
Chinese Counterfeiters


Whether it’s pirated software, poison-infused baby formula, cancer-causing drywall, luxury purses, or fake medicines, if you need a knock-off, China has traditionally been the go-to country, with a counterfeiter always willing to oblige.

Now, with precious metals prices on the cusp of possibly the biggest price explosion in centuries, fake gold and silver products are becoming a booming industry say Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants:

We have read about one Chinese counterfeiter openly bragging about producing 100,000 fake U.S. Silver Dollars per year, and that’s just one counterfeiter. At this point, we are telling all investors of gold, or silver coins, and or any type of precious metal bar to only buy from a reputable U.S. dealer, that has an established track record, and a money back guarantee. We fear this Chinese counterfeit gold, or silver coins, or bars, could be a multi billion dollar a year business, and we greatly fear many innocent investors could be taken to the cleaners.

Based on our research some of the Chinese counterfeit coins, are of such high quality, it is not uncommon for even experts to be deceived. We think its smart for every investor to have gold, or silver, our big worry is pretty simple, what if they invest 10%, or 20% of their net worth in what are counterfeit precious metal coins, that are basically worthless? We would call this a disaster for the investor, and out big fear is there are probably tens of thousands of investors in the United States, who have been duped. Even worse, once again for all intents, and purposes the U.S. Federal Government is a no show-once again.”

“The world needs to come to grips with the largest counterfeiter in the world, the fact that 10% of China’s GDP is a direct result of counterfeiting. If it’s not knock off pharmaceuticals, that can kill people, it’s high tech smart phones, or electronics. Our new worry is pretty obvious related to Chinese counterfeiters bankrupting innocent precious metal, or coin investors, with what could be their life savings. At what point do consumers in the United States, Europe, Japan, or the rest of the world say no thanks to any more Chinese products, given its uncaring attitude about flooding the global markets with counterfeits, or fakes?”

7 則留言:

Larry Milano's Den 說...


honson 說...


Larry Milano's Den 說...

其實響買金初期我已經問過有關假金既問題,但當時金甲蟲一般既答案就係生產金幣 / 條既商號係非常重視自己既聲譽,絕對吾會出D純度不足既金幣 / 條。但佢地好似冇考慮過根本就吾係金商既問題,而係我地祖國既造假工業實在太先進。再者,造得假既人當然吾會模仿一D冇人認識牌子既產品,較難脫手嗎。要假都選個大牌子既產品黎模仿。所以,愈有信譽商號既產品就愈容易有假野,因為佢地係上佳既造假對象。

Lisa 說...

所以要安全買金銀幣, 一定要幫襯銀行或真接由廠訂貨的代理人如Kitco !
東洋和大洋都是老字號, 所以可以信任 !

Larry Milano's Den 說...

回 Lisa 姐:
我主要是在痕身買金條,曾經與櫃員討論過假金的問題。但她們的答覆真的叫我擔心。她們在回收金條時原來只會看金條上有沒有金銀貿易場的印鑑,她們保證一見有印鑑的金條,便保證回收。言下之意即是即使在他們那裡買了有印鑑的假金條,也可回收套現。而事實每次回收金條時,櫃員也只會以肉眼一看,便把金條收下。一方面這是對投資者的一種保障,但另一方面,這亦是一大漏洞。既然祖國同胞能夠造出連金鋪老手也能騙倒的假金,金銀易貿場的印鑑有多難模仿?如此大的漏洞遲早會被同胞利用,到時大量印有金銀貿易場印鑑的假金條出現,絕對不是沒有可能。到時痕身還會維持一見即收的政策亦成疑問。 所以問題的根源不單單在於生產商或零售商的信譽是否良好 (當然這總比在 eBay 上買金銀好得多),信譽愈良好,愈容易成為假摹的對象。

Lisa 說...

所以我唔買金條 !
當初去金舖買金粒和金飾, 後期去銀行買楓葉金幣和熊貓金幣, 睇來中銀唔會賣假貨 ! 恒生買的袋鼠金幣和富格林金幣只買得幾個 ! 而買2012年金幣有保障, 因為無咁快有假貨 !

honson 說...
