the purchasing," Grubb said.

Central banks in emerging economies have been largely net buyers of gold over the past couple of years, as they looked to diversify further their reserve assets holdings due to concerns of overexposure to the dollar, the euro and sovereign bonds. Before 2009, however, central banks had been net sellers of gold bullion for around two decades.

"To some degree, central banks are worried about sovereign bonds not being as much of a low-risk asset as they used to be," Grubb said. "Gold is liquid and has low correlation with other asset classes. It's a natural choice for a lot of central banks."
Central banks that bolstered their holdings during the period included the National Bank of Kazakhstan and the central banks of the Philippines, Russia and Ukraine.

The National Bank of Kazakhstan stated in July that it had increased its 2012 target for gold purchases from 25 tons to 26 tons. The bank has previously said that it plans to buy the country's entire domestic production over the next two to three years in order to reduce its reliance on the U.S. dollar as a reserve asset, confirming that it is targeting an allocation to gold of 15 percent of its foreign exchange reserves.

Following the confirmation in June that it had purchased over 32 tons of gold in March, the central bank of the Philippines made no net changes to its reserves throughout the second quarter. The bank's stated policy of buying local mine production remains in place and reserves as at the end of June stood at a provisional 194.2 tons, equal to around 13 percent of total reserves.

Russia's program of buying saw the central bank add a further 22 tons to its reserves during the April to June period. Total gold reserves at the end of the period stood at around 920 tons, roughly equal to 9 percent of total reserves.

The National Bank of Ukraine appears to have accelerated a program of very small sporadic purchases, which it has made over recent years, with four consecutive monthly additions to its gold reserves since March of this year. These transactions have been small in size, with purchases in the second quarter totaling 3.6 tons, but relative to total holdings of 32.8 tons this represents a significant percentage increase in the bank's gold reserves.
Small purchases were also made by a range of central banks across Europe and South America, including Serbia, Guatemala and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Gold futures for December delivery gained $4.20, or 0.3 percent, to settle at $1,606.60 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.