
FBI擴大內幕交易調查範圍 逮捕多人

美國聯邦調查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)擴大了引人注目的內幕交易調查範圍,在紐約、波士頓和加利福尼亞逮捕了四個人,而且美國政府也已對另外三人提出起訴。所有人都受到證券詐騙和密謀實施證券詐騙的刑事指控。
美國政府刑事訴狀顯示,法庭文件描述了非法交易產生的巨大利潤,其中僅一隻對沖基金Level Global Investors LP通過電腦生產商戴爾公司(Dell Inc.)股票的相關交易就獲利超過5,000萬美元。
調查人員稱,很多供職於彼此有競爭關係的金融機構的交易員和分析師通過互通信息非法獲利總計6,180萬美元。這一數字堪比蓋倫集團(Galleon Group)創始人拉賈拉特南(Raj Rajaratnam)利用其負責的交易得到的非法利得。拉賈拉特南去年被定罪並被判入獄11年,這是針對內幕交易案判處的最長刑期。
曼哈頓地區檢察官巴拉拉(Preet Bharara)說,提交給紐約聯邦法院的訴狀描述了事實上形成犯罪團伙的一個朋友圈子,說該團伙成員串通一氣。週三的指控開啟了前所未有的內幕交易檢控時代的新篇章。 2009年末以來,美國政府共對63人提出了內幕交易指控,其中56人已認罪或被定罪。
Jenny Strasburg / Michael Rothfeld / Susan Pulliam


Using vaults to store gold and silver

I consider gold and silver to be the bedrock asset of an investment portfolio. In other words, it is the foundation stone upon which the rest of a portfolio is built. Given this important role in which I hold the precious metals, it is essential to keep them safe.
Safety can mean different things to different people. Until recently, for example, many investors believed that Switzerland was isolated from the world’s monetary turmoil. They therefore thought that the Swiss franc was a safe place to keep their money, but the illusion of safety vanished instantly when the Swiss National Bank announced that it would not let the Swiss franc strengthen beyond 1.2 Swiss francs per euro.
US government debt instruments are another asset class that in reality offer only the illusion of safety. Scottish author and historian Niall Ferguson has warned that T-bonds and T-bills are a safe haven like Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Gold and silver are safe havens because they are tangible assets. Therefore, they do not have counterparty risk. In other words, there is no risk of default, but only if you own physical metal. Paper-gold and paper-silver are financial assets and therefore have counterparty risk. They only offer the illusion of gold and silver ownership.
So how does one keep their physical metals safe?
Diversification of one’s metal is probably the most important objective, to mitigate the risks of government confiscation, loss from war and similar extraordinary events. Store your physical gold and silver in different geographic locations, namely, in different cities in different countries. Even though you do not have your metal at hand, this disadvantage is outweighed by the benefit of protecting your metal with global diversification.
To achieve this objective conveniently and safely you will need to use professionally managed vaults. So vaulting is an important factor to consider when buying gold and silver.
Always use non-bank vaults. Because banks are in the business of lending, one is never certain whether your gold is there or not. In contrast, non-bank vaults are in the business of storing, so everything they do is aimed at enhancing their storage business. Safeguarding their customers’ assets is therefore an essential building block of their business model.
Safe deposit boxes are safer than placing your precious metals directly with a bank, but they too have risks. They may be difficult to access when you need your metal, and may not be practical or cost effective for storing large amounts of silver. Also, it is inconvenient and risky to take your gold and silver to safe deposit boxes in different countries to meet the objective of obtaining geographic diversification.
Regardless where and how you choose to store your precious metals, insurance is recommended. Professional vault operators will provide proof of insurance, thus protecting your metal from normal commercial risks. If the vault doesn’t insure your metal, don’t use it. In conclusion, there are advantages as well as disadvantages to using vaults for storage. Nevertheless, they should always be considered because they offer the most practical way to attain the important objective of keeping your precious metals safe, namely, storing them in different countries.


Dr M: Value currencies against gold instead of US dollar

KUALA LUMPUR: Go back to gold, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tells economies entangled in a financial crisis.
The world should re-look at valuing their currencies against the precious commodity instead of the US dollar, Dr Mahathir said at the International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates dinner yesterday.
He added that the price of gold had been rising while the US dollar suffered a devaluation.
If the world needed a new financial blueprint, said Dr Mahathir, reviewing the Bretton Woods system would be the best thing to do.
“You don’t really have to exchange gold but to value your currency against it.
“Then you can have a business based not on speculation or manipulation, but on real value,” the senior statesman told an audience of about 500 at a hotel here.
The Bretton Woods Agreement is an international trade agreement signed after World War II, which benchmarked the currencies of its signatory countries against gold and the US dollar.
Earlier in his speech, Dr Mahathir blamed the global financial crisis on manipulation and abuses by certain players in the financial market.
He said there were people who made huge sums of money at the expense of the world.
“Malaysia became poor because of the abuses in the financial market during the 1997-1998 crisis.
“Paper currency has little value. But an ounce of gold at one point was worth US$35. Its current price for the same weight is US$1,700.
“If we want to have a new financial architecture, the best way is to get back to the beginning,” said Dr Mahathir.



1盎司圓形銀質彩色紀念幣為精製幣,含純銀1盎司,直徑40毫米,面額10元,成色99.9%,最大發行 量22萬枚。 

1/10盎司圓形金質彩色紀念幣為精製幣,含純金1/10盎司,直徑18毫米,面額50元,成色 99.9%,最大發行量12萬枚。 


龍 的造型從古至今歷經不斷的描摹與塑造,在這裡融合了中國傳統剪紙工藝,集合大膽的色彩運用同極具個性的造型設計,使之極富鄉土氣息,格外出彩。剪紙又叫刻 紙,窗花或剪畫。是中國最普及的民間傳統裝飾藝術之一,也是中國年特有的標誌,擁有悠久的歷史。2006年剪紙藝術遺產經國務院批准列入第一批國家級非物 質文化遺產名錄。我國貴金屬金銀幣與中國剪紙藝術結緣較早,在較多的品種中得到了不同程度的運用。而近幾年,是在牛年生肖題材上使用剪紙藝術。通過剪紙藝 術手法不僅集中表現了群眾的審美愛好,並含蘊著民族的社會深層心理,其造型特點具有名俗研究價值。而民間剪紙作為中國本源哲學的體現,在表現形式上有著全 面、美化、吉祥的特徵,同時民間剪紙用自己特定的表現語言,更能傳達出傳統文化的內涵和本質。

每款幣的發行,縱然會有很多褒貶不一的意 見,這款於2011年10月31日發行的2012中國壬辰(龍)年彩色金銀紀念幣便是如此。在第一眼粗看之下,行雲流水,眼花繚亂便是它的全部。但通過仔 細觀察就有所不同了:風濤雲湧——在背景處理上採用了祥雲形象的螺旋形裝飾,在不同角度光線變化下躍然生動,令人讚嘆;濃烈張揚——紅!讓人印象深刻的 “中國紅”在龍身蔓延,龍的身型在幣面蜿蜒,詮釋了光和力量。藍綠黃,依然採用祥雲形象勾勒點綴其中,波光粼粼。主體融合中國傳統剪紙工藝,造型誇張,結 合亦真亦幻的背景紋飾更顯示出龍的神秘與夢幻,氣場強大,使人心潮澎湃。龍——華夏民族象徵,2012年給人憧憬和激動,讓我們滿懷龍的精神,跨入新紀 元。



其次,熊貓金銀幣作為新中國金銀幣中唯一的世界級名牌,正在國內外藝術品市場掀起巨波。 2011年,國有商業銀行(中國銀行、交通銀行)在熊貓金銀幣的銷售上佔有更大的市場份額,同時也利用自身遍布全國的渠道優勢更好地對客戶進行滲透。國有大行和只擁有少量門店的金幣總公司特約特許經銷商相比,其社會影響力根本不可同日而語。國有大行代銷當代金銀幣勢必極大地提升新中國金銀幣的社會影響力。

  拍賣會也日漸火爆。 2011年,在世界上不少國家和地區的大型拍賣公司,竟然都出現了新中國金銀幣拍賣專場。僅僅在4年前,這種景象絕對匪夷所思。美國Heritage公司、日本泰星(Taisei)公司、德國Künker公司、美國Stacks & Bowel公司、中國嘉德(微博)、北京誠軒、上海東方國際、上海泓盛等,各種大型新中國金銀幣拍賣會魚貫登場,並且創造一個又一個新紀錄。



展望2012年,黃金和熊貓幣銷售、回購將是熱點。 2011年黃金市場,其震盪幅度之巨,跌宕起伏的過程之厲害,令人目瞪口呆。黃金從1400美元/盎司漲至1900美元/盎司,在中間的價位上稍縱即逝。正因如此,國際金價注定要回調。 2011年3季度以後,金價基本上在1500美元/盎司—1600美元/盎司之間不斷盤整,夯實基礎,以待上攻。放眼世界,最大的4個經濟體中,美國自次貸危機後再也沒有緩過神來,民眾口袋空癟;歐洲債務危機愈演愈烈;中國的製造業調整,出口減弱等等將成嚴峻考驗;日本在失落時期又遭地震海嘯致命一擊。今後幾年,世界上並無一個大經濟體可以有效地讓經濟保持穩步增長,所以黃金的貨幣屬性必將凸顯。加上地緣政治的影響,如美國很有可能對伊朗動武,金價穩步上漲將是主基調。


