

Vatican Calls for World Central Bank, One-World Currency 

 As if national central banks and fiat currencies run by the Illuminati and the banksters do not oppress the world's citizens enough.
The Vatican's true colors shine through- this is merely about consolidating ever more power over the world's masses.

 * Document also calls for "Central World Bank"
* Condemns "idolatry of the market"
* Says reform should start under U.N. auspices

VATICAN CITY, Oct 24 (Reuters) - - The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises.
The document from the Vatican's Justice and Peace department should please the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators and similar movements around the world who have protested against the economic downturn.
"Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority," was at times very specific, calling, for example, for taxation measures on financial transactions.
"The economic and financial crisis which the world is going through calls everyone, individuals and peoples, to examine in depth the principles and the cultural and moral values at the basis of social coexistence," it said.
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?准確押注美國次按爆煲者除了有「沽神」保爾森,還有對沖基金Hayman Capital創辦人巴斯。但與保爾森可一不可再的戰績不同,巴斯利用同一套計量模型,早已預見主權債務危機,押下重注賭希臘違約,並預言兵荒馬亂的時勢即將來臨。詳見B5頁研究部特寫。


10月24日,周一。個人並不愛讀克魯明(Paul Krugman)在《紐約時報》的專欄,政治經濟民生,什麼都是共和黨的錯,扣帽子從不手軟,「八股味」隔數條街也能嗅到。然而,諾貝爾評審委員會在2008年金融海嘯期間把經濟學獎頒給他,斷估不是為了赤裸裸地表揚幹預主義;至低限度,克魯明在評審眼中斤?十足,對經濟學有過一番建樹。以其功力,要為一種經濟現象賦予「理論生命」,毫無難度綽綽有餘。


從這段獨白可見,克魯明一邊心系黃金,另一邊卻非常在意讀者對他「想金」產生太多不必要的聯想,怕人誤會他忽然戀上這種凱恩斯口中的「蠻荒世界遺物」 ,是以自問自答,意圖跟「金甲蟲」劃清界線。



克魯明自稱「大大的通縮論者」(a big deflationista),又說如果你相信「通脹論者」(inflationistas)這些年來提出過的種種警告,那麼閣下縱使不輸幹輸淨,賺少許多總是在所難免。等一等,黃金不是例外嗎?在克魯明看來,將通脹威脅與金價強勁劃上等號,完全捉錯用神;換句話說,金沒買錯,惟買金的原因不對。


經濟學上有所謂「窒息價格」(choke price),即天然資源價格升至足以令流量需求(flow demand)降至零的水平,以此而論,人們持有(囤積)可耗盡(exhaustible)的資源,延遲資源在現實世界中的使用,原因只有一個,就是實質價格持續上升。撇除儲存成本,黃金的實質價格必須以相等或高於實質利率的速度上升,投者者和生產商才具備囤積黃金的誘因。



港股大升,恒指收報18771點,較上周五漲746點,市場繼續憧憬歐債危機解決有望之外,匯豐與Markit Economics聯手進行的調查顯示,中國10月份采購經理指數(PMI)初值經季節性調整後達51.5,非但為五個月來的最高水平,且遠勝9月份的49.9。


王冠一財經專欄:生活質素 每況愈下

美國人嚮往的「美國夢」,是生活一代比一代改善,但過去十年,美國夢卻進入夢醒時份。相比起十年前,今日美國人的生活水平〔standard of living〕不進反退,用以量度生活質素指標之一的「痛苦指數」,更刷新了1983年伊朗革命美國經濟陷入衰退以來的新高。


美國最新公佈的人口統計數字,亦為美國人生活於水深火熱增添證據。全國生活於貧窮線下的比率,由2009年的14.3%升上15.3%,而貧窮率高 於17%的州份,亦由2009年的5個,倍升至12個。生活於貧窮線以下、收入不足貧窮線一半的赤貧比率,亦持續攀升,由2009年的6.3%升至 6.8%。需要接受公共援助〔public assistance〕的人口於短短1年間暴增一成,由300萬上升至330萬,而接受公援的家庭比率亦由2.7%升至2.9%。

統計數字亦顯示,於過去1年,不論是貧窮人口或貧窮率,50州份無一下跌。貧窮率最高的州份為密西西比州,貧窮率高達22.4%,緊隨其後的,是新 墨西哥州的20.4%。貧窮率最低的是新罕布夏州〔New Hampshire〕,比率僅為8.3%,亦是唯一綠得單位數字的州份。

經歷過金融海嘯引起的大衰退〔Great Recession〕後,美國人的生活質素每況愈下,可支配收入〔disposable income〕於2008年春大衰退開始時觸頂,當時人均可支配收入為33,794美元,而2011年次季已跌至32,479美元,即是減少了1315美 元或4%,意味可用於購物消費、外出用膳及看電影的次數大幅減少。事實上,美國人生活水平的惡化速度,亦是1960年開始紀錄以來最快。


深入探討財富萎縮效應的話,數字顯示,美國人自2007年至今,身家合共蒸發了5.5萬億,比率高達8.6%,最大部份自然是物業價值下跌。樓價於 07年至今平均跌幅為22%,蒸發財富達4.7萬億。標普500指數亦較1999年下跌了17%,即使計入其間收取的股息,十年累積回報亦只有3.2%, 可說甚不理想。


Stephen Leeb - China Will Send Gold & Silver to the Moon

With gold, silver, commodities and stocks moving sharply to the upside, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management.  When asked about the action in commodities, Leeb responded, “Commodity prices, it’s true, are below their all-time high.  But when you step back and look at it from a yearly perspective, the vast majority of commodities are averaging all-time high prices in 2011.”

Stephen Leeb continues:

“As an example the average price for oil, copper, corn, silver and gold will be the highest prices ever on average for 2011.  That is not consistent with a lot of weakness in China.  China, in my opinion, seems to be doing pretty well.  We all know that China had an inflation problem, but it appears they have gotten that under control.

This is the thing that worries me, everyone talks about inflation and China coming apart, Eric, but no one seems to be talking about the fact that China is planning to spend half a trillion a year on new energy.  This includes hydro, wind, nuclear, you name it.

China has well over 50% of the solar industry and no doubt, as part of that strategy, has been accumulating massive amounts of silver and they will continue to do that.  This is one reason that silver is certainly headed to three digits. 

Another thing about China is they have no tax on gold bullion.  There is a tax on jewelry and numismatics but China does not tax gold bullion.  This means gold is already a de-facto currency in China....

“The implication for gold, given that it is becoming currency in China, given the fact that the Chinese government is doing everything they can to encourage their populace to own it, given that it is the only currency that has a chance of appreciating along with materials over the next three to five years, gold is just something that you’ve got to own.    

Gold is certainly going to be part of any future reserve currency basket, that and the Yuan.  I don’t think the dollar is going to make it (in the basket).  China remains an extraordinarily strong competitor.

We’re fighting a war with China and they are armed with bazookas, tanks and everything else and we have a rubber knife, that’s the situation.  Someone in our government has to wake up before it’s too late, if it’s not too late already.

As these commodities run up in price it’s going to be become ever more inflationary.  Commodities are going to become an even larger part of the economy as a whole.  Energy is already about 9% of the US economy.

We are already seeing inflation running close to 4%.  Producer prices, the last print there, was over 6%.  The trend going forward for inflation is going to be dramatically upward.  It’s deflationary for the economy because it’s taking money out of the pocket of the consumer.”

James Turk Report - Why Gold Will Go Above $11,000

By James Turk, Founder & Chairman of GoldMoney

Because gold is money, its value cannot be measured with the standard techniques used to evaluate investments.  Gold is not an investment because it does not produce any cash-flow.  It is a sterile asset.  Consequently, gold does not create wealth, nor for that matter, does any national currency create wealth.  Currency in all its forms – whether fiat or gold – is wealth, held in the form of deferred purchasing power.  This store of value function is one of any currency’s most important tasks.

So when the price of gold rises, wealth is just being transferred to people who own gold away from those people holding the national currency being used to report the rising gold price.  Wealth is simply being re-shuffled – as I like to say – to its rightful owners, namely, those who choose wisely among the different currencies available in which to hold their liquidity needs.  Their wise choice is simply a matter of recognizing which currencies are overvalued and which are undervalued, so they own the latter and avoid the former.

One of the most trusted models that I use to value gold is my Fear Index, about which I have written extensively.  Another trustworthy model is my Gold Money Index, which values gold based on its historical role as international money and global numéraire.  Here is the formula.

The following chart illustrates the usefulness of this index.

There are two prices for gold in this chart, the actual price and its “fair value” price, which is calculated by the above formula.  Back in the early 1960s when the dollar was still thought to be “as good as gold”, gold’s actual price was above its fair value.  In other words, central banks had adequate gold reserves on hand relative to the quantity of dollars and other national currencies circulating in international commerce.  But that relationship began to change by the late-1960s. 

Because the dollar was being debased, gold’s fair price rose above its actual price, meaning that gold was undervalued.  In other words, gold was worth more than the $35 per ounce fixed rate of exchange then prevailing.  This $35 price could no longer be maintained because the dollar had become too debased and was overvalued, with the consequence that the dollar’s formal, fixed link to gold was finally abandoned in August 1971.

Thereafter, the gold price began to rise, but gold’s fair price remained above the actual price until 1974.  By then gold had become overvalued, with its actual price exceeding its fair value.  Gold had reached a point marking the first peak in that decade’s bull market in gold.  At the January 1980 peak, which is also clearly seen on the above chart, the actual price again rose above gold’s fair value.  The level of overvaluation reached by gold of course was not sustainable.  Its price fell back, but remained above fair value until 1984.  Gold has been undervalued ever since, as is clear from the following chart, which uses the data from above to show the degree of relative valuation.  In other words, this chart presents, as a percent, gold’s actual price divided by its fair value.

The above chart clearly illustrates the extent to which gold is undervalued.  As of June 30th, the actual price of gold was only 13.0% of its fair value, barely above its all-time low of 10.3% reached in 2008.  Alternatively, this chart is telling us that gold no longer is money, and my valuation method is useless. It has to be one alternative or the other.  There are no other explanations to this huge difference between gold’s actual and fair price.  In my view, the first alternative is correct.

Having filled the role of international money for 5,000 years, gold has been supplanted by fiat currency for the past 40 years because of government force.  However, this nascent experiment with fiat currencies is not going well, as evidenced by growing global imbalances, unchecked increases in debt and financial derivatives, ongoing debasement of currency purchasing power and worsening monetary turmoil.  Fortunately, the attributes that made gold money in the first place have not disappeared or been lost; they have only been ignored or forgotten, with the consequence that gold’s unique usefulness as money remains.  This usefulness is being rediscovered, as evidenced by gold’s rising price this past decade.

Despite this remarkable rise in the gold price, it is clear from the above chart that gold’s undervaluation has barely budged for more than a decade.  The reason of course is the growth in the quantity of national currencies held by central banks (the numerator in the Gold Money Index) is rising about the same rate as the weight of gold held by central banks (the denominator in the Gold Money Index).  So gold remains tremendously undervalued.

The logic of the Gold Money Index is founded on one underlying principle – gold still is money. Things have value because of their usefulness, and gold’s value comes from its usefulness as money.  It is money because the free-market makes it money.  Consequently, governments cannot stop gold from having value, nor even stop gold moving in time from its present undervaluation to a fair valuation, which is presently over $11,000 per ounce. 

We today look back at the Tulip Bubble, Mississippi Bubble and the South Sea Bubble with smug amusement and ask ourselves laughingly how could the people back then have been so foolish.  No doubt people generations from now will look back at the present era of government-issued fiat currency and ask themselves the same question.
