
2012奥運金牌.. 含金量只得 1.34%..其餘全是白銀

 This year’s 2,300 Summer Olympic medals are being guarded at the Tower of London until the Games begin on July 27. 

The 2012 gold medal is 92.5 percent silver and 1.34 percent gold, with the rest copper. 

The silver medal is 92.5 percent silver, with the remainder copper, and the bronze medal is 97 percent copper, 2.5 percent zinc and 0.5 percent tin.



倫敦奧運金牌歷史最貴 含金量卻僅為6克引爭議 



    奧運金牌雖然名為金牌,但實際上「含金量」並不高,而且國際奧委會規定,金牌的銀含量不能低于總重量的92.5%,而且至少包括6克黃金, 倫敦奧運金牌的含金量只是剛好符合這個標準,根據目前的金銀市價,這使得倫敦奧運的金牌是至今為止唯一含銀部分價值超過黃金部分的金牌。
    另外,倫敦奧運金牌還是奧運會歷史上最大最重價值最高的「三最」金牌,在北京奧運,當時金牌的重量只有250克,而現在倫敦奧運的金牌重量 超過了400克,如果美國游泳名將菲爾普斯在倫敦奧運勇奪參賽7個項目的7枚金牌後,那麼他恐怕不會像北京奧運那樣,一次過掛上全部自己活得的金牌,因為 倫敦奧運7枚金牌的重量已經遠遠超過北京奧運的8枚金牌。
    倫敦奧運的金牌重量是前五屆奧運會的平均重量的兩倍多,甚至還是1912年斯德哥爾摩奧運會金牌重量的17倍。據《經濟學人》報道,按照現 在國際市場上的金屬價格,一枚金牌的價值為706美元。根據測算,倫敦奧運會金牌的價值將超過以前任何一屆,因為現在的金價、銀價都是歷史上最高的。







歐 羅滙價聞聲從接近1.20的低位大幅反彈,觸發風險資金重新進入其他市場。其中金價從周內的低位1563元(美元.下同)回彈到1625.5元的四星期來 的高位,周末以1623.6元的偏高位收市,比前周顯升39.6元。而銀價亦從周內低位26.63元回彈到27.86元,周末收報27.79元,比前周回 升0.46元,惟其回升動力似遠遜於金市。 
估 計剛發生的打破原先呈微妙平衡的情況仍將會持續一段時間,至於當局的有關措施最終能否真正解決問題是稍後的事了。而打破微妙平衡後的市況進程速度,很大程 度取決於本周的事態發展,焦點在於美國聯儲局、歐洲央行和英倫銀行這三大央行的月度例會,市場注視其有否更多的刺激措施。

至 於聯儲局是否會推出QE3,是眾多投資者最關心的事情,但分析意見一般認為本周公開市場委員會很可能按兵不動。敝欄傾向於這種估計,因觀乎上周除30年與 1年債息的比率輕微上升之外,10年與2年債息的比率以及30年與3個月債息的比率均在回跌,聯儲局似仍在進行O.T.,未見有轉為做QE的事前準備迹 象。
但 從另一個角度去看,似有不大相稱的地方,首先是截至上周二COMEX期金市場的大投機者淨好倉量反縮減了1.59萬張合約;其次是截至上周四未平倉合約總 量,從上日的42.5萬張的最近偏高水平回降;最後是SPDR的持金量上周不增反減,上周末降至1248噸,僅為去年11月初時的水平。所以目前似不宜以 一面倒的眼光看待稍後金市的演變。
截 至現時為止,金市多次在1520元至1550元區域表現出強大的支持力。最近個半月則以1527元為低點,其後每一低位漸次向上推移,而高位則升越 1610元的中短期阻力線,表示稍後仍有再好轉的餘地,但離升越大型下降直角三角形上沿的1700元水平尚頗有距離。現估計金價低跌於1590元之下才再 轉弱,短期支持暫上移至1601元和1610元水平,而1633元至1641元地帶是上升目標,諒不易升越1671元。

銀 市的內部動能顯然相對不足,截至上周二,大投機者的淨好倉量也只得8159張合約。目前銀價雖略升越自今年4月初以來的下降軌,但現仍在28元之下。不 過,估計中短期銀價會偏好,除非再跌破26.63元,料短期支持暫上移至27元和27.3元,阻力分別在28.5元和29.1元,諒不易升越29.9元。 正如上文所說,金銀兩市中短期演變很大程度取決於本周事態發展。




今年奧運相關紀念商品至少60%是中國製,惹來不少爭議,但獎牌顯然標榜英國製。夏季奧運獎牌是由英國藝術家沃特金斯(David Watkins)設計、殘奧獎牌則出自生於英國的華裔設計師張翠蓮之手。

獎牌所用的黃金、白銀和銅等原料,是英國礦商力拓(Rio Tinto)提供,雖然是從美國鹽湖城和蒙古的礦場開採出來,由鑄造英國貨幣的皇家鑄幣廠(Royal Mint)打造,存放在英國皇室貯藏王冠和珠寶首飾等貴重資產的倫敦塔。











An Absolutely Stunning Development In The Silver Market

Today King World News is reporting on an absolutely stunning development, this time in the silver market.  Acclaimed commodity trader Dan Norcini told KWN that in the silver market, “... the hedge fund outright short position is the largest position that I’ve got on my records going back to the beginning of 2007.  We’re talking about a five and a half year period.” 

Norcini also noted there would be a huge move in silver, “if they (hedge funds shorts) get caught on the wrong side of that market ... because all of those shorts are going to head to the exits at the same time.”

The acclaimed trader also discussed hegde fund problems in the gold market, but first, Bill Haynes, President of CMI Gold & Silver, had this to say about QE:  “Eric, it’s guaranteed, it’s just a question of when.  Probably within a few weeks.  Subastian Mallaby, a contributing editor to the Financial Times and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, in Wednesday’s Financial Times, chided Bernanke and the Fed for not showing some audacity, some aggressiveness in attacking the problem of an economy that will not get going.”

Bill Haynes continues:

“Mallaby congratulated Bernanke for his massive money creation in 2008, and said the market needs more of the same.  But Mallaby criticized Bernanke for buying only Treasury bills today, noting that in 2008/2009 the Fed bought ‘toxic securities.’  He also said that the Fed backstopped the money market funds.  It was an aggressive move.  It was the type of thing they expected the Fed to do, but that’s not what’s going on now.   

You don’t get any more establishment than the Council on Foreign Relations, and these people are (now) saying that the Fed needs to do something (more QE)....

Dan Norcini noted this stunning development in the silver market:  “One of the things I’ve noted here is the hedge fund outright short positions, we’re just talking about the number of outright short positions that the hedge funds have in the silver market, it is the largest position that I’ve got on my records going back to the beginning of 2007.

We’re talking about a five and a half year period.  What this shows you is that the hedge funds have been making some pretty decent size bets on the short side of silver.  And, again, if they get caught on the wrong side of that market, and all of the sudden you get a round of QE coming, you are going to have an awful lot of potential for some (big) buying in (that market) because all of those shorts are going to head to the exits at the same time. 

(This will also) bring in some new money on the long side of the market.  If that’s the case, you’ll see upside resistance levels on silver get violated very quickly (because of the short squeeze).”

Norcini had this to say about hedge fund problems in the gold market: “The hedge fund community, which is the driver of markets in today’s trading environment, hedge funds move these markets, it’s just that simple, and those guys had been betting against gold.  They had their smallest net long position going all the way back to the middle of December of 2008.  We are talking about a three and a half year period here, Eric.

Many of them were playing gold from the short side of the market, looking for a breakdown.  What happened was Draghi caught all of them off guard.  These short positions that were trying to push this market down, into what was considered Asian buying below the market, those shorts had nowhere to go when Draghi came out with his comments, so out they went.

Their buying took it up through $1,600.  What the COT report is showing us is that the swap dealers, again, those strong hands we had been mentioning the last two weeks, they continue to build a net long position in the gold market.  The swap dealers are net longs, the hedge funds had a small net long position after putting on some fresh shorts, the commercials, the big bullion banks, had a relatively small net short position by (historical) comparison. 

So all of the ingredients are in place if you get an upside violation of any technical resistance level.  You’ve got a lot of potential (upside) movement as these guys decide to come back into this gold market.  In other words, there is a type of vacuum (to the upside) that could be filled if big money starts committing to gold in a hurry again.

We will certainly get that if gold takes out $1,640 next week, and particularly if you start taking out some more upside resistance levels.  You’ve got an awful lot of shorts that are in trouble in that gold market.”