
Marc Faber : not recommending to Buy more Gold

Marc Faber : "As you know, I have been very positive about gold and I still accumulate gold every month. But I think that we had an intermediate peak at $1921 on September 6 of last year. Then we dropped sharply to $1,522 an ounce on December 29, 2011. Since then we’ve had a feeble recovery. I think that the correction period is not yet over. I’m not selling my gold because I don’t trust governments and I don’t trust the Federal Reserve, nor would I trust the ECB or other money traders in the world. They are all going to print money. I still recommend to hold gold." - in Bloomberg TV


4 則留言:

小C9 說...

唔買金, 咁買銀LOR :-P

honson 說...


小C9 說...

我知, 我意思係唔買金住咪買住銀先囉;-)

honson 說...
