






美銀-美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)商品策略師SabineSchels週一(12月19日)表示,黃金價格將於2012年再度上漲,並將觸及2,000-2,500美元/盎司,因黃金需求依舊強勁,且其依舊被視作避險資產。



關於黃金走勢,花旗的分析師認為,依然對黃金價格近期走勢持謹慎觀點,金價可能跌至1600美元下方,同時或重新考慮1550美元附近區域。 2012年下半年,黃金價格或漲至2300-2400美元。





Buying Silver Is Like Buying Gold At $554 Today


By: Hubert_Moolman
I think that buying silver today is like buying gold for $554 an ounce. Let me explain: As I am writing, silver is currently trading at about 65.2% (32.6/50) of its 1980 high. If gold was trading at 65.2% of its 1980 high, it would be trading at $554 (0.652*850).
Now, I really like gold, even at today’s price of $1 738, but why should I pay $1 738, if I can get it for $554 by buying silver and then exchanging it for gold when the gold/silver ratio is at an extreme (in favour of silver). The reason for this logic comes from the fundamental relationship between gold and silver as explained in  previous article.
For my argument to be valid, silver has to outperform gold over my investment period, and at least equal gold’s performance relative to its 1980 high. That is, for example, if gold reaches five multiples of its 1980 high ($4250), then silver should do the same ($250), in this example, giving us a gold/silver ratio of 17.

Now, if silver outperforms gold, then that means that the gold/silver ratio should decline over my investment term. In my previous article called: Why Silver for a Monetary Collapse, I analysed the gold/silver ratio from a very long perspective (200 years). Here I would like to take a slightly more short-term view (40 years).
Below, is a long 40 year chart of the gold/silver ratio:

On the chart, I have identified two fractals, which I have both marked with points 1 to 3. The two patterns are visually very similar. I have indicated two option of where we could be currently (on the current pattern), compared to the 70s pattern. The ratio appears to be at a major crossroads, ready to make a big move, up or down. This could means that a massive move in the gold and silver price is due shortly.
Based on the patterns, if it moves up, it would likely signal the end of the precious metals bull market, similar to January 1980. A move down would be an acceleration of the current bull market in gold and silver, similar to August/September 1979.
The question is therefore: Do you think the bull market in precious metals is over? Before you answer that, first consider the following:

On the above graphic, the top chart is the current gold bull market from 1999 to date, compared to the bull market of the 60s and 70s, the bottom chart. The previous bull market in gold was about 14 years long, from a peak in the Dow/gold ratio to the bottom in Dow/gold ratio. The current bull market is 12 year old, from the peak in the Dow/gold ratio to date.
The previous bull market ended with a parabolic move in gold (on the above scale). The current bull market has not made a parabolic move (on the above scale); in fact, it has been rising steadily over the last 12 years.
To me, these two charts suggest that we are more likely to have a parabolic rise in the gold price, than being at the end of this bull market. Therefore, it also suggests that price action for gold and silver, and the gold/silver ratio is likely to be more like 1978/1979 than like January 1980.
So, back to my argument of buying silver, in order to get gold at $554: I certainly think that silver will outperform gold over the remaining part of this bull market in precious metals, as well as, at least equal gold’s performance relative to its 1980 high. I can certainly see how gold could be at $4250 with silver being at $250, or at higher prices, with the gold/silver ratio being at 17 or less.

周大福金條 近全線斷貨



金價回落 自由行客勁掃




個別分店 10月已斷貨





王冠一...保護財富 各師各法


債 務危機席捲歐元區,歐豬國家政府爭相推出規模龐大的緊縮政策,例如意大利國會剛於上周五通過 330 億歐元的節流方案,國民普遍生活於水深火熱之中,但亦有一些較富裕家庭或專業人士要為如何保障自己的財富而煩惱。他們既擔憂脆弱的銀行會倒閉,又擔心歐元 最終會瓦解並崩潰,更害怕本身國家一旦被迫退出歐元區,重新採用的原來貨幣會大幅貶值,令身家不見了一大截。



投 資者不信任銀行,令銀行存款大舉流失,此個情況在希臘尤其嚴重。自 2009 年底歐債危機爆發至今,希臘銀行被提走了逾 600 億歐元的存款,佔銀行體系存款的比重高達四分一,而由今年 9 月至 11 月初兩月,銀行流失的資金更達 140 億,反映資金外逃的情況正不斷加劇。據希臘央行統計,今年頭9個月被提取的存款,約有五分一已流往海外。

投 資者除了持現金,亦傾向相信磚頭,英國倫敦中部的住宅便水漲船高,今年至今樓價累升了 9%。據統計,希臘人前往倫敦置業的數量於過去 1 年增加了 2 倍,來自西班牙的買家亦翻了一番,而於 2009 年獲稅務特赦而湧往英國置業的意大利買家,是倫敦住宅的第 5 大海外業主,過去 1 年購買量仍處高水平。海外買家趨之若鶩,難怪倫敦地段優良的住宅成為天之驕子,絲毫不受經濟不景氣的影響。

銀 行面對存款不斷流失,亦另闢蹊徑拓展業務,主要是投客戶所好,例如葡萄牙不少銀行推出以盧森堡為註冊地的股票基金供客戶認購,又或者游說客戶把存款轉投外 幣戶口,提供美元、日圓和瑞郎等貨幣供選擇;德銀於意大利推出追蹤金價的產品,大受客戶歡迎;希臘的銀行則積極向客戶推銷外國的政府債券,亦容許銀行客戶 把歐元存款寄存在海外的支行,以釋除客戶對國家會破產,令銀行存款會受拖累的疑慮。



Hyperinflation Watch - December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011 – In the first two months of the current fiscal year that began on October 1st, the US national debt has grown $320 billion.  That is $21 billion more than the same 2-month period last year, which illustrates that the growth of the national debt continues to accelerate. The reason of course is the federal government’s huge operating deficit, which is not getting any smaller.  This point is illustrated in the following chart.

Hyperinflation is always the outcome of unchecked government spending. The spending leads to ever greater deficits, which requires the government to borrow ever greater amounts of money. Eventually a point is reached when the government needs to borrow more money than lenders have the capacity – or willingness – to lend.  Thereafter the government can take either of two alternative paths.
Either the government cuts back its spending, facing the reality that it has run out of money. Or the central bank steps in to create ‘out of thin air’ the money the government wants to spend.  This second alternative inevitably leads to hyperinflation. A government’s decision to take the hyperinflationary alternative is what I call the “Havenstein moment”, with the dubious distinction going to the ill-fated governor of the Reichsbank whose decisions lead to the massive hyperinflation that destroyed the economy and devastated the middle class of 1920s Germany.
The US government has long passed its Havenstein moment.  With so-called “quantitative easing”, which is the modern term for money printing, the Federal Reserve is enabling the federal government to take the soft political option.  Spending has not been cutback, despite the perennial shortfall of government revenue.  This uncontrolled spending has been accommodated by money printing, which today means expanding bank balance sheets.
In this regard, the United States is different from Weimar Germany, which was a cash-currency economy with nearly all commerce conducted with paper banknotes.  In contrast, economic activity in the US is substantially conducted with bank deposits, circulated by check, wire transfer, plastic card, and the like. So ‘money printing’ today is accomplished by expanding bank balance sheets to create more deposit-currency.
In the past year, commercial bank balance sheets have grown $611 billion.  In addition, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has expanded $516 billion, or 21.6%.  This money printing is starting to have its inevitable effect.  Over the past six months, M1 is up 22.8%, while M2 has expanded 14.0%.  Inflation for the past year as calculated by ShadowStats.com is 11.0%.
As further proof that the Havenstein moment is behind us, consider that 58% of the money spent by the federal government in October and November came from borrowed money ($320 billion of debt against $551 billion of expenditures).  Monetary history shows that governments are on a hyperinflationary path when crossing the 40% threshold, a level long passed by the federal government.
The above chart makes clear that the US government does not face a cyclical problem, which can be overcome by robust economic activity that would bolster federal revenue. Rather, it faces a structural problem, or in other words, the system is broken.  Decades of spending, consumption and debt have taken their toll.
To put it bluntly, the US federal government is broke.  But the government and the Federal Reserve refuse to admit this reality.  So having long passed the Havenstein moment, the erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power is the inevitable outcome.
This debasement of the dollar will become increasingly clear in 2012.  As a consequence, it is logical to expect much higher prices for gold and silver in the year ahead.
