
World’s lowest cost gold producers in Q3 2023 - report


Kitco News) – Centerra Gold was the lowest cost gold producer in Q3 2023 (among 100koz+/quarter producers) measured by all-in sustaining cost metric, followed by Lundin Gold and Perseus Mining. The average AISC reported by lowest cost producers increased by 3% y-o-y, largely due to inflationary pressures.

The following is the list of the top 10 lowest cost gold mining companies in Q3 2023. We looked only at companies that produced more than 100,000 ounces of gold in Q3 2023 and reported all-in sustaining cost (AISC) metric, which serves as an internationally recognized benchmark for operating efficiency. AISC is in USD.

1. Centerra Gold (TSX:CG) (NYSE:CGAU). $827/oz. The company’s AISC on a by-product basis was $827 per ounce in Q3 2023, down 12% compared to $941 per ounce in Q3 2022. According to Centerra, the decrease in AISC on a by-product basis was primarily due to lower gold production costs per ounce and lower corporate general administrative costs. This was partially offset by lower by-product credits as a result of lower copper pounds sold and higher sustaining capital expenditures at the Mount Milligan mine and the Öksüt mine.

2. Lundin Gold (TSX:LUG) (OTCQX:LUGDF). $907/oz. Ecuador-focused gold producer Lundin Gold reported AISC of $907 per oz of gold sold in Q3 2023, up 12% compared to Q3 2022, primarily because of lower gold production due to expected lower grade and recoveries, as well as an increase in sustaining capital activities during the quarter.

3. Perseus Mining (ASX:PRU) (TSX:PRU). $937/oz. Africa-focused gold producer Perseus Mining reported AISC of $937/oz in Q3 2023, which is an increase of 7% from Q3 2022 ($879/oz).

4. Endeavour Mining (LSE:EDV) (TSX:EDV) (OTCQX:EDVMF). $967/oz. Endeavour Mining, the largest gold producer in West Africa, reported AISC from continuing operations of $967/oz in Q3 2023, an increase of 13% over Q3 2022, due to higher costs across all the company’s continuing operations.

5. Evolution Mining (ASX:EVN). $1,056/oz. Australia’s Evolution Mining reported AISC of $1,056/oz in Q3 2023, up 2% compared to AISC of $1,034/oz in Q3 2022.

6. Alamos Gold (TSX:AGI) (NYSE:AGI). $1,121/oz. The company’s Q3 2023 AISC of $1,121 per ounce was 5% lower than the prior year period driven by the low-cost production growth from La Yaqui Grande.

7. Agnico Eagle (NYSE:AEM) (TSX:AEM). $1,210/oz. The company’s AISC increased by 9% when compared to the prior-year period primarily due to higher minesite costs per tonne resulting from inflation.

8. Barrick (NYSE:GOLD) (TSX:ABX). $1,255/oz. Barrick’s AISC was 1% lower than the prior year quarter, mainly due to the impact of the sales mix across the portfolio, with a higher contribution of ounces at a lower cost per ounce from Cortez, Turquoise Ridge and Kibali, combined with lower unit costs at Carlin and lower minesite sustaining capital expenditures on a per ounce basis.

9. Eldorado Gold (TSX:ELD) (NYSE:EGO). $1,259/oz. Eldorado Gold’s AISC increased by 11% y-o-y to $1,259/oz in Q3 2023, primarily due to lower production at Kisladag and price increases for certain commodities and consumables.

10. Kinross (TSX: K) (NYSE: KGC). $1,264/oz. In Q3 2023, the company’s AISC from continuing operations per Au oz. sold on a by-product basis was $1,264, compared with $1,269 in Q3 2022. Kinross noted the ramp-up of production at La Coipa, which continued to be the company’s lowest cost operation in Q3 2023.

Lowest cost gold producers in Q3 2023





這個大行程與馬田(Martin Armstrong)的經濟信心模式(ECM)一脈相承,筆者曾在2020年7月寫過一篇《私人信心波發力……小心2022年3月出現調整》,指出黄金的上升關鍵在循環逆轉(Cycle Inversion),即私人信心波起落過程中,金價不跟隨信心波下滑而下跌,反而逆向上升,就會累積動能,於拐點後的下個波段中大升。


馬田在4月10日《The ECM Turning Point This Week》指出,資產市場通常會測試兩次以上高位阻力,才會正式突破,配合黄金月度時機佈陣,他預計金價4月10日的ECM拐點再次挑戰歷史高位後會回調至6月,然後會第四度挑戰歷史新高,並正式突破。這段時間剛好是俄羅斯31.4年政治歷史循環的重大拐點(5月20/21日),金價的突破很可能與地緣政治變化有關。馬田寫此篇分析時,俄烏戰事陷入膠着狀態,走向未明。

ECM再次顯現神奇預測力!執筆時,筆者從多方新聞得知,俄羅斯瓦格納集團(Wagner Group)正式攻陷烏東要塞巴赫穆特(Bachmut),俄總統普京發出賀電,時間剛好是5月20日。這小填有多條公路、鐵路通向烏克蘭多個城市,西面又是無險可守的東歐平原,俄軍可兵分多路,長驅直入,意味着歐美在這場「西方內戰」的重大失利,將進一步打擊人們對歐美政府的信心。

















蜂巢,蜂蜜金! Vitreum 內填琺瑯錶盤(Champlevè Enamel Dial )


當他們第一次推出時,我們大多數人都沒有聽說過 Vitreum 手錶。 但令我感興趣的是他們限量生產的帶有蜂窩圖案的琺瑯錶盤。



Vitreum 總部位於丹麥 Randers,由 Kasper Reisner 創立,他們限量推出了兩種版本的 Champlevé 琺瑯錶盤 - Starry NightHoneycomb 是星夜還是蜂巢? 艱難的選擇,但我選擇了 Honeycomb。

手動上鍊FH01是首次推出號型。 琺瑯錶盤在威爾士製造,但手表組裝在丹麥完成。


這枚機械時計配有大明火琺瑯錶盤,蜂窩表採用內填工藝。 這意味著 Champlevè 錶盤中的六角形單元,首先在一塊純銀中由經驗雕刻師,雕刻成型,之後每個六角形單元都經過雕刻師手工雕刻,形成微型太陽放射圖案。 然後將蜂蜜色玻璃琺瑯(生琺瑯)小心地填入凹槽(在本例中為蜂窩狀),然後在 850°C 下燒製,製成大明火琺瑯錶盤。


與任何手工製作的產品一樣,沒有兩件作品是相同的。 相似但從不相同。 手工製作的琺瑯作品,每一次分層、燒製、拋光都會帶來不同的效果。 即使在蜂窩的六角形單元之間,您也可以看到差異,保證它是手工製作,而不是商業製作——在現今商業社會,不確定您是否真的可以像這樣製作商業模式的琺瑯錶盤。

而手工製作的琺瑯錶盤,難免會有瑕疵。 因為它們是手工製作,所以沒有兩個錶盤是一樣,因為每個錶盤都有不同的顏色配置。 當購買 Vitreum Honeycomb 時,收藏家將獲得一件獨特的作品。 




FH01 每種款式限量發售 5 件。在眾多潛在購買者中,隨機抽出5位客戶, 據我了解,這可能不是唯一的 Honeycomb Vitreum。 好像也會有未來的版本。 以什麼形式和形狀,我不知道。 

整體包裝是一個引人注目的包裝。 時,分秒針都做的很好。。。

至於表帶方面,我配上了 日本INDEN:印傳 Urushi, INDEN 部分採用日本鹿皮與手工塗漆漆製成。 在戰國時期(1467-1603 年)作為武士盔甲的一部分流行,這種具有數百年曆史的技術現在被用於製作可能是當今最獨特的錶帶之一。 INDEN 漆皮具有漆漆的獨特特性 - 隨著時間的推移變得更有光澤並呈現出輕微的銅綠。 製作和固化 INDEN 非常耗時,每年只能製作有限數量的板材。 鹿皮以可持續方式從日本西部的官方當地飼養員處採購,數量非常有限。



機芯的是手動上弦的Sellita SW210機芯。而我手上的這個版本,刻有Kasper Reisner的簽名,所以,我得到了一個獨一無二的版本。
還有一個漂亮的細節……在背面近把的裡有一個凹槽。 拔出表冠就容易多了。

錶殼兩側的拉絲拋光和亮化處理。絕對是用心之作,據我所知,此錶殼的設計靈感來自lange & söhne。


一路上有許多挑戰,但 Vitreum 團隊已經完成了非常獨特的產品。 祝賀 Kasper 和 Vitreum 團隊。 迫不及待地想看看接下來會出現什麼。


和Kasper 了解之後,原來這商標後的含義是,

“這是在瑞典北部青銅時代早期岩畫上發現的一個古老圖案。 這是一個騎馬的人(也許是去打仗?)對我來說,這象徵著不斷前進,進行必要的戰鬥以克服逆境。 這也是對過去的致敬。

它曾經是我父親的公司標誌。 他去世大約 15 年後,我決定要復興。”
Kasper 父親是從事考古工作。

品牌名字Vitreous 它是玻璃的拉丁語。  Vitreous enamel是指玻璃搪瓷










Honeycomb, Honeygold! Vitreum Champlevè Enamel Dial


When they first launched, most of us have not heard of Vitreum Watches. But what intrigued me was their limited production of an enamel dial with Honeycomb motif.



Based in Randers, Denmark and founded by Kasper Reisner the folks at Vitreum launched in limited quantities two versions of the Champlevé enamelled dial - the Starry Night and Honeycomb. Was it Starry Night or Honeycomb? Tough choices but I settled for the Honeycomb.

The hand wound FH01 launched the brand. The enamel dials are made in Wales but the timepiece assembly is done in Denmark. 


 These mechanical timepieces come with a Grand Feu Enamel dial and for the Honeycomb, uses the Champlevé technique. What that means is that the cells in the Champlevè dial are first shaped in a solid piece of silver, after which each cell is engraved by hand creating the miniature sunbust pattern. Then honey-coloured vitreous enamel (raw enamel) is carefully filled into the recess (in this case the honeycomb) and then fired at 850°C to achieve the grand feu enamel dial. 


 As with any hand crafted products, no two are alike. Similar but never the same. With hand crafted enamel work each layering, firing, polishing will bring different results. Even between cells of the honeycomb, you can see differences guaranteeing that its hand crafted and not commercially done - not sure if you can actually do commercial enamel dials like these. 



 And with hand made enamel dials, there are bound to be imperfections. Because they are hand made, no two dials are alike as each dial will have a different colour configuration. When one buys the Vitreum Honeycomb, they will get a unique piece. 


 The FH01 is released in a a limited quantity of 5 per variant. As I understand it, this might not be the only Honeycomb Vitreum might do. Seems like there will be future releases too. In what form and shape, I don't know. 

The overall package is a compelling one. Even the hands are pretty well made too...  

As for the strap, I matched it with the Japanese INDEN: Inden Urushi,

The INDEN portion of the strap is created from combining Japanese deer leather with hand-applied urushi lacquer. Popular during the Sengoku period (1467-1603) as part of samurai armorware, this centuries-old technique is now applied to create what is perhaps one of the most unique watch straps today. The INDEN Urushi leather features the unique properties of urushi lacquer - becoming glossier and achieving a slight patina over time. It is extremely time-consuming to create and cure INDEN and only a limited number of sheets can be made each year. The deer leather is sustainably sourced from official local breeders in the western Japan, and is very limited. 


Beating inside is a hand wound Sellita SW210 movement.This version in my hand is engraved  signature with Kasper Reisner , so I got a unique one.

And a nifty detail... there is a recess in the case. Pulling out the crown is that much easier. 

The brushed polishing and lightening on both sides of the case. 


Many challenges along the way, but the folks at Vitreum have come through with a very unique product. Congratulations to Kasper and the Vitreum team. Can't wait to see what's next in the line up.