
Martin Armstrong: Gold & The Future


Martin Armstrong has released his first computer model report on gold since Princeton Economics' last in 1999.

Of note, Armstrong also discusses PAGE (Pan Asia Gold Exchange) and states that the real importance of PAGE is not a better or "more free" gold exchange than COMEX or the LBMA, but that it will allow gold trading in renmimbi- opening the door for indirect currency trading.
In effect, this will allow a free-floating currency without affecting the exchange rate- a black market derivative for the renmimbi if you will.

Plain and simple, ALL tangible assets are a hedge against government (not inflation), yet the primary difference is whether the asset is movable.  Gold is the same asset in all countries and it is known for what it is.
When everything is rising, this is not inflation, but deflation in the purchasing power of the currency.

Gold and the Future
first computer report since 1999
Pdf_16x16 16

8 則留言:

小初哥 說...

我都睇左...頭幾頁~ 其實精粹已經包左LA, 最精彩果幾句你已經QUOTE左出黎~

你有冇睇rise and fall of Euro 果篇? 想問下Martin 大師的currency vs money 有咩分別?

honson 說...

rise and fall of Euro....我無睇呀

史密夫 說...

想請教吓乜上海黃金交易所裏面交易嘅黃金唔係用人民幣結算嘅咩? 咁哩個响雲南昆明嘅Pan Asia Gold Exchange有乜咁特別?

honson 說...

回Adam Smith
轉貼一些關於 泛亞黃金交易所的新聞資料




小C9 說...

諗唔到, 如果rmb peg 咗落金到, 咁對rmb, hkd 同金價有乜影響? 有冇高人可指點? 謝謝!

Lisa 說...

人民幣會好強, 港元繼續貶值 !

honson 說...


小C9 說...

Lisa 姐,
thx for your advice. 我反呢輪反而放咗部分 rmb 黎還樓按. 我驚遲d 利息會抽升.