
Meet The Latest Converted Gold Bug: The IMF

When wonkish blogs suggest gold ownership as a hedge for the political idiocy of the world, it is mockingly shrugged off. When the BRICs add gold, it is eschewed in a 'well, its diversification' argument. But when the bankers' bankers' bank - The IMF - starts adding Gold to its reserves to cover higher expected credit risk losses (read major devaluations of fiat currency exposure), perhaps - just perhaps - the 'rationality put' we noted earlier is becoming a little more expensive in the minds of Lagarde and her colleagues. As Bloomberg News reports, “The Fund is facing increased credit risk in light of a surge in program lending in the context of the global crisis,” the IMF staff wrote in a report released today, adding "there is a need to increase the Fund’s reserves in order to help mitigate the elevated credit risks,” and as CommodityOnline added: "The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is planning to purchase more than $2 billion worth of gold on account of rising global risks. The IMF currently holds around 2800 tonnes of gold at various depositories".

The IMF announced in February 2010 that phased sales of gold on the market would be initiated shortly (after proposing the initial 403.3 ton sale in September 2009. At that time, a total of 191.3 tons of gold remained to be sold, following the sale of a total of 212 tons to three central banks during October and November 2009.

Peter Schiff: Market-Crushing Treasury Collapse To Hit Around 2013

《福布斯》採訪Peter Shiff,他稱美聯儲主席伯南克是“人民的第一公敵”。他認為伯南克刻意壓低美國國債收益率長達3年之久,已經製造出一個堪比2008年房地產泡沫的債券市場大泡沫,2013年該泡沫行將破裂,大量持有債券的銀行系統會再次崩潰,而美國銀行在壓力測試時並未考慮債券價格大幅下挫的情形。

Peter Schiff是美國少數提前預警2008年危機的投資家,他認為美國所謂的“解槓桿”進程完全是欺世之談,國債暴增其實就是變相的全民負債急劇升高,負債與GDP比值惡化情形更勝於2008年。國債收益率疊創歷史新低,已處於降無可降的地步,債市虛火綿延3年之久。 2013年債市崩潰,則美債和美元必然大幅貶值。 


Peter Schiff, the divisive investor and commentator that predicted the subprime/real-estate bubble, is forecasting a U.S. dollar and bond crisis over the next couple of years.  Schiff blames intervened bond markets, where rates are artificially and excessively low, and expects the coming crisis to blow the 2008-9 financial crisis out of the water.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 1:  Federal Reserve Cha...
Schiff considers Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke "public enemy number one" - (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

There is little doubt that the Federal Reserve, with Chairman Ben Bernanke at the helm, is holding markets by the hand.  Bernanke, himself a divisive figure, has done all he can to push interest rates lower, using quantitative easing and Operation Twist once nominal rates had hit the zero-range.  While many believe ultra-loose monetary policy is dangerous, Schiff thinks it will lead to a catastrophic correction.
“The more you delay it, the bigger it will be,” Schiff tells Forbes in a phone interview Tuesday, “so we need to raise interest rates during the recession to confront the inefficiencies.”  Schiff, who runs Euro Pacific Capital and is seen by many as permanently bearish, argues that government-intervened bond markets are leading to massive distortions in capital allocation that have only been exacerbated as the Fed reacted to the last couple of recessions.
Recent market behavior supports his thesis that massive dislocations in bond yields distort reality.  Ten-year Treasury yields had traded in a narrow-range for about four months, on the presumption that a weak economy would continue to count on Bernanke’s monetary support (particularly of the bond market).  On March 13, the policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) acknowledged an improved recovery, but did not mention more quantitative easing, or bond purchases, were on the way, sparking a violent sell-off in Treasuries (exacerbated by JPMorgan’s dividend announcement the same day, which triggered a rally in financial stocks) as market players fled a bond rally they considered fixed by the Fed.
While Bernanke delivered calm to bond markets on Monday in a speech that promised “continued accommodative policies,” the violence of the sell-off speaks to Schiff’s argument.  “We consume more than we produce and we borrow abroad, but we are never going to be able to pay them back,” says Schiff.
The controversial investor and commentator expects a massive crash over the next two to three years as a bond market bubble, coupled with the U.S. dollar, collapses under the weight of excessive debt.  Schiff, like PIMCO’s Bill Gross, doesn’t believe in the current deleveraging cycle.  While households have reduced their leverage, government debt has ballooned on the back of stimulus programs, but, argued Schiff, the government’s debt is the people’s debt, thus overall leverage has actually increased.
In CNBC interview Wednesday, Schiff called Bernanke “public enemy number one” and warned that banks would crash if the bond market collapses.  While most major banks, including the likes of JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and even Bank of America, passed the Fed’s strenuous stress tests, which stipulated a massive decline in equity and real estate prices, Schiff still believes they’re in trouble.  “The Fed didn’t ask the banks to stress test a big drop in the bond market because that’s what coming, and the banks would fail that,” he said.
Schiff cites the rising price of gold as evidence that U.S. dollar debasement, and inflation, are higher than the Fed, and consumer price data, suggest.  Following the Austrian economic tradition, Schiff believes that only a massive correction, via a deflationary recession, can set the system straight.  “In a deflation, real wages will rise because the cost of goods will fall faster,” he says, adding that the government should accompany the correction by lowering taxes and cutting back on regulation.
While Schiff does suggest saving in gold, he understands the limitations of the investment.  “If you invest in gold, then the economy doesn’t benefit from savings, I want investment to go to plants and equipment.”
The system, he argues, is as broken as it was before the financial crisis.  Schiff, who was very prescient in his forecast and prediction of how the subprime debacle would filter through to the broader real estate market and thus bring down the economy, believes complacency is widespread.  “All of the people who were 100% wrong [back in ‘08] are saying that everything’s OK [now]. I am telling them they didn’t solve the problem and are making it so much worse.”

Schiff, who knows how to build his case, concludes it thusly: “I didn’t get lucky, I just understood the problem, and we are going to get another big one coming soon.”








這並非中聯重科第一次與索羅斯結緣。 2010年12月,中聯重科H股在香港上市,作為港股市場當年最後一隻融資超百億的新股,中聯重科贏得了多家國際投行的青睞,其中就包括索羅斯。據香港媒體披露,索羅斯香港基金公司當時通過國際配售認購但數額不明。中聯重科總裁助理、董秘申柯也向媒體證實,“索羅斯已經向負責經辦此次IPO的摩根大通、中金、高盛和摩根士丹利都下了單。”在此背景下,索羅斯時隔一年半之後的實地調研,也就並不那麼讓人意外。

值得一提的是,5月市場的另外兩則消息,也讓“索羅斯曲線進入A股市場”這則傳聞更加撲朔迷離。 5月初,淡馬錫大手筆減持中行及建行,有中資私募基金透露,平安及國壽兩大保險投資基金大手接貨高達五成,其他股份則落入長倉基金、機構投資者及對沖基金之手,其中索羅斯相關基金無疑最受關注。幾乎是在同時,曾經的“公募一哥”王亞偉“挂靴”而去,在天弘基金、中信產業基金、中信證券、平安資管或私募等五路去向猜測之後,關於王亞偉離職的第六種版本也於近日出現——據理財週報稱,其獨家獲悉王亞偉或投身索羅斯香港。雖然這兩則傳聞均未得到證實,但無疑都增加了索羅斯覬覦A股的可信度。

事實上,有關索羅斯建倉A股的傳聞早已有之。 2010年11月,索羅斯的香港辦公室開始辦公,這是索羅斯基金在亞洲的首個辦公室,據稱其來港正是為了“更有效地把握亞洲尤其是中國A股的投資機會”。




身為索羅斯“新寵”的中聯重科,其今年一季報顯示,除了索羅斯基金之外,今年1月9日,瑞士聯合銀行集團和Matsumoto of Sumitomo Trust共赴長沙實地調研;1月13日,法國巴黎銀行參與其香港策略會;而在此後,包括KOKUSAI Asset、野村證券、里昂證券、大和證券等外資機構也均前去實地調研。而中聯重科2011年年報也顯示,去年共有12家境外機構與之進行交流,包括美銀美林、摩根士丹利、花旗銀行等。


耐人尋味的是,幾乎是在同時,外資機構集體唱多A股。 4月末,野村全球市場投資首席策略分析師葛文高稱,中國經濟已經見底,在未來6個月內,中國經濟周期性好轉將帶動股市迎來牛市行情;進入5月之後,摩根大通即發表題為《Stayin May》(《留守5月》)的亞太區股票策略報告,認為傳統中“5月離場”的緊箍咒在今年有機會扭轉。



曾經讓東南亞國家聞風喪膽的華爾街空頭司令索羅斯,在時隔15年之後重回亞洲,到底是效法巴菲特投資比亞迪尋找價值投資標的,還是發現了一個正在成長的泡沫?事實上,在將投資重心轉回亞洲市場之後,索羅斯近年來一直未曾放棄做空中國,除了眾所周知的人民幣及港股地產股之外,A股市場也出現了索羅斯身影。 2010年11月12日,A股意外演出跳崖式暴跌,指數隨後一路疲軟。市場當時就有猜測,造成“黑色星期五”的幕後始作俑者恐怕是彼時頻頻喊多兼作空的高盛,正是高盛在當日以郵件形式建議客戶賣出手上已獲利的全數A股,種種跡象讓其成為多家媒體點名批判的對象。值得注意的是,當時正值索羅斯挾90億美元資金進駐香港後不久,不少市場人士甚至推論,這場A股少見的災難,背後不排除有索羅斯在其中參與策劃。

值得一提的是,巴菲特“失算”比亞迪,也讓投資者對股神的“愚蠢錯誤”倍加失望。 2008年9月,金融危機最深重之際巴菲特以2.3億美元購得比亞迪H股9.9%股份,該交易當時被視為股神的經典投資——在市場觸底時買進被低估的公司。 2010年9月巴菲特應邀訪問中國時還表示,“比亞迪對我而言是正確的選擇”。然而股市“變臉”讓看客來不及反應,如今比亞迪股價縮水超過八成,對巴菲特而言“燙手山芋”的說法無疑更加吻合。今年5月5日,巴菲特執掌的伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司召開股東大會,巴菲特的“黃金搭檔”、伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司副主席芒格用“非常有限”來形容比亞迪在美國的前景,這位曾盛讚比亞迪董事長王傳福“像當代愛迪生”的美國投資家,如今卻建議比亞迪要“踏踏實實地做好產品”。而作為比亞迪的競爭對手,鴻海董事長郭台銘則嘲笑稱,“巴菲特這人根本不是什麼股神,不過是個小聰明罷了”。如果再加上號稱英國最著名的基金經理和投資人安東尼·波頓、對沖基金巨頭保爾森,國際金融大鱷們近幾年來在投資A股或國內公司時屢屢“挨刀”,已經不可避免地讓其影響力大打折扣。

羅傑斯:趁調整買入黃金 投資者勿輕易賣出

Jim Rogers,早幾日論盡美元美股美國地產 Euro 黃金石油.
佢老人家末段話, 佢依家楂緊美元同黃金, 佢睇美元好灰, 但幾時先死得則未知. 佢話黃金升左 11 年, 好少會有一個單一資產類別會昇咁耐都唔調整一吓; 依家就係調整緊, 調幾耐佢唔知, 佢老人家自謙話佢 睇市 timing 好差喎, 不過如再跌佢會再買. 值得留意係佢睇金牛嘅 time-line. 佢話金牛仲有排行, 有朝一日會泡沫化狂潮化. 幾時 ? 佢舉例係 2019 -2021, 佢老人家希望自己到時 "smart enough to sell it at that point . . " 


 國際大宗商品價格下跌,國際黃金價格近日跌破 1600 美元,並呈現持續下挫趨勢。不過,國際投資大師羅傑斯 (Jim Rogers) 近日表示, 11 年來黃金表現超過任何資產,雖然目前金價正處於調整,但並不令人奇怪。他表示不會賣出黃金,如果金價再向下,他計劃買入更多黃金。更叮囑投資者不要輕易賣出黃金。

 香港《文匯報》報導,由於 QE3 推出的預期降低,加上美國經濟數據好於預期,以及歐洲政局動盪推動美元匯率上升等,金價近月持續下探。今年第 1 季,金價下挫逾 4% , 4 月份下跌 2.91% 。 儘管如此,羅傑斯仍看好黃金,並說如果金價能夠跌至 1100 、 1200 美元或 1300 美元,他希望可以買入更多,但他不認為金價會跌至該水平。他稱,如果伊朗戰爭爆發的話,金價升至 1850 美元他也會買入。金價取決於全球地緣政治因素影響。因此,他對目前金價的創新低並不感奇怪。 羅傑斯稱,他不會改變對黃金看多的看法。並稱,過去 5 年來中國黃金市場出現巨大變化,中國的黃金消費已有巨大的增長,並成為全球最大的黃金生產國和消費國。 對於歐美股市,羅傑斯均表示看空,他建議投資者要關注 2013 和 2014 年,因歐債危機的嚴重性,到時全球將出現恐慌。 在可預見的未來,經濟將變得更糟糕,而市場是反映經濟晴雨表,他不認為目前是買入股票的適當時機。對於他來說,只有看到股票具有翻番的前景時才會決定買入。 羅傑斯表示他對未來 20 年的全球金融業極其悲觀。他強調,由於債務危機龐大,人們不可能一下子解決其帶來的危機和影響。但西方將因債務危機而可怕地結束此前的優勢。

Leeb - This is Why World Markets are Incredibly Unstable

With a sea of red across virtually all markets, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management.  Leeb told KWN that global financial markets are in an extraordinarily unstable situation.  Leeb also said investors should expect to see more “tumutuous events” ahead.  But first, here is what Leeb had to say about the derivatives crisis the world faces today:  “When you start talking about quadrillions (of dollars), you are talking about numbers that are 1,000 times larger than $1 trillion.  GDP is measured in trillions, and when you start talking quadrillions, you are talking about numbers that dwarf worldwide GDP.”
Stephen Leeb continues:

“So, of course it’s extraordinarily destabilizing.  Importantly, it’s beyond any human being to understand all of the interrelationships between all of these paper derivatives various entities possess.  Everything is hedging everything else and it becomes so complex that there is virtually no easy way out.  When you hear numbers like quadrillions, it’s so detached, relative to the size of the world’s economy.

We are in a real mess and it cannot be sorted out in any meaningful way.  It’s a matter of when people wake up and start fleeing towards gold.  I assure you that five years from now, when you look at this period (in gold), it won’t look like anything on the chart.  But living through this kind of pain is very difficult because you see how it’s going to work out, but you don’t see the exact timing....

“You may see a situation where gold is at $1,400, and then two months later it’s at $2,500.  That’s just one of many possible scenarios.  We don’t know the bottom for sure right now, but one thing is certain, you are going to see new highs in gold.  Investors just need to hang in there.

So you are going to have a massive move in real assets, there is no doubt about that.  Will the Greek election be a catalyst?  Has the failure of Greece to form a new government been a catalyst?  Regardless, people are starting to realize that the euro, as it currently exists, doesn’t make any sense.  It just doesn’t.

What they are doing right now is putting salt on the wound with austerity, etc..  The election results, throughout Europe, are supporting this.  It will be every country for itself as the euro is dissolved.”

Leeb also added: “History shows that given the choice between inflation and austerity, people are going to choose inflation every time.  Germany is a great example.  It’s true you had incredible inflation in the 1920s and you had awful things taking place, especially to the poor people in Germany.

But overall, despite the horror of people starving and children being sold, the German economy did not perform that bad.  There were just such great disparities between people being poor and others becoming extremely wealthy.

What crushed Germany in the 1930s was 25% unemployment.  During the 1920s, unemployment never got above 10%.  Hitler came about in the 1930s because of 25% unemployment.  Nobody wants to see worldwide depression and massive unemployment.

You already have massive protests in Spain.  People are leaving Spain because they know there is no chance of a job there.  It’s tragic.  The current status quo is something that is not tolerable.  These are going to be very tumultuous events.  I mean the euro is not just going to walk away.  Everyone will be using their various currencies again, but it’s going to happen in stages.

If investors step back and look at this from a longer-term perspective, they will realize that politicians feel the only way out of this mess is to print more money.  After the money printing will come the inflation.  It will be higher inflation than anything we’ve seen in the post-World War II period and it will send gold, silver and all commodities skyrocketing.  But I can’t deny it, this is an incredibly painful transition.”