
SD Bullion to Launch on SilverDoctors.com

One of our readers (who asked to remain anonymous but is a regular at SD) kindly sent in a picture of his delivery after receiving his shipment as part of the SilverDoctors.com Direct Mint orderThe unique ordering process aimed at forming a buying group among SD readers resulted in over 10,500 ounces being taken out of the hands of manipulation.  In paper terms, assuming a 100 to 1 ratio, this would equal 1,050,000 paper contracts!

2 則留言:

旺旺 說...

Silver doctor講到佢地會好平, 一些大店如APMEX會唔夠佢地咁好價. 但大店做到保險, 買個安心都係好重要的.
另外仲有10000安士係round or other mint,咁呂會唔會放唔出,到時變左一班自已友係度買賣存架

Lisa 說...

Silver Doctors 只會賣銀去美國加拿大, 所以唔昵諗啦 XD !