
Here we go again. IB raises Silver margins.

原來加風潮在柴 米 油 鹽 以外  期貨市場都係另一受害者(卡卡卡) ...又再加按金..

Go ahead and stop delaying the inevitable. The quicker they all go 100% cash only trades on silver, the quicker we proclaim they have NO MORE FIREPOWER.

Volatility? WTF. Its been basing at $33-35 for 2 months. What volatility. IB just lost my account, I suggest an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds from Interactive Brokers immediately. This is uncalled for. Now I am mad.


3 則留言:

Lisa 說...

所以叫大家買實銀, 唔會俾人控制住 !

honson 說...


Bill Hong 說...

Lisa姐, raising margin damaged the business to my fellow traders and associates... i just hope the suppression of silver price could end soon. Bank of Korea already did that dance. lets see how the banking pundits response with another raid.