

簡 言之,金市在年初迄今的升浪,未能升越前一大升浪的高點1434美元,上周到本欄估計最低的1390美元至1400美元阻力地帶便明顯回頭,可以說是年內 至今的漲勢已告一段落。銀市表現更為不濟,年內的升浪止步於四周前的22.18美元,離前大升浪的高點25.12美元相距甚遠。上周更跌破最近短期升市的 發力點20.5美元水平,只是曾出現一次不算成功的反彈。
本 欄有別於其他分析者,多從聯儲局的原始數據去推測其行動趨向。故上周的最新公布對本欄來說是不感意外,聯儲局減購債的原定方針會持續執行下去。此因素對金 銀兩市中長走勢並無好處,原因是再膨脹政策已漸見消去,除非日後出現並非因為經濟政策所引起的嚴重通脹,例如天氣或局勢令農產品和原始商品的價格急漲。目 前我們看不到這方面有很惡劣的情形出現。
銀 市跌破20.5美元可說未曾出現過有效的彈升市,短期回升阻力下移至21.5美元及21.1美元,日內阻力在20.6美元水平;目前支持在19.9美元, 較大支持則在19.6美元,萬一連19美元也失守,只能說是重陷中期跌勢。在評估市勢時不宜只看圖表,宜結合基本因素和經濟數據作出綜合分析。


本文由鳳凰黃金編譯自CNBC vedio:
原視頻參見: Gold's secret buy sign
 Melissa Lee拿出GLD倉位圖開始給大家講解黃金買盤走勢
你看,像瀑布一樣:盤整-下挫-盤整-下挫-盤整-下挫...一個大挫後在去年6月出現第一個底部,而後並沒有伴隨大幅下挫,回升盤整後便呈現出一個定義完好的雙底形態。 之後便進入了今年以來的大規模買入潮。

同樣一幅圖用下降趨勢線來看,雙底反轉過後,手指的地方就是“買入信號”(Buy Sign)。


最後,在10年期ETF持倉趨勢來看,頂點金價為1900,底部區域金價為1100,他們的50%水平分為線在1500,也正是金價將要前往的目標價位。 而目前金價在1350水平。 

近期入手的 The Hot Wedge-Tailed Eagle High Relief Silver Proof Coin


銀幣的設計師 / 雕刻師,John Mercanti.,是現時流通的鷹揚銀幣的設計師,亦是美國鑄幣局的第十二代首席雕刻師,退休後首次為美國以外的鑄幣局設計硬幣。

The iconic American silver eagle, the most widely collected and traded silver coin in the world, now has an Australian cousin that was created by the same person who designed the American eagle, retired U.S. Mint coin sculptor-engraver, John Mercanti.

On January 7 the Perth Mint in Western Australia released a wedge-tailed high relief eagle coin in silver and gold, each one a one-ounce piece. The silver coin is made from .999 silver and has a global mintage of 10,000, while the gold coin is made of .9999 gold and has a mintage of 1,000.
Depending on where purchased the silver coin runs about $100, while the gold coin comes in at about $2700, or more than twice its melt value.
mercanti wedge The Coin Analyst: Perth Mint Issues Wedge Tailed Silver Eagle Coin Design by John Mercanti
The coins are not available to U.S. customers from Perth, which directs American buyers to New York Mint(www.newyorkmint.com) to obtain the coin. Officials from the Perth Mint explained to CoinWeek that the coin is a joint project of the Perth Mint in consultation with a U.S.-based company, GovMint(www.govmint.com). New York Mint and GovMint are the same company.
The coins can also be purchased on e-Bay, or from Australian dealers such as Downies(www.downies.com) and DirectCoins (www.directcoins.com.au). Sales appear to be brisk for both coins as one of these dealers already sold out of the gold coin, and the other just sold out of the silver version.
The coin’s obverse, like all Australian legal tender coins features the usual bust of Queen Elizabeth II that is familiar to collectors of Australian coins and which was designed by Ian Rank-Broadley. The reverse depicts in intricate detail a majestic wedge-tailed eagle in flight preparing to land on the branch of a dead tree. It is a stunning image with exceptional detail on the eagle’s wings, and looks especially attractive in high relief.
Few world mints are able to issue high relief coins, and Perth is well-known for its line of high relief versions of its widely collected silver coins such as the Lunar series, koalas, and kookaburras, and has also issued other high relief silver and gold coins. High relief coins are very popular with collectors because of their beauty and the fact that they are different from regular relief coins, which do not have the same visual appeal as high reliefs.
The U.S. Mint issued an ultra high relief double eagle gold coin in 2009, but has not issued a silver high relief coin apart from the 1921 peace dollar, which was struck in much higher relief than the other coins in that series. In the past couple years, the Mint has been surveying its customers about the possibility of issuing a high relief silver eagle, which would be very popular with collectors.
Perhaps the most notable fact about the new eagle from Perth is that its reverse design was created by John Mercanti, one of the most widely admired coin sculptor-engravers in the world, who served as the U.S. Mint’s Chief Engraver from 2006 to 2010. During an amazing career at the Mint that started in 1974, Mr. Mercanti designed more U.S. coins and medals than any official Mint employee has ever created, as explained in his book American Silver Eagles: A Guide to the U.S. Bullion Coin Program, co-authored with PCGS grader and modern coin expert, Michael “Miles” Standish and now in its second edition.
mercanti wedge sculpt The Coin Analyst: Perth Mint Issues Wedge Tailed Silver Eagle Coin Design by John Mercanti
Mr. Mercanti is probably best-known for his work on the American silver eagle minted since 1986. He made some subtle modifications to the famous Adolph Weinmann walking liberty half dollar obverse for the coin’s obverse, and then created a heraldic eagle design for the reverse of the coin. One of the main reasons silver eagles are so widely collected is because the coin’s design is so widely considered to be beautiful.
This is the first time a former U.S. Mint Chief Engraver has designed a coin for another world mint. According to Perth: “John brought his extraordinary talents to bear on the Australian wedge-tailed eagle project on behalf of the Perth Mint. Despite being honored for so many outstanding achievements in American coin design, he is kind enough to describe the opportunity to sculpt the image for an Australian legal tender issue as “one of the highlights of my career.”

Perth also explains: “The eagle is traditionally a symbol of freedom, spirit, vision and strength, one which still inspires him from a design perspective. His immediate thought was to present it in an original way: “I asked myself, how could I use the same subject that has been used before, but depict it differently and make it interesting?”

“The wedge-tailed eagle is Australia’s largest bird of prey and one of the biggest eagles in the world. Defining characteristics include its huge wingspan, fully feathered legs (in contrast to its North American cousin, the bald eagle) and, of course, its wedge-shaped tail.”

“There is no doubting the power and splendor of this mighty bird from John’s superb portrayal. To satisfy the requirement for a unique viewpoint, he chose to capture an eagle preparing to land on the branch of a dead tree. “I decided to show the eagle in flight, approaching the stump, wings spread so that the viewer could see the majesty of the wings,” he elaborates.”

“The beauty of the design is enhanced by John’s stunning representation of the eagle’s intricately layered feathers. Conspicuous against an uncluttered, mirror-like table, the crisp, high-relief strike maximizes an onlooker’s appreciation of this immense detailing.”

This coin seems destined to be an instant modern world classic because of its compelling design and the fact that it is a Mercanti creation. Based on what I have read in various online coin forums, it appears to already be very popular with collectors around the world, especially those who collect American silver eagles, and those who enjoy depictions of eagles on coins, which is an especially popular theme in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.


過去幾年,經濟和金融市場留下了兩大“懸案”。 第一是中國大陸和香港的貿易規模激增,背後誰是主謀。 第二是為什麼黃金實物需求旺盛,金價卻不漲反跌。 本文可能可以一次過解開你心中的兩大疑惑。 (感謝Zerohegde博主Tyler Durden充滿想像力的視野)


誰刺激了中港貿易? ——黃金貿易融資交易

與銅貿易融資交易相比(關於銅融歡迎回顧《 銅融資時代的終結是中國的雷曼時刻? 》),中國黃金貿易融資交易用了另一種操作方式,但兩者都是為了幫助廉價的國外資本流入中國。 特別的,黃金融資交易涉及了現貨黃金的進口和黃金半加工品的出口,並把外匯帶入中國。 結果是,中國的貿易數據可能反映了,至少部分反映了,中國黃金貿易融資交易的規模。 相反,中國銅融資交易並不需要把實物銅真實地運入再運出中國,正如去年文章所解釋的,所以銅融資交易的數據是不會顯示在海關數據上的。




如上圖所示,黃金融資交易理論上應該會同時以相同的規模增加進出口數字。 對進口而言,其會增加中國總現貨黃金的進口數字,而出口數字的增加主要和黃金製品相關,比如說金箔、金器、黃金珠寶等。 鑑於中國從香港進口的黃金從2009年起增長了超過10倍,到2013年末漲至約700億美元,同時黃金和其它黃金產品的出口業也增長了大概相同的規模,這足以證明了(如下圖所示)。 這與中國黃金貿易融資交易作業圖分析的影響一致——大概以相同的規模增加了出口和進口數字。




為什麼金價不漲? ——黃金貿易融資交易



答案很簡單:紙面黃金市場   [不是紙黃金,這裡指非實物黃金交易的市場。]

高盛的報告給出了實物市場和紙面市場脫節的解釋。 可以肯定,這種聯繫的脫節已經被很多人提出或猜到,特別是看到某些實物需求看起來十分旺盛,但並沒有伴隨價格上漲而感到震驚的人,他們會猜測有人在紙面的期貨市場激進的拋售,抵消了現貨的需求。


從大宗商品市場的角度看,貿易融資交易製造了額外的現貨需求,使現貨市場出現緊張,並利用從人民幣與美元利息差異中賺取的部分利潤支付存儲現貨商品的費用。 雖然通過持有相抵消的商品期貨對沖頭寸,貿易融資中的商品頭寸一般是中性的,但購買現貨商品對現貨市場造成的影響,很可能要大於在期貨市場售出商品期貨合約造成的影響。 這反映了一個事實,現貨庫存的數量要遠少於期貨市場的未平倉合約(如下圖所示)。 中國商品貿易融資活動,不單增加了現貨價格的上漲壓力,還“收窄(tighten)”了現貨商品價格和期貨價格之間的價差。
