
Martin Armstrong - Lessons from ’87 Crash & What’s Coming

When asked to tie the lessons from the 80’s into what we will see going forward, Armstrong stated, “Volatility will increase 50% over the next two years and then towards the latter part of about 2016 it will double again.  Volatility will increase dramatically, that’s the way markets work.  If you boil a pot of water when it gets to the boiling point, all of the sudden the water just bursts into bubbles.  That’s the way a market is.  So we haven’t seen anything like that in gold.

When you see that, that’s the time when you are getting into the final high.  Largely that is a factor of confidence and what is happening is that people are losing confidence in everything around them.”

Martin also discusses the White House coming back to him after the Crash of ’87 for help and much more. The KWN audio interview with Martin Armstrong is available now and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE. 


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