第一部分 熊貓金幣誕生記
83年版熊貓金幣圖案選擇了熊貓在竹林間行走的動態,在形象、結構上處理得更美更活潑。而且在底部增加了一個“灰面”,使熊貓的黑白關係顯得更加突出、明朗。我還特別在熊貓形體輪廓上加了一條線,用中國傳統木刻創造的刀法技巧加以處理,突出熊貓的整體輪廓,視覺上更精確。熊貓毛髮的雕刻也用更加細密的線來表現,突出毛髮部分的實體感覺,取得了比較滿意的效果。 83年版熊貓金幣裡的熊貓形像不僅具有立體感,而且生動,富於變化。
陳:後面設計87年版熊貓金幣的時候考慮到熊貓的坐姿也做過,走姿也做過,玩耍的姿態也做過了,就想設計出點新意,畫一個低頭飲水的姿態。但是想畫水紋就是畫不好,熊貓低頭飲水時它的頭怎麼一個傾斜角度,怎麼安排都不自然。所以86年去了四川臥龍基地和九寨溝進行現場實地采風,拍了很多照片,終於找到了靈感,才做出你們看到的那個姿態了,水紋也用更加裝飾風格的線條來處理, 效果比較理想。
第四部分 影響我一生的熊貓情結
陳堅,字文龍,現任中國錢幣學會會員、上海錢幣學會理事、上海工藝美術學會大銅章藝術專委會顧問、徐悲鴻藝術研究協會畫師。 1941年出生於浙江紹興,1962年從上海市美術專科學校畢業,同年進入上海造幣廠(現改名為上海造幣有限公司),後被評為高級工藝美術師。
May Silver’s Precise Bounce Is Encouraging
Is the worst over for silver? From a technical standpoint, both the Comex futures and Silver Wheaton shares have done exactly what we might have expected of them if they were carving out a durable bottom. On Monday, the mining stock came with a single penny of a 27.97 correction target where we’d told subscribers to get long using an 8-cent stop-loss. Then, yesterday morning, May Silver futures trampolined from a low that lay just 1.5 cents from a correction target also identified using Hidden Pivot analysis. In both instances, powerful rallies began from within a hair of the targets, raising the odds that an important low is in. Our 29.940 price objective for the May Comex contract was flagged three weeks ago when the futures were trading above $31 an ounce. Yesterday’s explosive bounce from 29.925 carried them all the way to 30.740 — an 81-cent surge that would have been worth $4000 to any trader lucky enough to have caught the entire ride.
As for Silver Wheaton, subscribers have been instructed to hold onto half of any shares they may have bought when the stock bottomed Monday at 27.96. Yesterday, tracking the ballistic move in bullion futures, Silver Wheaton traded for as much as 29.79. That represents a gain on paper of more than 8% in less than a week, since subscribers were told to take a partial profit near 28.61. With our cost basis effectively reduced to 27.47, we can afford to let our profits run. But will the move continue? It’s impossible to be sure. However, based on the energetic leap that these two silver vehicles have taken so far, we are encouraged to hold onto at least a small portion of our original position in Silver Wheaton for a potential four-bagger. We should note in the meantime that the stock is not yet out of the woods, technically speaking. By our Hidden Pivot runes, SLW will need to rally a further $2.44, topping a peak at $32.20 recorded on April 12, to turn the daily chart decisively bullish for the intermediate term. At that point, we’d say there’s at least a 40% chance that the correction begun almost exactly a year ago is over.
一名經人:五悶六悶七也悶 - 羅家聰
一名經人 - 羅家聰 2012年4月26日 看過加元與油價幾乎天衣無縫的關係,另一邊廂,傳統以為同屬商品貨幣的澳元,則受另一商品─金價所帶動。然而,自澳元浮動至今,走勢僅與金價「大致相似」,拼不成圖。 換而言之,金價雖可解釋過去十年的澳元升市,卻難解釋澳元的季度變化,更遑論是月內以至周內變動。
由此可見,知道甚麼因素重要,但了解怎用同樣重要。 觀圖亦見,澳元以季度計的周期變動,波幅比金價對數大。換句話說,炒中線者,宜選澳元多於金價。然則澳洲周初公佈的按年通脹由去年末季3.1%急跌至今年首季1.6%,減息憧憬似乎不利澳元。的確,金價亦在相似原因下轉弱。不過只要放長雙眼,環球央行狂放水而肥水不流負債地,無債務危機之地通脹易升難跌,金價澳元亦然。 甚麼歐債危機、中國硬着陸,講來講去美滙都無行單邊,來來去去都不出80±2。
但年初至今的上下對稱敏感三角下月將盡,怎看5月上至中旬要爆單邊,你道哪邊? 從經濟來看,應爆上邊;從Sell in May的迷信角度來看,也是爆上。但久經橫行、好淡皆疲,爆邊通常乏力,看來82還是穿與不穿之間。如是者,豈非五悶六悶七也悶?8月是傳統拆倉月,或來料矣。
羅家聰 交通銀行香港分行市場部
9,000 Contracts Dumped in 10 Min as Smash Enters 2nd Wave, Silver Takes Out $30
Absolutely classic smash in silver, as the 2nd wave of the pre-FOMC statement take-down has driven silver under strong support at $30 to $29.87.
If silver cannot regain $30 and hold above it through today’s close, we are looking at a retest of $28-$28.50.
An absolutely massive volume spike on spot silver’s volume chart as 9,000 contracts were dumped in 10 minutes to induce the spike low to $29.87.
9,000 contracts (45 million ounces) were dumped on the market in 10 minutes from 12:20 to 12:30 pm inducing the spike low to $29.87:
9,000 contracts (45 million ounces) were dumped on the market in 10 minutes from 12:20 to 12:30 pm inducing the spike low to $29.87:
Sinclair - Shorts Now Trapped & Gold Could Gap Up to $3,000
the heels of of the disclosure that China will buy oil from Iran using
gold, legendary trader and investor, Jim Sinclair, told King World News
that the massive paper gold shorts are now trapped and may see gold gap
up to $3,000 if a vacuum in the physical market develops. Sinclair
described this event as “historic.” But first, here is what Sinclair had to say about the recent trading action in gold:
“You have seen in the last month, a phenomena. If you have eyes in
your head, you have to know when the gold banks enter into the gold
market, offering more for sale than would be mined in the next five
years, they are not in there to sell anything. They are in there to
manipulate the price.”
Jim Sinclair continues:
“Well, we’ve seen some
V-bottoms during daily operations, where they (manipulators) have forced
gold (down) and it just snapped right back. There is no question, it
is a matter of record, that multiple central banks around the world have
been large buyers of a significant amount of gold in the last two
As the paper speculators
attempt to manipulate the price lower, they have run into the physical
buyer who won’t let the physical market follow the paper market. Who is
giving gold a chance here? Who’s talking positively about gold, except
a very few?
(Listening to Martin)
Armstrong and financial TV, you would imagine that gold didn’t have a
chance. Yet every time the manipulators come in to reduce the price
they are running into significant physical buying....
“At the same time, gold will be upgraded by its use in settlement by China and Iran. This is a very significant change.
The physical market is
overcoming the paper market, and gold is being used in huge amounts by a
giant (China) in international commerce, in commercial settlement.
That’s news. This is something that will go down in the history of
gold, that very few have properly analyzed or understood at the present
There is a possibility that
the physical market for gold, on the sell-side, meaning the ability to
buy the physical market to cover against a paper short, might actually
evaporate. The people who are buying gold in the physical market, are
not buying it for selling it tomorrow.
If you have $100 million,
you would want $50 million in gold. If you have $1 trillion, like some
of our over the counter derivative specialists that got their money
through TARP and the other programs, you might not want to keep all of
that $1 trillion in paper. Being the perps of worthless paper, they
should certainly know the foundation of fiat currency, for their
personal wealth, is a very weak foundation sitting in sand.
The type of buyers that
central banks have been, could actually create a situation where the
only supply coming in for gold would be new mining supply. You could
then get into an exogenous event, Israel versus Iran, there are many
possibilities on this planet right now for an event coming out of
nowhere with significant political implications.
You might be trading
somewhere around $1,650. How do you know you couldn’t open at $3,000
the next day if there was no way for this enormous paper short to cover
itself (because) the physical market went into a vacuum? The physical
market is constantly in off-take, it’s not in supply.
You move toward a position
where the risk of being short the metals is so high, that it’s
untenable. You’ve got the possibility of an exogenous event simply by
mistake. Would you want an exogenous event to create a shortage in the
physical market (for gold), against a huge paper short (position), at a
time when currencies, thanks to the use of SWIFT as a weapon, don’t
really look like they have universal acceptability?
That’s right, they don’t
have universal acceptability if you can’t transfer them. This is one
heck of a mess. This is a huge development. It’s something that is
historic in the evolution of gold to the reserve currency of choice.”
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