
JAMES TURK: This Always Ends the Same Way, HYPERINFLATION — $400 Silver & $8,000 Gold Between 2013 – 2015

Our friend Sean from SGTReport.com has released an interview with James Turk, Founder of GoldMoney from Spain discussing how the FED’s latest actions spell doom for the Dollar. James reminds us that what is happening in the United States RIGHT NOW thanks to the privately owned Central Bank always ends the same way: In disaster for the currency.

We’ve seen it before: Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Serbia… and we’ll soon see it in AmeriKa. James also revisits his decade long prediction of $400 silver and $8,000 gold.  Turk sees these levels occurring as early as 2013-2105, along with hyperinflation. The fuse has been lit and time is running out.

Part 1: ‘This Always ENDS the Same Way: Zimbabwe, Argentina… AmeriKa’

Part 2: ‘WARNING: Currency Cliff Ahead = $400 Silver, $8,000 Gold’
