
Only Days Until World Money Changes Forever

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has established a plan for its special drawing rights (SDR) valuation basket to be revised at midnight on September 30. This IMF plan has laid the foundations for a new monetary standard based on world money.

While these SDR plans might seem complex, they’re actually not complicated. People will make it complicated or make it sound confusing but the Federal Reserve has a printing press, they can print dollars. The IMF also has a printing press and can print SDRs. It’s just world money that could be handed out and could be used to cause inflation.

I am often asked, “What’s an SDR? If I had 100 SDRs how many dollars would that be worth? How many euros would that be worth?”

There’s a formula for determining that, and as of today there are 4 currencies in the formula: dollars, sterling, yen, and euros. Those are the 4 currencies that comprise in the SDR calculation. As of the close of business on September 30th, or in effect when we wake up October 1st, there’s going to be a fifth currency added, which is the Chinese yuan.

The Chinese yuan does not meet the typical SDR criteria, so it would not normally qualify. However, this is a political decision by the IMF attempting to get China on the bus. In the 1960s we had an expression, “you’re either on the bus or off the bus,” and right now China’s off the bus but as of September 30th they’re going to be “on the bus.” They’re going to be part of the SDR.

Does that mean the dollar becomes worthless overnight? Of course not. You’re going to wake up October 1st, you’ll still have dollars in your pocket, you’ll still get paid in dollars, those will be worth something, but it will be a very significant turning point.

We will look back on that date a few years from now we’ll look back on September 30th, 2016 and reflect, “That was the day the dollar began its demise.” Officially that’s when the Chinese yuan was put into the SDR and the SDR gained the backing it needs from the emerging markets, from China and from the BRICS, to become the new world money.

It is definitely possible to see that coming. It will play out in stages. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it is one of those turning points. There are a lot of way to get ready for this, but don’t wait until it happens when the whole world says, “too bad about the dollar.”

This will be a key turning point. It’s one of those days when it should prompt people, really starting now, but certainly not later than September 30th, to act.

Here’s the point. The SDR world money, as I mentioned, is a “basket.” Today there’s 4 parts of the basket. In the future there will be 5 parts. The one that has been designed, the synthetic SDR, has the 5 parts because we know China’s coming in, we even know what their percentage is going to be.

What the SDR does is it takes you out of the currency wars. A lot of people are getting whipped around, with volatility for which they’re not getting paid. They’re having occasional large losses based on the currency wars.

The currency wars are not going away. Because you’ve got all 5 major currencies, it neutralizes the currency war activity and gives you a plan going forward.

- Source, James Rickards via the Daily Reckoning

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前美國CIA反恐官員、技術分析師Christopher Aaron認為,當前金價處於月線級別的下跌趨勢以及去年底以來的漲勢分歧點。因此在這樣的區間出現劇烈的波動是投資者情緒的反映。


Christopher Aaron總結道,總的來說,特朗普當選引發的情緒性上漲,還不足以改變金價長期的下跌趨勢,但是需要看到的是,多頭正在努力突破這一下跌趨勢,如果上面提到的幾個重要點位形成顯著支撐,那麼不斷的上攻有望最終打破這一下跌壓制線。


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印度央行行長Urjit Patel此前也表示,過去幾個月,銀行增加了一系列面值的紙鈔數量,整體市場流動性沒有受到影響。
“由於減少了大額紙幣的流通,印度政府此舉實際上在無意中收緊了貨幣政策。短期內,它會產生負面影響,主要是因為金融環境趨緊。”Wells Fargo Investment Institute全球量化策略師Sameer Samana表示。
研究機構Eurasia Group負責領導南亞分析師的Riser-Kositsky介紹稱,印度經濟發展受到未申報、未繳稅或地下流通的黑市的阻礙。
總部在華盛頓的智囊團Global Financial Integrity預計,印度在2002年和2011年期間損失了3440億美元的非法資金流出。
