
Is the Cartel Moving Silver from Scotia Vaults to the SLV to Meet Delivery Requests?

For the 3rd consecutive day (following the 1 million ounce withdrawal Monday and 651k ounce withdrawal Tuesday) we have a massive silver withdrawal to report from Scotia’s vault Wednesday.
SD reader Saddle has noted that the previous 2 silver withdrawals almost exactly equal a coinciding massive new silver deposit just reported into the SLV fund.

As Harvey Organ has long alleged, it would not surprise us if the cartel is currently scrambling to move around what little PHYSICAL silver they have left to meet delivery requests at the SLV.
Saddle notes:
I want to point out something very important. SLV is allowed to increase its inventory through paper contracts, physical, and futures. If you look at the SLV inventory for July 10, 2012 you’ll see it increased from 311,271,605.500 ounces up to 312,823,227.900. This is a net increase of: 1,551,622.4 ounces.
