
Martenson Interviews Dines: 'Wealth In The Ground' Is Your Best Bet to Surviving the Coming 'Supernova of Inflations'

James Dines: Owning 'Wealth In The Ground' Is Your Best Bet to Surviving the Coming 'Supernova of Inflations'
James Dines has been in the business of making bold calls for over 50 years. In this deep-diving interview, he minces no words about the dire risks the US economy - and the world at large - faces at this juncture.
Simply put, he sees the excessive credit in the financial system as having placed the global economy on a collision-course with hyperinflation.
Unlike past periods of turmoil, there are no truly 'safe' places for investment capital to hide. Geographic markets and almost all asset classes are positively correlated these days. They share many of the same risks and if a systemic crash occurs, they will crash together.
At this point, says Mr Dines, you want to invest in assets that can not be printed away by government desperation. You want to hold hard assets; "wealth in the ground" as Dines says (physical commodities, mining companies, etc). They're your best best to make money faster at a rate faster than inflation is going to happen.
On Government's Odds Of 'Saving' The Economy
They are borrowing money with no intention of paying it off. Politicians hope to be safely dead by the time it hits the fan. This year alone America is going to be running a deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars. Most people do not really even grasp how much a trillion dollars is. One trillion dollars. If you spend one million dollars each and every day from now on, back to the time of Jesus’ birth, you could not spend one trillion dollars. Right now America’s debt is approaching 15 trillion dollars, which are numbers used for astronomy. How is America going to earn that? With Facebook and Twitter corporations? Our industrial base is gone. Entitlements of fixed forced payments are a large and growing section of it.
On Resource Scarcity 
 Energy is, of course, extremely important. We have been writing in recent years about the coming resource imperialism. I founded the neo-Malthusian school of economics, which says that the planet is limited and the population is soaring. By brute logic, it is obviously unsustainable. You cannot just keep having more and more people on the same planet without, someday, sooner or later, running out. The nations that perceive this would start buying assets with that in mind. The primary example, of course, is China.
So there will come a time, in the not-too-distant-future, where the last new copper mine on the planet will be found. Hard to believe – because there has always been more – but with the world’s population soaring into the billions on an accelerating uptrend, something is going to break. Along with the currency going to break, things are going to be happening here from out of nowhere. Because when you are going at high speeds toward a brick wall in the dark, things can happen very quickly.
On Peak Oil
So the rapidly increasing demand and the shrinking supply of oil, despite any short-term oversupply, which is probably true now… is going to lead to a stratospherically higher oil prices. As soon as the military grasps that they will start needing to put windmills on airplanes, they will seize the remaining supplies and you will not be able to drive your car until the last drop. At some point there are some very disruptive changes coming to society.
On Gold
The price of gold and silver did not go up. It is the paper money that went down. Gold and silver are the ultimate money, coins of which are good anywhere in the world, no matter what is stamped on them, and that is the money. Depending on the amount of paper each nation prints is the price of gold in that particular country, or in that particular currency.
That is one way we were protected by the price of gold. Gold is the only investible asset in the world that has gone up the last 11 years without interruption, and that is because they are just running the printing presses. The more they do, the more value builds into gold and silver. Now of course, it will have its fluctuations. It went down in the 2008 crash but came right back up and made new highs. We tend to ride those out, and it is very important understanding what the main trend is. When you are really clear what is happening in the world, you know how to place your bets, instead of doing it blindly or just following casual recommendations from people.

Original Source

India’s Gold



Last night CBS' 60 Minutes aired a great segment on India's penchant for buying gold. I've written a few thoughts below, but first watch the segment:



First, here are a few notes I took from the video:

1.2 billion people in India. 10 million weddings each year in India. Half of the gold bought in India is jewelry for weddings. In India, a family without gold is an "incomplete family."

Indian households save about 30% of their income compared to Americans who save about 5%.

The tradition that a bride's parents will give her gold is a financial burden to some families.

Gold is so important to the lives of Indians that the poor can now get financing for it.

The World Gold Council is funded by a group of mining companies. Its representative in India created the program to help India's poor buy gold.

Q: How can you be both frugal and conservative yet be willing to spend thousands of dollars on gold?

A: When Indians buy gold, they don't think they're spending money. In their minds, that is a savings. That purchase of gold is going to your savings account. It's not an expense, it's an investment.

Indians believe the price of gold will continue rising. It is impossible to tell an Indian consumer that the price of gold will fall, because the belief that gold will continue rising is backed by its past performance.


To give you an idea of why Indians might view gold's past performance differently than we do, here are two gold charts covering the same period, 1971-2004. The first is in dollars and the second is in rupees.

Gold in India is more than just a store of value. Gold is a visible status symbol of such cultural importance that demand for it apparently exceeds net-production (savings). Some are even willing to borrow money to look like Mr. T, and the mining industry supports this.

To put this in perspective on an aggregated basis, India is importing around $34B in physical gold while running a $150B overall trade deficit. And the trade deficit is still growing, projected to reach maybe $160B this year.



作者:英國《金融時報》專欄作家 塞繆爾•布里坦


凱恩斯認為,古往今來,儲蓄往往超前於投資。他甚至總結出一條“心理定律”,宣稱:“消費通常與收入同向變化(只是變化幅度更小)”。結果是世界經 濟出現一個潛在的漏洞,出現本可以避免的高失業率。人們採取了各種權宜之計填補這個漏洞,比如修建金字塔,以及後來的許多大教堂。二戰後的幾十年裡,消費 增幅似乎趕上了收入,這與凱恩斯的理論不符。但在過去幾年裡,情況發生了根本的改變,凱恩斯“心理定律”所預言的情況似乎又出現了,潛在產出與實際產出之 間出現了缺口。究竟發生了什麽?一個老套的答案是,中國崛起。據說,中國迅速增長的國民收入中相當大一部分儲蓄下來了,滿足中國國內投資需求之後還有剩 餘。當然,“中國”只是許多高儲蓄率國家的一個代表。


第二個方法曾被凱恩斯之前的古典經濟學家奉為真理。這個方法就是:通過超低的利率,一方面刺激投資,另一方面抑制儲蓄。關於這個方法的有效性,經濟 理論界一度有過很大的爭議。爭議雙方都沒有預見到的是,為了追逐收益率,人們(不僅是銀行家)會反叛超低利率,這種反叛促成了各種質量可疑的貸款的發放, 不可避免地導致了最終的信貸崩潰。



第五個方法是自由主義及乾涉主義者的答案,即針對儲蓄過多的國家採取國際行動。一些評論員正試圖重啟1944年佈雷頓森林協定中的“稀缺貨幣條 款”,這一條款從未付諸實施。我們都希望,中國公民最終會堅持在中國新創造的財富中獲得更大份額。但通過國際製裁來強迫他們這樣做是不可想象的。

第六個古怪的方法是秘密實行保護主義。巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)對美國企業的“外包”行為發火,戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)對英國輸掉印度的戰鬥機合同表示不快,都屬於這種方法的表現。另外,在全球層面,這種權宜的做法已有了一個合適的稱謂:“以鄰為壑”—— 關於這一點不用我再多說了吧?

密切相關的第七個錯誤答案取決於人們所說的勞動合成謬誤(lump of labour fallacies)。政府和雇主可能試圖通過強制性減少工作時間、提前退休等手段,讓更多人共享現有的工作。實際結果可能是降低購買力,且無助於緩解經濟嚴重停滯的問題。











 東方產經「市場玲距離」專欄作者林燕玲:最近有發鈔銀行發行的紀念鈔,吸引大批市民排隊換銀紙,有朋友隨即講笑話,我們不單止是「龍的傳人」,更加是「人 龍的傳人」,事實上,有些人搶購是為興趣,有些則可能是跟風或想轉售賺錢,總之各有各理由,產品質素到這關頭其實已變得不大重要。一件產品出現搶購潮,往 往未必因為產品夠吸引,而是商戶銷售手法成功造成。

在市場學上,有人專門研究這個課題,例如一件產品限量只發售100件,店舖外明明有幾 千人排隊等候購買,但商戶未有因應市場需求提高供應,其實很可能就是用上「飢餓營銷」的手法。所謂「飢餓營銷」(Hungry Marketing),即是商戶刻意限制產品供應量在低水平,以求營造出供不應求的「假象」,一方面可維持商品價格,另一方面達致宣傳效果。

這 種策略的橋妙,其實在於捉住人「得不到往往是最好」的心理,令人產生有錢都未必買得到的「飢餓」感覺,吊住消費者的胃口。而背後的道理其實亦相當容易理 解,一般人都是愈難得到就愈想得到。往往一件中價衫加上限量,以及和名牌Crossover的概念後,就可以比平時賣貴幾倍的價錢,例如原本幾百元的外套 變成限量版後,就可以標價成幾千元,而消費者仍樂意購買。

這策略用得好的話,自然可以為品牌增值,商戶毋須花錢就可以達到宣傳效果,甚至 傳媒的大篇幅報道,但用得不好的話亦會對品牌造成傷害。蘋果公司的產品在內地銷售時,經常出現供不應求,往往一開賣就缺貨,有講法是蘋果用上「飢餓營銷」 的策略。例如,對上一次蘋果公司在內地推售新iPhone時,北京的店舖除了出現購買人潮外,更有幾架大卡車將黃牛黨逐批送到店外。


無 論在消費市場抑或投資世界裡,很多人都只著眼於產品的成交量,而忽略產品質素或忘記自己的真正需要。所以,當大家在面對下一個限量版,或更多的品牌推出新產品前,大家不妨先想想,花時間去排隊購買是否值 得,以及產品是否適合自己。
