
600萬猶太人“統治”美國 奧巴馬也頭疼





    以色列著名作家索爾‧辛格告訴《中國經濟周刊》,猶太人之所以能幫“上帝理財”是因為從傳統上來看,猶太人非常重視教育,“以色列有句名 言,‘生存從娃娃開始’,這點和中國人很像,因此在美國教育界,猶太裔學生佔全國學生總人數高達20%以上,教授比例也是最高的(約1/5)。”

    “谷歌創建人拉裏‧佩奇、英特爾創建人格魯夫、微軟CEO鮑爾默、甲骨文老板埃裏森、戴爾創建人麥克爾‧戴爾也都是猶太人。原因很簡單,這 些IT精英們大多來自常春藤盟校,而猶太裔學生在名校的人數最多,哈佛大學至今仍有個不成文的‘猶太限額’——猶太學生在每年新生中的比例不能超過 40%,據說是因為猶太學生成績太優秀才促使哈佛為了公平教育機會不得不為之。”辛格說。


    在美國媒體和文化產業,猶太勢力更是舉足輕重。其中代表人物就是媒體大亨默多克和現任紐約市長邁克爾‧布隆伯格,前者的新聞集團是世界上最 大的跨國媒體集團,後者旗下的彭博資訊是華爾街財經資訊的喉舌。平面媒體裏,《紐約時報》、《時代》周刊、《新聞周刊》、《華爾街日報》以及美國三大電視 網,到處都是猶太勢力。

    在好萊塢,華納兄弟的創始人都是波蘭裔猶太人,夢工廠、米高梅等著名電影公司的大股東也是猶太人;以斯皮爾伯格為代表的猶太人制片、編劇、 導演、演員也非常強勢。當年,演員兼導演梅爾‧吉布森由于公開發表反猶太言論,被好萊塢徹底打入冷宮長達8年之久,從此一蹶不振。




    30多年來,美國至少否決了32項聯合國安理會不利于以色列的決議,超過所有其他安理會成員行使否決權的總和。對此,法國《世界報》撰文評 論說:“美國和以色列是鋼鐵關係,一方面猶太人通過鈔票和選票影響美國政府;另一方面,由于他們的巨大影響力,在歷次美國大選中,猶太人都是兩黨競相討好 的香餑餑。”

    4年前,奧巴馬第一次參選,78%的猶太人都投票給了奧巴馬。但是自2009年出任總統以來,奧巴馬政府與以色列政府在巴以和談等問題上的 糾葛不斷,奧巴馬本人在以色列民眾和美國猶太人中的地位曾一度下滑。根據“美國猶太人委員會”舉行的民意調查顯示,受訪者對奧巴馬處理美以關係表示“不滿 意”者更達到了53%。




    奧巴馬和羅姆尼,誰會最終獲得大選勝利?恐怕得問猶太人。記者 侯雋

Gold Clears $1600 - Psychological Boost to Bulls


The abillity of the gold market to push a "16" handle on the price can be considered a minor victory for the bulls. You can see from the chart below, that within its broader consolidation pattern, gold had been experiencing a somewhat tightening or constricting of its range. The upper boundary of that "mini-pattern" has been the $1600 level. The ability of the bulls to take it through this region gives them a very slight advantage over the bears in the immediate term and provides the possibility of a push towards more stubborn resistance beginning near the $1620 level.

Keep in mind that every bit of today's move higher was predicated on the notion being floated that the Fed is going to ease and provide additional stimulus measures as soon as next month. What the Fed giveth, the Fed can taketh away in a real hurry. What this means is that as long as traders feel fairly confident that the stimulus is coming sooner rather than later, gold will attract dip buyers. On the other hand, if anything comes along to disabuse them of this notion, the market will drop back down towards the bottom of the recent range where the big Asian buyers are lurking.

I have stated many times that I believe any additional bond buying programs are an enormous waste of time which will do absolutely nothing to deal with the underlying problems in the US economy, which are structural in nature. Simply put - there is already too much debt in the system. Trying to lower interest rates even further in order to encourage additional borrowing is a fool's exercise.

For Pete's sake, the yield on the Ten Year note is at 1.406% today. Speaking sarcastically here I am sure that all those fence sitters out there just itching to spend money they do not have will immediately launch forward with those plans if the Fed manages to push the yield down to 1.25%.

They can do all they want to entice banks to lend instead of holding money at the Fed and earning interest but if consumers are afraid of sinking further into debt in this jobless economy, what good will conjuring up more attempts to entice lending do?

Also do not forget - the Fed has spent a minimum of $2.5 Trillion between QE1 and QE2. What lasting good did any of that do??? Answer - nothing.




 I am currently working on my next article. This is a sneak peak. I truly believe that future silver production is more at risk than gold. Thus, I believe silver will gain much more in percentage than gold.

We all know about the serious trouble coming down the pike when it comes to ALLOCATED GOLD & SILVER that has been sold into the market and replaced by paper certificates. The information that I will provide in this article will add insult to injury to a silver market that is about ready to explode.

 A friend of mine and I recently took a drive around some old mining towns (now ghost towns) in Utah. We stopped at the old Frisco mining town and spent most of the day looking at the remains of the town as well as the mine itself. It was simply amazing to see that at one time, Frisco had a dozen saloons, businesses and several thousand people at its peak.

 The Frisco mine later named the HORN SILVER MINE, was founded in 1875 and by 1881 was producing over a million ounces of silver a year. However, due to the a rush to get the silver out and not bracing the mining tunnels correctly, the mine collapsed in Feb, 1885. The fortunate part about the major collapse is that it took place between shifts so no one was hurt.

The mine started to produce again at a decent rate in 1887, but never regained the level prior to the mine collapse. In the 30+ years the mine was open it produced over 14 million ounces of silver. This may not seem like a great deal today, but it was the largest silver mine in Utah at the time.

The most interesting part of researching the Horn Silver Mine in Frisco was finding out the tremendously high silver ore grades they were mining. When the mine first opened they were producing silver at a staggering 1,608 grams per ton (51.7 oz per ton). We must remember, at this time, the United States was figuring these ore grades by short tons or 2,000 pounds. The industry standard today is metric tonnes or 2,205 pounds. Thus, the earlier figures were 10% lower than the grades today.  If we add that 10% to this figure we see that compared to present mining ore grades it would have been 56.8 ounces per metric tonne — or 1,769 grams per tonne.

Visiting the mine in person, gave me the inspiration to write this article.  I looked at several present silver mines and decided to compare the Horn Silver Mine with First Majestic.  The chart below gives the STARK COMPARISON of how times have changed in 100 years.

 Here we can see dramatic difference.  During the entire 30 year lifespan of the Horn Silver Mine, they processed a grand total of 474,780 tons of ore and produced 14.21 million oz.  However, if we look at just one quarter of silver production at First Majestic, they mined a total of 482,077 metric tonnes of ore in Q2 2011 and produced 1.78 million oz.


Basically, we have a 10 fold decrease in 100+ years.  We also must remember that during the early days, most of the mines did not use oil as a source of energy.  It was coal, wood or human and animal labor.

The remainder of the article discusses the energy issue and how it will impact the mining industry going forward.  Furthermore, due to the fact that 70% of silver is a by-product of base metal mining, it will suffer much greater than gold when the energy crunch hits hard in the next several years.


轉貼 168糟大貼文 James Rickards Interview: Gold to $5-7k and Libor Damages Could Destroy the Banking System

 轉貼 168糟大貼文



Not the best quality video but Rickards brings up some interesting points :

1. A rough estimation ( 10 basis points manipulation of LIeBor over 5 years ) shows that ~2.5 Trillion was swindled out of investors in the LieBor Scam. The coming litigation by these hapless investors may cripple the financial system.

2. The next QE , in contrast to previous ones, will not have a fixed amount or a deadline, but "GDP-targeted". So it can reach unthinkable magnitude and go on and on. The Fed is no longer afraid of inflation but instead encouraging it to stimulate GDP growth.

3. Rickards thinks the next QE will be announced in late August, after the Jackson Hole Fed meeting, but takes effect after the November election to avoid being accused as an Obama-pumping maneuver .

4. This is of course, Gold positive. 8-)

Silver: Supply and Demand

Ever wonder how supply and demand affects the price of silver? It’s not as simple as you may think. This educational video explores the economics of silver and its various uses for industrial demand. Visithttp://www.edrsilver.com for more information. Presented by Endeavour Silver Corp. as part of an ongoing series of educational films on all things silver.

Gold Finally Making a Move?