

自從1971 年美國尼克森總統取消了金本位制後,美元的購買力與當時相比已經
貶值了91%,世界上主要幾個先進國家的貨幣,其購買力也都貶值了80%~ 98%不等。透過下圖數字的表示更能夠凸顯出通貨膨脹長期下來侵蝕我們財富的威力。











Billionaire Sprott - Metals Smashed As West Hemorrhages Gold

 On the heels of another plunge in gold and silver, today billionaire Eric Sprott warned King World News that the smash in gold and silver is being accomplished through unprecedented levels of dwindling Western central bank gold being supplied into the market.  He also spoke about the massive gold and silver demand.  Below is what Sprott, Chairman of Sprott Asset Management, had to say in part I of this remarkably powerful interview series.

Eric King:  “Eric, I have to start of talking to you about this smash in gold and silver that we’ve seen here very recently.  It’s continuing this morning, your thoughts here?”

Sprott:  “As you know, Eric, I take a big macro view of gold here, and what I sense all along is that the Western central banks must really be running on fumes when it comes to (physical) gold.  I must say that I am never disappointed by the data points that I see in physical gold.

For example, I just saw the Perth Mint, their gold sales were up 50% and the silver sales are up 70%.  The Bank of England, the Royal Canadian Mint, all of the sales are up and getting into seriously high numbers.  All the while, this is all predicated on the gold and silver supplies hardly going up at all.

In fact, I think the gold supply will be down this year from maybe even back to (the year) 2000....

“And so the big macros are (one):  What is China doing?  Now, we have one data point on China and one only, and that’s exports from Hong Kong into mainland China.  But I can assure you there are exports (of gold) from places different than Hong Kong, into China, but we don’t get to see the numbers.

So I can imagine (the immense) gold flows from Geneva to Shanghai, or London to Beijing, or New York to Shanghai, but the Chinese don’t publish that data.  But the data (which is published) shows that China is (now) importing over 100 tons (of gold) each month. 

I think for your listeners (and readers) the important thing to understand is that 2 years ago, back in 2011, China imported something like 200 tons of gold.  We’re (now seeing the Chinese) running at 1,200 tons of gold.  That’s a (staggering) 1,000 ton change in a 4,000 ton market.  That’s 25% of the market they are now gobbling up that they didn’t gobble up 2 years ago, and through that whole time period the price of gold has (remarkably) gone down.

I think if anybody asked themselves if we heard the Chinese were buying 25% of the wheat market, the corn market, or the oil market, we would all imagine the price had gone up.  So I’ve long believed that the central banks, through the raids on gold, the raid on GLD, and through leasing, have provided this gold into China and other countries.

As Sean Boyd recently pointed out to you (on KWN), you could look at 3 sources of gold (buying), India, China, and the central banks, and you can almost account for all of the (entire world’s annual) gold production.  This really means that nobody else would be able to buy gold, but we know there are lots of other people buying gold.

So I think there is a continued suppression going on -- the numbers (definitely) argue for that.  There aren’t a lot of numbers available, but even the few we have, like the six or seven sources, I calculated a year ago that there is a shortfall of something like 2,200 tons (of gold) each year in a 4,000 ton market.

If I updated the Chinese numbers it might be a (remarkable) 3,000 ton shortfall, which by the way exceeds all (global) mine supply in the (entire) year.  So, I think, ultimately, not withstanding the stuff that goes on on the COMEX, and as I thought about this interview it seemed to me that the price of gold and silver almost flatlined for six hours yesterday (laughter ensues).  Then, bang!  In one hour it goes down $25 between 3:00 and 3:30 AM (EST) in the morning (during very thin trading), and then I guess another tranche down here (in price) subsequent to the COMEX opening.

I found it stunning that it would be flat all that time (yesterday), and then all of the sudden there is this huge raid.  You have to wonder, well, you don’t wonder, you know exactly what’s going on, it’s being marked down.  And I suspect it might be because of the big decision coming out of the FOMC next Wednesday.”



匯豐分析員同樣也看跌黃金,但同時也表示下調金價預測是因為排除了中國等新興市場的實物需求。匯豐認為2014 年底的黃金價格約為每盎司1,435美元。

謹記Agora Financial的Bryon King所說的這句話:“高盛做的所有事都是為了自己,而非你。”黃金市場瞬息萬變,就在高盛發表預測的幾天后,美聯儲便出乎意料地宣佈會繼續每月850億美元的買債計劃。貴金屬價格隨即錄得近15個月以來的最大升幅,令黃金投資者大為雀躍。

和許多商品不同的是,黃金有許多陰影面,例如喜愛交易(Love Trade)將黃金送予摯愛之人,恐慌交易(Fear Trade)則將黃金作為儲存價值的途徑。而另外一道投資者需要注意的“陰影”是美聯儲如何詮釋美國經濟復蘇的定義。

有幾個原因令我相信伯南克會顛覆市場原有的想法。在美聯儲宣佈決定前,我告訴加拿大新聞網路(Canada’s Business News Network),結束量化寬鬆不會出現得十分唐突,因為這並非一個非黑即白的問題。

美國就業數據增長並無太大進展,皆因近期新創造的職位多為兼職工作。《投資者商業日報》(Investor’s Business Daily,IBD)將就業不理想的情況歸咎於總統奧巴馬的醫療法案。奧巴馬醫改實施後,有超過300名員工減少工時或減少工作量,或者從全職轉為兼職。雖然為美國市民提供可負擔且有保障的醫療服務是好事,但實施法案後卻為企業帶來意料之外的結果,導致全職工作減少。


除了增加就業職位外,房屋也的復蘇情況也不如眾人所預期的理想。我向路透社表示,許多人都沒有發覺大眾所關注房地產市場其實範圍十分狹窄。根據《今日美國》(USA Today),7月有超過一半的房屋都是透過現金交易。例如在佛羅裏達州,超過三分之二的房屋交易都不涉及按揭貸款。在內華達州,約有65%的房屋買家直接以現金付款,然後是緬因州,有60%是現金交易。這是否因為銀行業的明文規定導致買家申請按揭借貸過程過於繁複?



與此同時,大型銀行將會宣佈裁減按揭貸款部門的員工。就在週二,美國富國銀行(Wells Fargo)宣佈由於再融資活動放緩,將會裁員1,800名。該銀行也已經通知2,300名員工不用繼續上班,皆因利率上升導致按揭和再融資活動減少。


這也將有利於股市和黃金。若利率繼續處於低水準,實際利率便能夠維持在負數。在多倫多資源投資會議中(Toronto Resource Investment Conference),我曾就資源和新興市場的機遇發表演講,我告訴聽眾利率升至2%便會是黃金的臨界點。過往的經驗來看,若實際利率維持與低水準或者負數,黃金和白銀的表現較好。
